Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-6!

Well 9dpo has arrived and still BFN. I'm not testing again until this weekend.
I'm sorry AF arrived Broody :( Really hope this next cycle is your cycle!

AFM - DPO 7 today. Trying not to symptom spot that much, did that last TWW and was convinced only to get a BFN. The things I can't help but notice though are that I'm still way bloated, and I'm having way more CM than usual, and random stabbing pains in my breasts, so fingers crossed!

Chart's looking ok too (if you ignore the 48 days prior to ovulation :dohh:):
My Ovulation Chart
Good luck Sheece! When are you going to test? I hear ya on the symptom spotting. There were many times last month that I was convinced I was pg. But I'm learning now that it was even more of a long shot than I'd thought (what with having BD'd only twice that cycle) because I appear to ovulate much later than I thought.
Well I got the message back from my doctor with my referral info. They said it will be processed by Thursday so I can cal the clinic on Thursday to get an appointment. I'm a little nervous but excited that I am moving forward.

So sorry broodymrs. :hugs:

I hear you all on symptom spotting. last cycle I was convicned I was pregnant. Like seriously convinced. This cycle I'm determined not to symptom spot. I'm only at the beginning of the cycle though, so I'm not anywhere near that worry yet.
Angel I know that feeling. I was nervous to but I'm so glad we got all our testing done. It really does help with my rollercoaster of Ttc!
It's so hard not to symptom spot. How else are you suppose to pass the time? Haha
Sorry broody...fingers crossed for you next cycle.
So sorry to hear, Broody! A 9 day LP is a little concerning though... Are you going to be doing anything to lengthen your cycle?

I am pretty concerned about it but I've never had a lp that short before. The late o thing has only happened this and last month so I'm not sure if stress has knocked me off course a bit. I took Agnus castus at the start of this cycle but I'm not dabbling with that again. I didn't need it with no 1 and it may be to blame for this month's messed up cycle. I've felt the effect of hormones massively this cycle too. I'm already having acupuncture which has helped me before and I may also start reflexology although I can't afford to keep both of them going. In two minds about whether to go to a doctor. I don't know if there is any medication that can regulate cycles and not sure I want to rush down the medical route. May give it another month and see if things are a bit more regular
There is medication like Fermera that can help. I've heard Fermera can be better than Clomid because it not only helps with egg growth, but also helps the your endometrial lining thicken up nicely, whereas Clomid thins it.
Hi ladies do you mind if I join? We (im 30 DH is 27) have been trying to conceive since June 2014. I went to RE last October and just had a lap done last month for endometriosis. Now just waiting for AF bc I'm definitely out bc of the lap. So excited because I've heard I should be super fertile after lap!

Hi dogmommy: :hi: I'm having a lap done on Friday - any advice? Do you have any helpful resources/articles? What was your postop experience like? Much pain? I apologize for the 20 questions, I'm sure you know how I feel lol I appreciate anything you're willing to share with me!

I didn't know that, Abe! I've been wondering/researching what the difference is between femara and Clomid, but I haven't found much other than Clomid has more unwanted side effects. Since hopefully after surgery ill be on clomid, I want to w everything about it and why he's choosing it. Of course ill ask him when the time comes, but I try to be informed because he's so short and straightforward. How are you doing, love? What's new?!

I'm here for you anytime you want to talk or vent, broody. We all are! <3

Since I'm late for AF (No surprise with PCOS I guess) I called Re's office Monday to see what they'd say. They had me come in next day (yesterday) for a hcg blood test. They'll call sometime this morning with results either way. I'm 99% sure its negative, not getting my hopes up here. But of course it would be the best thing EVER if it was positive.. That would mean no surgery, no Clomid - if I made it all 9 months. I'll let you know what they say

