Christian ladies, let's pray for a bfp!

Going for an ultrasound wed Feb 10 to see if I have endometriosis. Prayers/positive thoughts needed please...nervous
AFM: I think I'm in the TWW I really don't think I even made it this month...I feel i didn't catch Ovulation so it's ok if I hadn't, God is my GPS, I just really want to follow his master plan!!!
Nevergivingup, I'm in my TWW too...3DPO today, do you think it's too early to look out for pregnancy signs? I was hoping i'll start getting positive signs from O' day but all i've noticed are light twinges in tummy which I've always had in the previous months... DH thinks its too early to get anything :sad1:
Hi there lovely ladies

This is such an uplifting thread with so much positive energy, sharing and support! Ttc is a very hard journey especially when faced with losses, infertility, anxiety, etc. I must admit I suffer from frequent bouts of depression and very often just feel like giving up, and even get angry with God at times.

I would like to share a lovely message that I got from my bff. She is not married and has no kids, and she is very supportive to me in my struggle to conceive with severe endometriosis. She said she was thinking about me one evening and believes she received the following message, which she shared with me the next day:

People always tell me (and I personally believe it too), that God has a plan and purpose with my life. IF I ever have a baby, God knows when the time is right and I should trust in His timing. Now I always just thought about the timing being right in my (and DH's) life.

However, God has a much greater plan. If there is to be a child, He knows who the child's friends have be, who might not even be born yet. He knows who the child's teachers have to be; they might still be busy studying or haven't settled at the right school yet. He knows who the child's husband/wife has to be someday, whose parents might not even have met each other. Etc, etc, etc....

Any potential child will influence/be influenced by so many people and experiences and the timing has to be exactly right for all of God's plans.... which are so much bigger and more profound than "just" giving ME a child when the time is right in MY life.

That message gave me such peace. I hope you may all experience God's higher purpose in your lives today and throughout this difficult ttc journey, when sometimes trust is one of the hardest things to have. :cloud9: xxxx

Welcome Fern81, thanks for your encouraging words:hugs:
Hellow sisters....thank you all so much for the words i think am getting out of my mind and i have lost hope somehow. I refused to exaggerate symptoms because this didnt do any good for me last month i ended up being disappointed. I dont feel anything rather than cramping which has always been there.
i wish i could tell someone how i really feel but cant even talk to DH, so its only me and God.
please keep me in your prayers...

Miracleworker, are you in a TWW?
Nevergivingup, I'm in my TWW too...3DPO today, do you think it's too early to look out for pregnancy signs? I was hoping i'll start getting positive signs from O' day but all i've noticed are light twinges in tummy which I've always had in the previous months... DH thinks its too early to get anything :sad1:

Miracleworker, are you in your TWW?

Odiea: it is still early in your DPO so it's ok if you don't have a lot of symptoms. But my only symptoms I ever encountered this early in my first TWW pregnancy was bloating. Now this TWW I'm experiencing bloating and gas and twinges in my stomach as well which I had in past months too. I don't think you'll start feeling the sensitive boobs until about 10-12 DPO maybe. And the increase cervical mucous around 12 DPO.

It's noted by a survey of women on this website the DPO and symptoms we should expect while in TWW....

only thing I've gotten so far was bloating and gas and fatigue....
Hellow sisters....thank you all so much for the words i think am getting out of my mind and i have lost hope somehow. I refused to exaggerate symptoms because this didnt do any good for me last month i ended up being disappointed. I dont feel anything rather than cramping which has always been there.
i wish i could tell someone how i really feel but cant even talk to DH, so its only me and God.
please keep me in your prayers...

Miracleworker, are you in a TWW?

Yes dear i am .....AF is due today or tommorow so am waiting for it because i tested and got a huge negative and its a heartbreaking moment.
My sistedr told me to live it up to God ....she said babies come from God and they really do so i should wait for God's time to do so. Am in a healing process and waitinh for AF :cry:
Nevergivingup, I'm in my TWW too...3DPO today, do you think it's too early to look out for pregnancy signs? I was hoping i'll start getting positive signs from O' day but all i've noticed are light twinges in tummy which I've always had in the previous months... DH thinks its too early to get anything :sad1:

Miracleworker, are you in your TWW?

Odiea: it is still early in your DPO so it's ok if you don't have a lot of symptoms. But my only symptoms I ever encountered this early in my first TWW pregnancy was bloating. Now this TWW I'm experiencing bloating and gas and twinges in my stomach as well which I had in past months too. I don't think you'll start feeling the sensitive boobs until about 10-12 DPO maybe. And the increase cervical mucous around 12 DPO.

It's noted by a survey of women on this website the DPO and symptoms we should expect while in TWW....

only thing I've gotten so far was bloating and gas and fatigue....

