Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-6!

Wow Abe that is full on!! Supermum indeed! I'm glad everyone is ok after all of that, wow.

Thanks for all of that info too, thats really good to know. I did my CD21 blood test this morning (on cd 22 but the doc oked it) so I guess we will see what that tells us. I've run out of OPK's but i don't think ill buy more, they are pretty useless for me it seems! Keeping my hopes high that I have ovulated and my temps are just whacko.
Whimsical - Oh yeah by the 3rd time I think I've said things that I haven't said. and that's hard. By the 4th I'm so over it that I just want to be done. :haha: Technically I don't have any more US. My 20 week scan should have been my last, and my insurance only covers 1 in the first 13 weeks and 1 in the 16-22 week stage. I got around that in first tri because of teh high risk tag. Doctor has said she might have me do another scan sometime 3rd Tri to make sure my placenta has moved (it was low but not abnormally low) but I don't know if/when that will happen.

Abe - OMG. That's insane. Your friend is my new hero!
I should get my blood test results back today but judging from my temps, that have gone crazy again, I haven't ovulated. So frustrating :growlmad:

At least if the blood test shows I haven't ovulated, the doctor will probably get me on clomid faster? At least do something to get it happening.

How are you ladies going?
Sorry Sheece. At least the Drs will hopefully be able to help

Not too bad over here. Probably feeling as good as I'm going to this pregnancy before it all goes downhill again in third tri! Been looking at prams but decided to hold off buying one until new year
Thanks girls. I got the results back, as they put it, no evidence of cycling :/
Was expecting it at least. Hopefully its just too early.

Not quite sure what it all means, but FSH is 4 (which I know is normal), Estradiol is 291, LH is 10 & progresterone is 2.0 (which seems very low).

Now I just have to play the waiting game until ovulation shows or until next cycle starts so I can book in for my ultrasound.
Yep, well day 22, but same same. On my CD 3 (actually CD 8 ) test it was 2.5.

My LH level has gone down a tiny bit, from 12 to 10, so im hoping thats positive as my FSH to LH ratio was too high back then (changed from fsh 5 & lh 12 to fsh 4 & lh 10).

I increased my health insurance this morning too, so I should be covered from December for any procedures I might need.

So I guess now I just wait :coffee: :dohh:
I can't remember what the other hormones should be but I know progesterone should be higher 😟 Sorry chick. At least the good news is there's something there that's easily fixable.
Thanks Broody :) I'm trying to focus on that and not get too discouraged!
abe that story just gave me the chills. but wow, that lady is sure a super mum. glad the baby and her are doing well. otherwise how are you and how have you been?

angel are you going to do the 4D scan in the third tri? im not sure about the cost there. the insurance here too sucks and i think mine is like yours only bare minimum scans and in sure if i get preg that is going to drive me mad. did you get a doppler? alot of women love them.

sheece im not sure what your number are meant to be but progesterone was low for day 22. and no cycling would mean no actual O and AF days. i suggest dont get anymore tests and just temp for now. hows the diet going? when do you have a sit down with the doc again?
I'm doing okay, Whimsy. I've got our follow up appointment on Friday with the clinic, but otherwise not doing too much on the fertility front. AF has come and gone, I think mentally I just need a really good cry. My BIL announced on Sunday that they're having a baby girl (both of my BIL's wives are pregnant right now, one due in November (they're having a boy), one in February). It's been hard, especially with their announcement because if our CP hadn't been a CP we would have been due in February as well. My DH, MIL, and SIL (who is more like my best friend) all notice that I'm trying to keep it all together and be strong about it whenever my BIL gushes about his baby girl (it's their first girl, third child), and in the end give me apologetic looks. DH will actually wait until I can't stand it anymore and use one of my nieces or nephews, usually my 5 month old nephew, as an excuse to leave the room and then he comes over and whispers about how sorry he is and holds me tight.

The support is there, but its just so depressing. Everyone around me in the past year is either pg or has had a baby. 16 months and nothing to show for it. 16 months and even IVF hasn't helped. DH thinks we should stop trying after another round of IVF and FETs. He doesn't want to adopt, he doesn't want to use surrogate embryos, he wants our children to be ours and only ours. He's sure that if we don't end up having children that we can just spoil our 6 nephews and 2 nieces all we want, and we'll be happy about that. He knows I feel differently, and I know it hurts him that we haven't been able to have more than a CP, and I think honestly he was done trying a long time ago, but he's doing this for me. He's great, and I love him to pieces.

It just really sucks. Hopefully our appointment on Friday will bring some good news. I sure need it right now.
Whimsy - not sure when I see the dr yet, I have to wait until my ultrasound but I can't book that until AF shows. Waiting land! I'm just feeling upset about it all and my friend today just told me to stop stressing and it will happen and I just about punched him.

Abe - I've got everything crossed for you that you get good news on Friday! And I hope you get that big cry you need, sometimes it does help to get it all out :( Your DH sounds like a sweetheart but I'm sure it is still really hard to have to deal with everything.

Big :hugs: to you x
oh Abe i know all to well what you feeling. my family, we had one cousin that had a problem conceiving and other than that, they sneeze and get pregnant. its just so frustrating. and my DH did get like that where he was not interested in ttc but did it for my sake and in the end we just got bored of the sex because you trying to have sex but the stress of it all was just too much. thats what made us end of taking a break. i have not honestly talked about adoption. i know i always wanted to do it, but it was after i had my own. i think you just need a cry. im sure i will have one sometime soon, but its ok as you feel stronger and ready to fight again. you husband sound like a gem. im sure he wants a baby but he can see what it all is doing to you and he maybe hurts too that its not happening and he hurts seeing you go through all this. its so frustrating, the one thing we meant to do, we cant even do that. family it is difficult because they want to enjoy being pregnant and they dont want to hurt your feelings at the same time but its hard not to be hurt when something comes so natural to them and you have to fight so hard. BUT we will have our day and we will have our babies and we will treasure them so much more because we faught so hard to get them.

good luck for the appt.