Have a great day girls <3 much love to you all <3
Blood test was negative, as expected. Irritated I had to waste money on it. The nurse said that if I still haven't started my next cycle at the follow up appt for the lap that we'll probably go with the Provera then Clomid. Please please please God let this work for me.
Wifey good luck with your lap! I watched a lot of YouTube videos with other ladies experiences. I was very nervous right before but if they offer you some calming medicine right before I would take it! I'm about three weeks post op and feeling about 100%. I felt really crappy for about 10 days. An ice bag was my best friend! And I really suggest moving every hour/ 90 minutes during the day. It really does help the gas discomfort. I would have something cold to soothe your throat the next day bc mine was quite sore. I don't return back to work until tomorrow but I've been pain free the past week . I had some lifting restrictions so they wouldn't let me come back. Are they going to do a dye test on you? I'm so glad they did on me. My left tube was blocked when they tried the dye but then they cut away some adhesions and tried again and the dye went right through! It's such a relief now to know both my tubes are open! I'm sorry your test was neg I know I was praying that I would get a BFP right before so I didn't have to do the lap. But I'm optimistic now! If there are any questions you have don't hesitate to ask! I think we both will be seeing BFPs soon :)
Not too much new, Wifey. Its been a couple of weeks since the colposcopy, going in to see the doctor tonight about these weird cramps I've been having since the procedure. The best way I can describe it is like they are waves - a little bit of pain at first, then it slowly builds up, stays at the peak for a couple of second- a minute and then subsides. Should be O'ing soon, but I'm not really keeping track and DH and I are just doing our own thing. Just waiting to hear from the fertility clinic. In the meantime we'll be going on a cruise at the end of the month to try and relax. Should be a lot of fun!

It must be absolutely nerve racking waiting for this lap to be done and AF hasn't shown yet. I feel for you! Hopefully it will all turn out okay and it will just be a matter of being put on monitored cycles :) Are you taking time off work?
Abe, a cruise sounds so wonderful. I hope you enjoy it and have an amazing time with dh - lots of time to just be away without the stress. Where is your cruise going to? We did a Bahamas one when we first got together, it was so fun! It was so cool t ok eat and drink all you want without worry. We even won $800 at the onboard casino! You'll love it! I'm sorry you've been in pain :( did they find anything from the colposcopy?

Dogmommy, I appreciate your response so much! I'll have to look for those YouTube videos. And I will keep all your advice in mind! I hope we get our BFPs soon too :) i think we will!

I opted to do it on the 12th because I'm off all weekend plus next Monday the 15th. They told me 2-3 days to recover so I hope I don't have to take any time off. I have 3 more days this school year i can take off and still get paid, so I can if I need to. Hopefully they can give me pain meds after to get by. I've been so upset about not getting AF before this, but now at this point in just irritated and over it. I'm sick of these crappy stupid long irregular cycles. The one time I needed AF to show, no. No signs of her coming either. I'm so disappointed with my body. I can't wait to have the lap done, now apparently use provera (mad about that too), then monitored Clomid. I know it could be worse but I'm just feeling like, why do i have to do all this? I spent all morning on the phone trying to figure out if its even covered by insurance. I would've been livid it wasn't, so thank god irs covered. They'll pay 80%, leaving me 20% but i don't know how much the initial cost is! No one can answer a simple question I'm telling you. I just want the same thing that any other woman gets to have, children and a family. I'm not asking to grow a horn, bleed gold and excrete diamonds. :haha: That really made me laugh.

Thanks, guys. <3
Ok. Officially out. AF arrived this afternoon. Onwards and upwards! Here's to cycle #2!

FX for everyone else testing soon. :)
Sorry baby for iris. One step closer to bfp Hun!

I'm so bad at keeping up with this thread. Re the laparoscopy and copolscopy, I've had both and neither are too bad. A little uncomfortable but nothing major and it hopefully will take you both closer to bfp's. It is so frustrating to feel something that comes so easy to some is so hard for others. I definitely feel in the latter camp at the moment but it's all worth it in the end, and it will happen for all of us at some point I'm sure.
Hey ladies sorry I'm not doing well keeping up.

regarding the copolscopy, I've had one before and while it was uncomfortable and the recovery kind of sucked it wasn't real bad. I think the biggest thing was making sure I could stay comfortable for a couple days afterwards.
It is impossible not to symptom spot, instead of that ive been focussing on if my chart is triphasic or not ha ha , don't know whats worse. This month I've had a steady rise, every other month my temps are up and down, so hoping thats a good sign.

