Christian ladies, let's pray for a bfp!

Hi sissies!!

Odea, how are those symptoms coming along? Anything or different? Patience is what I have to ask God for on a daily basis Bc it gets so hard to wait for a that one thing that you longed for and daydream about constantly.

Yes plz give me more Patience Lord, just to wait on you, Bc I know with you all things are possible! Thank you Lord in advance for my many blessing that I have receive and the ones that is to come...Thank you Father for your love, kindness, for your mercy!!! Amen

Gagrlinpitt: WOHOOO!!!!! God never fails, he's an awesome God!!!! I know you are relieved due to the family history, I know that two aunts couldn't have kids and I was so scared that Bc I kept having m/c that that was my fate as well. But after prayer and faith in God, he showed me he's in control Not our Family History.

Well Ladies I went to the doctor yesterday didn't take a pregnancy test as I knew it would've came bk negative so I got prescribed some Antibiotics...I didn't pick them up Bc I still feel I may have a chance to be pregnant. So I came home after purchasing 2 cheap $.88 cents Hpt. Knowing I shouldn't Of taken it being that it was 6:00pm with all my fluids all day diluting it. But I did and it came bk BFN :dohh: kindve killed my hopes and got me thinking that maybe I didn't make it this time, I was sick most of the time, our last DTD was on the 6th...what if I Ovulated late...and missed it...? But what if I ovulated and still caught it and maybe am pregnant....the idea that i didn't use OPKS drive me crazy Bc I don't even know what to expect Bc I'm not having anymore symptoms then bloating and gas....I think the fatigue came from the sinus infection......
If I didn't make it this time....its ok....I really need to lose some weight too so I might have to take a break if I'm not and lose some weight first Bc I an overly overweight due to my poor eating habits from school and stress but my wanting a baby bad will tell....

Sorry about blabbing on.....I'm trying to stay positive until AF time is near but the 18th-20th seem to come sooo slow!!!

Nevergivingup, you are so right, patience is what we need when we're walking with the Lord. BTW have you considered temping? Its a good way to confirm your O'day...and don't give up so soon dear, there's still time for a possible bfp...:)! Here's a beautiful word that brings peace when anxiety tries to rear it's ugly head...Philippians 4: 6-7 (NIV)

6. Don't be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God

7. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Afm, i'm 5dpo today, new symptoms are gassing and some weird mild pain around my waist area and in my right ovary area (it's like i'm ovulating again...really strange)...has anyone ever had something like that before?

I'm presently staying positive by speaking God's word over my's what is keeping my faith going right now, all the symptoms i've seen so far aren't giving me hope! :(

There's this really cool book I think you ladies should get, it's called Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize...i've also been using the confessions in that book and they've been really helpful!

I actually have that book as my next one as soon as I'm done with fervent!!!! I've heard nothing but good stuff about it.

I really needed to read that!!!! Was excited to look back in the bible and find that scripture..and smile!!

I tempted for 5 days and realized I didn't even know what I was doing....:dohh: so I stopped....

As far as did anyone experience the feelings you're feeling today....YESSSSSS...MEEE!!! Today I was a great day accept I felt like I was Ovulating all over again too. I had painless cramp like twinges in my abdomen, I couldn't lay on my stomach Bc it felt soooo uncomfortable. Then surprisingly I had Extra CM...I didn't know if I should DTD or smile and believe it's a BFP coming from this......

That's exactly what I believe is a better day.....I feel maybe I have a chance this Cycle to get my BFP!!! those symptoms are showing
Well I am 13DPO today and I took an hpt and it was stark white negative :( I usually don't test but I decided to do it today and I wish now that I wouldn't have...seeing negative tests is so depressing. Af is due on Monday so I guess I will wait until Tues or Wed to test again if she doesn't show.
Sorry lady of locksle : Hope that BFP show up!!!

AFM: AF has blessed with her company this morning. Was shocked when I went to the restroom Bc I actually believed I caught it....O well at least now I can get my Antibiotics for this sinus infection....
Good luck ladies to you all and of Course GOD BLESS!!!!!
I actually have that book as my next one as soon as I'm done with fervent!!!! I've heard nothing but good stuff about it.

It's a really good book, i'm sure you'll enjoy it!
Fervent is my next book, once i'm done with Supernatural Childbirth
Do you enjoy Christian music as well?
Well I am 13DPO today and I took an hpt and it was stark white negative :( I usually don't test but I decided to do it today and I wish now that I wouldn't have...seeing negative tests is so depressing. Af is due on Monday so I guess I will wait until Tues or Wed to test again if she doesn't show.

Sorry to hear that Sis :(, I know how disappointing that is, but its not over until it's over...let keep our hopes up until AF show!
Sorry lady of locksle : Hope that BFP show up!!!

AFM: AF has blessed with her company this morning. Was shocked when I went to the restroom Bc I actually believed I caught it....O well at least now I can get my Antibiotics for this sinus infection....
Good luck ladies to you all and of Course GOD BLESS!!!!!

Oh No! So sorry to hear that dear:(...let's trust God that this new cycle will bring you the much desired bfp! You'll always remain in my prayers friend!
Hi Ladies, I'm 7DPO today and something really unusual happened to me...I always wake up early to have quiet time with the Lord, after that I sometimes go back to sleep or I start off my day. I went back to sleep today & had a dream.