Sheece your temps are going down so maybe AF soon. i hope. i would have punched your friend. you only know what we go through when you live it, and for his sake i hope he never goes through it. its the not knowing thats a heart crusher
I used to get that from one particular person sheece. It's the one who molests my bump every time I'm near her now. TBH she clearly has no concept of social boundaries I don't know why I bother! People who haven't struggled ttc just don't get it.

Oh Abe. I wish there was a way to take your pain away. When we were struggling to conceive Dyl I suggested adoption and dh was having none of it. TBH I think if all natural routes had failed I wouldn't have dropped it. I know your dh might be really against it but you really want a child. And there's so many kids out there that need loving homes. Discuss it again if you want to go down that route. You might have better luck with your next time with ivf though. Lots of people seem to catch 3rd, even 4th times but I'm hoping it's second time lucky for you
Yep, he and his wife conceived on his first try, and he spent years after it bragging about his "super sperm". Can't even talk reason to him because he thinks im just feeling sorry for myself and I should snap out of it! All I was doing was explaining what was happening grr.

Yesterday I thought my AF was coming actually, I had AF like cramps and the start of some spotting, but turned out to just be brown tinted cm. Was hopeful it might be ovulation, who knows what my weird body is doing now!

Abe - thinking of you today, hope you get some good news at your appointment :)
Sheece - Progesterone does sound low, but that's an easy fix. The progesterone supplements made me feel kind of crappy until I adjusted but it was easy to handle and the insurance I had at least covered the pills fairly well.

I HATE it when people say "just stop stressing/trying and it will happen". No, it doesn't always work that way. I almost punched our friend who said that to me (he happened to accidentally gt his ex pregnant twice, while she was on bc both times). I was amost happy when I found out that my low progesterone was preventing me from pregnancy because then I made a point of telling everyone who told me "if you just stop trying ti will happen" that I had a hormone deficiency that was stopping any pregnancy from happening/sticking and if I had just stopped trying I never would have managed to get pregnant. It was very satisfying to shove it in their faces. But I'm kind of a passive-agressive person like that. :haha:

Whimsical - I have considered the 4D scan in 3rd Tri but I wno't be able to do it through insurance so I would have to find a place that would do it private. The cost ranges from $100 - $250 privately depending on length of time and day of the week and location. One place I've looked at will do a 10 minute 3d/4d for $99 during the week (only), Or $130 for 15 minutes weekday or weekend. I've considered it because I also want to double check gender and because my 20w US was only a 2D so I would love some 3d pics or 4d video.

I do have a doppler and I used it daily after about 10 weeks, and then since i've been feeling her move a lot more I've stopped using it as often, now maybe once a week or so.

Abe - :hugs: I'm sorry that your DH wants to quit trying and is so anti-adoption. There are so many babies/kids out there who need a home. We had already decided when we hit the one-year mark if we got bad news that we couldn't conceive from our doctor then we would adopt, but my DH was sort of adopted (his biological grandparents adopted him from his mom because she could not raise the kids....drugs/alcohol issues) and it was the best thing that ever happened to him so he has a very different stance. I understand the spoiling of the nieces and nephews, that's what I did for the last 5 years, but it doesn't fill the hole. :(

:hugs: I really hope you get some good news. I'm keeping you in my thoughts/prayers.
See Angel I tried to explain to him that it was a hormonal thing with possible PCOS, but he just kept saying it. I gave up in the end, theres just no point.

Seems like we may have some more stress coming our way too as my OH's work has been bought out and he might be out of a job soon :/

I'm still having weird brown CM, with a couple of bits of fresh blood, but not enough to really call it spotting I don't think. No temp rise, its all balls. So over it.
So, after actually sitting down and thinking about everything that has been happening lately, DH and I have come to the conclusion that maybe right now isn't the best time to be actively trying for a baby. We need to be more financially stable, and emotionally stable. Since we began dating I've gained about 50lbs (DH's fast food diet didn't help), and that probably hasn't helped our efforts. I've recently joined Weight Watchers in an attempt to lose that weight and then some, putting me back in a healthy range of weight. I'm sick of clothes not fitting properly, and getting looks, even looking at old photos and being envious. I want to feel like me again.

So the baby has become motivation for me to lose some weight. I want to be between 130-150lbs by the time I'm done weight watchers, and living a more healthy lifestyle. I want our pregnancy -whenever it will happen- to be as low risk as possible, and if it happens naturally over the course of my weight loss I will welcome it with open arms. We will still be calling in AF to our clinic to stay on the wait list for an FET, but won't accept it until I'm at a good weight. We want to give this our best shot possible. It's killing me to put TTC on hold for now, but I know it will be worth it and that's what's keeping me moving forward. It is my hope that come next year everything will be more stable and a better environment to bring a child in to.

So looks like out BFP won't be happening this year after all. Congrats to everyone who got theirs, and :baby dust: to those who have yet to.
Sounds like a good plan abe. Can't hurt to be as healthy as possible. Maybe tell your ww consultant why you're doing it too so they can recommend the healthier choices. I found when I did slimming world it was mostly really healthy but the stuff with sweeteners in definitely isn't so I avoided that. I'm sorry you're temporarily having a break but it sounds like a good call

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