I've been back in the classroom for almost a week now (TGIF!) and I'm happy to be back,and loving my kids, though my feet are KILLING me and I'm really sore at the end of the day.

A lot of my former students are stopping by to say hi and say how they miss me and wish they had me again for math this year ( teachers favorite thing to hear

). I cut all my hair this summer to very short so I'm getting a lot of "OMG You're Hair!" and then I stand up or turn around and the follow up statement is "OMG You're pregnnat!!!?!?!!"

Word spread pretty quickly after the first two days and a lot of kids stop by just to see the bump.

And then of course they're like "ooooh now we know why you missed so much school in May/June".

Apparently there was a rumor I might have cancer

Glad I Set that straight!
Sheece - 57 days is insane! So glad the Maca is helpful! Your doctor may or may not know about Maca or Vitex. A lot of regular Dr's I've seen aren't familiar with some of the more "natural/herbal" options, while others who have been working with women TTC for a longer period will have at least heard of it but may or may not be familiar with how it works. Unfortunately some doctors are a lot more open to a natural/homeopathic approach than others.
Sounds like your new dr is great! so glad she's starting testing! Honestly the cycle we did our testing is the cycle we got pregnant (DH swears it was the HSG that did it

) but I think the only reason it stuck (because 2 CPs before that) it was that the testing found the low progesterone and they were able to put me on progesterone the day after my BFP. Funny how once we started testing everything just "happened" that same cycle.
Abe - that sounds like some of the side effects I Had from progesterone.

I'm hoping it's also your little bean snuggling in (Right after my bfp I Found I was SOO thirsty all the time, but I don't know if it was the pregnancy or the progesterone since I Went on progesterone the day after my bfp).