Thanks sis, for some reason, I expected to see increased CM from o'day but I guess i'll just have to be patient and trust God for the best!
Yes dear i am .....AF is due today or tommorow so am waiting for it because i tested and got a huge negative and its a heartbreaking moment.
My sistedr told me to live it up to God ....she said babies come from God and they really do so i should wait for God's time to do so. Am in a healing process and waitinh for AF :cry:

Oh dear:(, I completely understand ...bfns are so disappointing especially when we put our trust in God for a miracle. Here's a bible verse in Isaiah 51; 1 - 3 (NLT) I happened to stumble on recently...

A Call to Trust the Lord

1. 'Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance - all who seek the lord! Consider the rock from which you were cut, the quarry from which you were mined.
2. Yes, think about Abraham, your ancestor, and Sarah, who gave birth to your nation. Abraham was only one man when I called him, but when I blessed him, he became a great nation,
3. The lord will comfort Israel (you) and have pity on her ruins. Her desert will blossom like Eden, her barren wilderness like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found there, songs of thanksgiving will fill the air

(the word in the brackets is mine)

Waiting for the Lord's time can be pretty difficult but the results are always worthwhile... I'll be praying for you dear sis, you are much closer to that perfect time than you think, cheer up okay:hugs:
Sisters, I just got a notice to check my online medical records portal. My cystic fibrosis screening came back... And (drum roll) it's negative.
I honestly didn't expect that as both of my sisters were carriers... I am so relieved. God is great!
Yes dear i am .....AF is due today or tommorow so am waiting for it because i tested and got a huge negative and its a heartbreaking moment.
My sistedr told me to live it up to God ....she said babies come from God and they really do so i should wait for God's time to do so. Am in a healing process and waitinh for AF :cry:

Oh dear:(, I completely understand ...bfns are so disappointing especially when we put our trust in God for a miracle. Here's a bible verse in Isaiah 51; 1 - 3 (NLT) I happened to stumble on recently...

A Call to Trust the Lord

1. 'Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance - all who seek the lord! Consider the rock from which you were cut, the quarry from which you were mined.
2. Yes, think about Abraham, your ancestor, and Sarah, who gave birth to your nation. Abraham was only one man when I called him, but when I blessed him, he became a great nation,
3. The lord will comfort Israel (you) and have pity on her ruins. Her desert will blossom like Eden, her barren wilderness like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found there, songs of thanksgiving will fill the air

(the word in the brackets is mine)

Waiting for the Lord's time can be pretty difficult but the results are always worthwhile... I'll be praying for you dear sis, you are much closer to that perfect time than you think, cheer up okay:hugs:

Thank you thank you thank you...u r a blessing today! U have touched my heart in a different way am speechless. Thank you Odiea
Sisters, I just got a notice to check my online medical records portal. My cystic fibrosis screening came back... And (drum roll) it's negative.
I honestly didn't expect that as both of my sisters were carriers... I am so relieved. God is great!

Hi sissies!!

Odea, how are those symptoms coming along? Anything or different? Patience is what I have to ask God for on a daily basis Bc it gets so hard to wait for a that one thing that you longed for and daydream about constantly.

Yes plz give me more Patience Lord, just to wait on you, Bc I know with you all things are possible! Thank you Lord in advance for my many blessing that I have receive and the ones that is to come...Thank you Father for your love, kindness, for your mercy!!! Amen

Gagrlinpitt: WOHOOO!!!!! God never fails, he's an awesome God!!!! I know you are relieved due to the family history, I know that two aunts couldn't have kids and I was so scared that Bc I kept having m/c that that was my fate as well. But after prayer and faith in God, he showed me he's in control Not our Family History.

Well Ladies I went to the doctor yesterday didn't take a pregnancy test as I knew it would've came bk negative so I got prescribed some Antibiotics...I didn't pick them up Bc I still feel I may have a chance to be pregnant. So I came home after purchasing 2 cheap $.88 cents Hpt. Knowing I shouldn't Of taken it being that it was 6:00pm with all my fluids all day diluting it. But I did and it came bk BFN :dohh: kindve killed my hopes and got me thinking that maybe I didn't make it this time, I was sick most of the time, our last DTD was on the 6th...what if I Ovulated late...and missed it...? But what if I ovulated and still caught it and maybe am pregnant....the idea that i didn't use OPKS drive me crazy Bc I don't even know what to expect Bc I'm not having anymore symptoms then bloating and gas....I think the fatigue came from the sinus infection......
If I didn't make it this time....its ok....I really need to lose some weight too so I might have to take a break if I'm not and lose some weight first Bc I an overly overweight due to my poor eating habits from school and stress but my wanting a baby bad will tell....

Sorry about blabbing on.....I'm trying to stay positive until AF time is near but the 18th-20th seem to come sooo slow!!!
Sisters, I just got a notice to check my online medical records portal. My cystic fibrosis screening came back... And (drum roll) it's negative.
I honestly didn't expect that as both of my sisters were carriers... I am so relieved. God is great!

Hi sissies!!

Odea, how are those symptoms coming along? Anything or different? Patience is what I have to ask God for on a daily basis Bc it gets so hard to wait for a that one thing that you longed for and daydream about constantly.

