hi ladies! Just checking in. This has been a LONG day. PSAT testing means that my first 3 periods I didn't have many kids because all Sophomores and Juniors were testing and my classes are a mix of freshmen and sophomores. This should be a "yay, free period" moment except that my class got designated the "babysitting" room. A handful of the teachers who only teach sophomores or juniors were pulled to proctor the tests, and so any of the kids who opted out of testing had to go somewhere....and they were sent to me.

Now, they didn't account for the number of freshmen I have in my classes when they made that decision so first period I had 50 kids in my room at first (until I called office and had them remove the handful of 8th graders that I happen to have that period, and then found other classrooms to ship several of them so I was down to at least a manageable 30). And, keep in mind which group of kids DON'T take PSAT or SAT tests.... so I had basically teh most rambunctious kiddos (most of the low achieving, non-academic, don't want to be in school kids).
And of course tomorrow is conferences and we have evening "arena conferences" which means I am stuck staying at work until 8pm!
Whimsical - It's funny how you can love/hate FF. When I first started using FF I wasn't sure I liked it but the more I used it the more I loved it. If you haven't been using it for long it could be off a day or two with your period prediction because it adjusts as it learns your cycles so it'll probably get more accurate as you use it more.
Brody - congrats on team blue!! I'm so sorry about the arthritis though!

Will it go away after the baby comes?
Abe - oh that sounds awful. Is there anything that can be done for it? However, CONGRATS on the weight loss! That's awesome!
Sheece - Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome

Can't wait to see what later tests bring! I hate the new FRER's though, always that shadow game.