I think we've decided on a fun idea for how to "reveal" gender to our family/friends that aren't around. When we did our initial announcement we used a picture of a onesie that says "Player 3 has entered the game" with 2 XBox controllers (one black and one pink ) and a little wii controller with the cord "attached" to the pink xbox controller. (with the writing coming to a hospital near you, January 2017).
So I saw a video online this weekend of a family that wrapped up a controller that was either pink or blue and gave it to their daughters to open on video and they opened the present and the color of the controller told them what their new little sibling was going to be. I think I want to do the same thing but since we don't have kids we'll use my niece. She's 5 and knows I'm pregnant and is very interested in the baby. She's constantly asking how long before it gets out of my tummy.

Then we will video it and send it to my mom, or friends, or post to FB or whatever we decide to do.
Jezika - We'll be finding out the sex on the 18th.

I'm super excited. I didn't realize how big I'm getting until I realized I can't possibly wear any of my work clothes when I go back in September, even my biggest pair of pants!
As for the kid: She's 8 or 9 and she just refuses to do anything she's told to do. She'll do it after 2 or 3 times of being told (and it usually involves yelling and threats of time out or something ... she never really gets any serious consequences). At my sisters house there was a series of events - she was painting with my niece (who is 5) and she got paint all over the walls (not just near the painting easle but they found paint all over the walls in 3 rooms, and some of it was definitely intentional) when her dad was supposed to be keeping an eye on the kids. My niece is only 5 but my sister has set household expectations and whenever my niece spills paint or gets it on her hands she makes sure to clean it up. Then later that afternoon she decided to hang from the towel racks in the bathroom. Ripped them off the wall and put huge holes in my sister's bathroom wall. Again, my sister has 4 kids (my niece is 5, but the 3 step kids are 7, 9, 11) and they all know better than that. Then the next day she took all the rocks from the kids' "rock box" (which is like a sandbox but rocks where they play with trucks and stuff) and piled a bunch into the little playhouse, and then spread hundreds of rocks through the grass/yard (even though the step kids told her they aren't supposed to put the rocks in the grass) and refused to help pick them up - so every time my sister mows the lawn the rocks fly up and she's almost been hit in the face multiple times.
Some of it just sounds like child antics, but she refuses to clean up or anything and that's where the real issue comes in. And I'm so used to my nieces and nephew who do what they're asked and clean up their messes and don't rip holes in walls and don't paint on the walls!
Abe - In one of my other groups the girls start testing a few days after the trigger shot knowing it'll be positive and keep testing to watch it fade out until the test is 100% negative and then they know any test AFTER that is a true positive (using cheapies like wondfos). I know they say not to test early but I think a ton do!
Sheece - Yeah, she is a handful. he tries to be strict (sometimes) but she's only here 1 weekend every 4-6 weeks and so its a little hard. Plus we think he doesn't know how to really be that "dad figure" and instead half the time we feel like he is acting like a big brother. He tries but.... he's like a big kid a lot of the time and has a hard time shifting to "dad role".
As for your chart, I can't tell anything from your temps but hopefully with the CM you've ovulated.