Yes plz give me more Patience Lord, just to wait on you, Bc I know with you all things are possible! Thank you Lord in advance for my many blessing that I have receive and the ones that is to come...Thank you Father for your love, kindness, for your mercy!!! Amen

Gagrlinpitt: WOHOOO!!!!! God never fails, he's an awesome God!!!! I know you are relieved due to the family history, I know that two aunts couldn't have kids and I was so scared that Bc I kept having m/c that that was my fate as well. But after prayer and faith in God, he showed me he's in control Not our Family History.

Well Ladies I went to the doctor yesterday didn't take a pregnancy test as I knew it would've came bk negative so I got prescribed some Antibiotics...I didn't pick them up Bc I still feel I may have a chance to be pregnant. So I came home after purchasing 2 cheap $.88 cents Hpt. Knowing I shouldn't Of taken it being that it was 6:00pm with all my fluids all day diluting it. But I did and it came bk BFN :dohh: kindve killed my hopes and got me thinking that maybe I didn't make it this time, I was sick most of the time, our last DTD was on the 6th...what if I Ovulated late...and missed it...? But what if I ovulated and still caught it and maybe am pregnant....the idea that i didn't use OPKS drive me crazy Bc I don't even know what to expect Bc I'm not having anymore symptoms then bloating and gas....I think the fatigue came from the sinus infection......
If I didn't make it this time....its ok....I really need to lose some weight too so I might have to take a break if I'm not and lose some weight first Bc I an overly overweight due to my poor eating habits from school and stress but my wanting a baby bad will tell....

Sorry about blabbing on.....I'm trying to stay positive until AF time is near but the 18th-20th seem to come sooo slow!!!

I understand the waiting game.. It's rough sometimes, but like you said God always comes through.

Think of it this way, if you aren't pregnant the antibiotics will give you a chance to get better and be at the best health so next month you can be pregnant and healthy. But don't give up hope until AF shows.
Originally Posted by Miracleworker

Thank you thank you thank you...u r a blessing today! U have touched my heart in a different way am speechless. Thank you Odiea

You're welcome dear :hugs2:
Sisters, I just got a notice to check my online medical records portal. My cystic fibrosis screening came back... And (drum roll) it's negative.
I honestly didn't expect that as both of my sisters were carriers... I am so relieved. God is great!

Praise the Lord:happydance:, that's great news Sis! Our God is Awesome!
Hi sissies!!

Odea, how are those symptoms coming along? Anything or different? Patience is what I have to ask God for on a daily basis Bc it gets so hard to wait for a that one thing that you longed for and daydream about constantly.

Yes plz give me more Patience Lord, just to wait on you, Bc I know with you all things are possible! Thank you Lord in advance for my many blessing that I have receive and the ones that is to come...Thank you Father for your love, kindness, for your mercy!!! Amen

Gagrlinpitt: WOHOOO!!!!! God never fails, he's an awesome God!!!! I know you are relieved due to the family history, I know that two aunts couldn't have kids and I was so scared that Bc I kept having m/c that that was my fate as well. But after prayer and faith in God, he showed me he's in control Not our Family History.

Well Ladies I went to the doctor yesterday didn't take a pregnancy test as I knew it would've came bk negative so I got prescribed some Antibiotics...I didn't pick them up Bc I still feel I may have a chance to be pregnant. So I came home after purchasing 2 cheap $.88 cents Hpt. Knowing I shouldn't Of taken it being that it was 6:00pm with all my fluids all day diluting it. But I did and it came bk BFN :dohh: kindve killed my hopes and got me thinking that maybe I didn't make it this time, I was sick most of the time, our last DTD was on the 6th...what if I Ovulated late...and missed it...? But what if I ovulated and still caught it and maybe am pregnant....the idea that i didn't use OPKS drive me crazy Bc I don't even know what to expect Bc I'm not having anymore symptoms then bloating and gas....I think the fatigue came from the sinus infection......
If I didn't make it this time....its ok....I really need to lose some weight too so I might have to take a break if I'm not and lose some weight first Bc I an overly overweight due to my poor eating habits from school and stress but my wanting a baby bad will tell....

Sorry about blabbing on.....I'm trying to stay positive until AF time is near but the 18th-20th seem to come sooo slow!!!

Nevergivingup, you are so right, patience is what we need when we're walking with the Lord. BTW have you considered temping? Its a good way to confirm your O'day...and don't give up so soon dear, there's still time for a possible bfp...:)! Here's a beautiful word that brings peace when anxiety tries to rear it's ugly head...Philippians 4: 6-7 (NIV)

6. Don't be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God

7. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Afm, i'm 5dpo today, new symptoms are gassing and some weird mild pain around my waist area and in my right ovary area (it's like i'm ovulating again...really strange)...has anyone ever had something like that before?

I'm presently staying positive by speaking God's word over my's what is keeping my faith going right now, all the symptoms i've seen so far aren't giving me hope! :(

There's this really cool book I think you ladies should get, it's called Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize...i've also been using the confessions in that book and they've been really helpful!

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