For temping and charting a tool most of us use is fertility friend. It's an app but you can also use it in a web browser. You can log temps, OPK, and other symptoms as well through it. It'll help predict your fertile week and the start of AF for you. It's what I personally use and really like it's set up. You'll also want a BBT thermometer to help with temping since it measures .2 decimal points instead of just one.
Thank you huni for your reply. Does it cost anything to sign up? As I'm coming off the implant, i have no idea what my cycle is like. I've always been irregular so I'm not sure how many days it typically is. Does this matter? I've always struggled with apps that ask for your cycle length etc.
I worry about the BBT as sometimes LO will wake up an hour or two before i'm due to wake up, therefore i have to get up and go and get her. Wont this mess up the readings? Should i just take it an hour or two before the usual time i would take it and chart that anyways?
Hope that made sense? I'm still trying to make head or tail out of it all and have LO climbing over me