chat anyone

Aww would love to but im now off to make me some cheese on toast with a cuppa tea !! and watch poker face ! :)

Night girls! :)
lol @trinity

I fancy cheese on toast now steph.......
OK umm ... the only thing i seem to be talking about is babies and my wedding at the mo .. lol

Think people are getting bored of me now .. especially at work talking about the wedding .. ha ha :lol:
Trinity said:
OK umm ... the only thing i seem to be talking about is babies and my wedding at the mo .. lol

Think people are getting bored of me now .. especially at work talking about the wedding .. ha ha :lol:

Aww cool, you havent got long left now are you all prepared?! lol i got married last saturday and it was the best day ever!! just went to quick and i want to do it all again!!!
All the best to you! :)
Aww thanks Steph

Yea pretty much sorted now I think .. just got to start paying everything off now :?

Sure it will come round quickly .. although where we are getting married is still being built!! They have put the date back for finishing it and its now due to be finished 5 days before our wedding so bit worried at mo.

Glad your day went well .. did you have a church wedding?

Aw no! dont worry everything will go smoothly on the day im sure!

Yea i had a church wedding! :) There should be a couple pics in the photo section, just waiting to get the professional ones back now! :D

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