Hello ladies!
Wifey - I can understand how irritating it is that NOW AF isn't bloody coming. Fertility problems just seem so unfair when you spend your life not worrying about them, taking fertility for granted and having no reason to think you won't be like everyone else around you, who seemingly get pregnant from just glancing at a man. Still, life throws everyone some spanners, and I think it's great that you're taking the next step toward overcoming that and getting what you want the most. At some point, one way or another it WILL happen, and once it does you will have the rest of your life to savour motherhood, and the journey of getting there will be long in the past. It is horrible to not have much control over it, but till then, I think all each of us can do is find and focus on the enriching things that are already in our lives, because really we are lucky to have those.
Iris - sorry to hear about the BFN. I'm a member of the onwards and upwards club too!
Sheece - do you share your charts? Since I started charting last week, I've been obsessed with other people's charts. But yes, 9DPO may still be very early, especially if you're not using FRER.
Abennion - hope you get to the bottom of the cramps and also enjoy relaxation time. TTCing feels like a full time job, and I've only been doing it a little while!
AFM, I have no idea if my chart is messed up, if my OPKs are messed up, if my ovulation is messed up, if I have PCOS, blah blah blah. I really hope I O'd already, otherwise I have a concerningly short LP. And poor DH is saying the BDing is too much. It's a complete role reversal so I think he feels I'm using him just to get preggers