Well, aren't we all in a funk. Sheece, I hope the new vitamins help. And I really hope your body makes up its mind quick! I feel your pain there. Abe, I don't know what to think for you! I wish I had some explanations or even a good idea.. What's new with you, dancing nurse? BroodyMrs?
Go get em, Erin! Thank you for the positivity sweetie

I won't be testing anywhere near Valentines Day (which is actually me and DH's anniversary!!) but that would be the best gift ever. I hope you get it!
Waiting for AF here, I'm thinking she'll come on Thursday.. Ladies who BBT: what are your temps like nearing AF? I've been below coverline, but spiked up a little today. I was thinking it was supposed to stay down, and once it really drops low you get AF. This has been my first cycle charting though so not sure yet what's the norm.. I hate my thermometer lol it doesn't light up so im trying to read it by the light of my phone, sometimes I can't hear the beep that it's on, the power button is hard to press in too.. so I lay there with it in my mouth and I'm like ok any sec now - take it out and then it beeps, or was never on. I don't think I'm getting accurate results sometimes, like this morning, because its a crappy thermometer and im fooling with it and i can feel myself getting warmer as im messing around trying to see if the darn thing is on or not. Didn't want to spend 20-40$ on one but I see it coming.. Rant over!