9dpo today and I tested - bfn. Probably too early, but considering my LP is usually only 10 - 11 days I thought I'd give it a shot!

Sorry AF arrived babyforiris :( Hope the next cycle is your bfp!

Good luck for your lap Wifey - must be so frustrating for you that AF isn't playing fair :(
Hello ladies!

Wifey - I can understand how irritating it is that NOW AF isn't bloody coming. Fertility problems just seem so unfair when you spend your life not worrying about them, taking fertility for granted and having no reason to think you won't be like everyone else around you, who seemingly get pregnant from just glancing at a man. Still, life throws everyone some spanners, and I think it's great that you're taking the next step toward overcoming that and getting what you want the most. At some point, one way or another it WILL happen, and once it does you will have the rest of your life to savour motherhood, and the journey of getting there will be long in the past. It is horrible to not have much control over it, but till then, I think all each of us can do is find and focus on the enriching things that are already in our lives, because really we are lucky to have those.

Iris - sorry to hear about the BFN. I'm a member of the onwards and upwards club too! ;)

Sheece - do you share your charts? Since I started charting last week, I've been obsessed with other people's charts. But yes, 9DPO may still be very early, especially if you're not using FRER.

Abennion - hope you get to the bottom of the cramps and also enjoy relaxation time. TTCing feels like a full time job, and I've only been doing it a little while!

AFM, I have no idea if my chart is messed up, if my OPKs are messed up, if my ovulation is messed up, if I have PCOS, blah blah blah. I really hope I O'd already, otherwise I have a concerningly short LP. And poor DH is saying the BDing is too much. It's a complete role reversal so I think he feels I'm using him just to get preggers :wacko:
Jezika I know exactly how you feel. I had no idea TTC would take over my life and become such a full time job. I'm suddenly obsessed with peeing on sticks, kicking myself for only now buying a thermometer and worried my LP is short or something.

I feel like people around me get pregnant without trying and I'm sitting here worried I'm going to be at this for ever. (Says the girl who's only been trying for a little over a month. Ha ha)

Sorry you're having a hard time with the charting. I wish I knew how to help. I have to figure out how to add mine to my signature and then I have to remember to actually take my temp in the morning. LOL
I do Jezika -
My Ovulation Chart

I used to chart for years, years ago but stopped, and re-started in November. But because my cycle has been all over the shop I only have 3 charts this time around. How long have you been doing it? Once you have a few months under your belt it gets a bit easier to understand, but it's still really frustrating!

And I hear you on the BD thing. Its exhausting and once I knew for sure I had ovulated, we had like a week break. Hopefully I don't have another cycle for 9 months but if I do, I think I'll have to look at ways to spice it up a bit! Maybe that will help for your DH?
I tried to send a message last night but my phone was being a bit of a turd and deleted my entire message!

Wifey - We're doing, Jamaica, Bahamas, Grand Cayman Islands, Mexico and Miami (so excited!) I'm sure we'll try the slots out a bit on board... DH has never gambled in his life! I doubt we'll get as good of a haul as you though! Thank you. We went into Urgent Care last night because DH couldn't even bump me without me being in pain from it. They couldn't find anything though. Sent some tests for cultures, so hopefully I'll be hearing back from them soon. I actually heard back from the colposcopy clinic this morning! They found high-grade cell changes, and need me to come in for a LEEP procedure, so that's been booked for March 23. Definitely not looking forward to it. That's great that insurance will cover at least a portion of your procedure! I'm sorry that AF is being a b**** and not showing when you need her to. That really is frustrating!

Jezika - Looks like you didn't O. Sometimes, the egg doesn't release and that's why your temps go back down. It should try again in a couple of days though.

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