In the dream, I was in a bus (like 16 seater bus). I was @ the front row of the back seats, sitting right behind the driver. I had a little boy on one lap and another little boy sitting beside me, a woman was on the other side of the little boy (was probably his mother). The little boy beside me suddenly fell asleep on my other lap, although he probably wasn't my son, I let him sleep on me. He was quite restless and kept rolling backwards to hit my tummy with the back of his head and every time he did that, I had a very sharp pain in my tummy, then I would quickly move his head forward. This happened three times until it dawned on me that the pain was real life and not from the boy in my dream, so I woke up and turned to the other side and I still got the sharp was like a stabbing pain

I don't know what to think. I've had mild pains since I woke up but not as sharp when I was asleep. What do you ladies think?
Odea, O wow what a dream to be reality. It's some amazing how God had made everything even down to our dreams. How he shows us things in our dreams to be true. He is AMAZING!!!!!!!

I can only go off my 1st successful pregnancy when I was about 8Dpo I was so scared with DS Bc I started having those same sharp pains that resembled cramp like feelings, Bc I just knew I was m/c'ing again and I wondered what they were but all I could ever Google was it was a good sign after ovulation to cramp Bc it signal pregnancy. Don't know it that website was credible but it sounded great at that time of my misfortunes I needed it! I do hope in your case it's definitely a BFP Sympton!!!
Odea, O wow what a dream to be reality. It's some amazing how God had made everything even down to our dreams. How he shows us things in our dreams to be true. He is AMAZING!!!!!!!

I can only go off my 1st successful pregnancy when I was about 8Dpo I was so scared with DS Bc I started having those same sharp pains that resembled cramp like feelings, Bc I just knew I was m/c'ing again and I wondered what they were but all I could ever Google was it was a good sign after ovulation to cramp Bc it signal pregnancy. Don't know it that website was credible but it sounded great at that time of my misfortunes I needed it! I do hope in your case it's definitely a BFP Sympton!!!

Amen! I hope so too...when did you test for you bfp in your first pregnancy?

I plan testing 02/23...@ 15dpo...can I test anytime earlier that can really tell my true result?
I actually have that book as my next one as soon as I'm done with fervent!!!! I've heard nothing but good stuff about it.

It's a really good book, i'm sure you'll enjoy it!
Fervent is my next book, once i'm done with Supernatural Childbirth
Do you enjoy Christian music as well?

I sure do!

Lock I'm so sorry... But hey your not out yet. Maybe it's still to early.

Odiea my best friend had those pains to when she first got pregnant... So maybe..
How're you ladies doing today? :)

Manduh, Nevergivingup, miracleworker...gearing up for this next cycle right?

LadyofLocksle, did you take another test?

Gagrlinpitt, how has it been after the IUD removal? I love music a lot...I wanted to share some uplifting songs with you...i'm guessing you might know some of them though....

All my hope - Hillsong
Eternal - Don Moen
Holyspirit - Kari Jobe
Jehovah knows - Lionel Petersen

Keeping you all in my prayers always...:)
How're you ladies doing today? :)

Manduh, Nevergivingup, miracleworker...gearing up for this next cycle right?

LadyofLocksle, did you take another test?

Gagrlinpitt, how has it been after the IUD removal? I love music a lot...I wanted to share some uplifting songs with you...i'm guessing you might know some of them though....

All my hope - Hillsong
Eternal - Don Moen
Holyspirit - Kari Jobe
Jehovah knows - Lionel Petersen

Keeping you all in my prayers always...:)

Some of my favorites...
I also love

Victors crown- hillsong
Mighty to save- hillsong
Oceans- hillsong
Nothing is impossible- planet shakers

Thanks for asking!! I've been very emotional the past couple of days, my buddy feels run down, and I'm still waiting on my AF.. I just want it to come already.
I am one day late for af...she was supposed to show yesterday but she still hasn't. I used a Dollar store cheapie yesterday afternoon but it was BFN :( My temp has dropped the past couple of days so I have a feeling that it will drop some more tomorrow and that af shows up. IF for some reason she isn't here in the morning I will take an FRER because that is all I have left to take....

I pray that the rest of you ladies get your BFP's :)
Some of my favorites...
I also love

Victors crown- hillsong
Mighty to save- hillsong
Oceans- hillsong
Nothing is impossible- planet shakers

Thanks for asking!! I've been very emotional the past couple of days, my buddy feels run down, and I'm still waiting on my AF.. I just want it to come already.

I love love Oceans, I haven't heard Victor's crown & nothing is impossible but i'll look for it!

So sorry AF isn't coming as soon as you expected friend! But don't be down because of it...remember that all things are working together for you good because you love God (Rom 8:28)

Ladyoflocksle dear...Rom 8:28 is also for you! After my Jan cycle (1 - 6th), DH and I decided that he'll go get an SA and agreed for a certain day (27th Jan)! Just guess when my Feb cycle started...26th Jan, just the day before...we were puzzled! First, I have never had my cycle this short...(25 days)...Never! Second, why is it when we decided to make progress with our chances of conceiving that AF showed up 'delaying us further'!
I spoke to the Lord about it, and he assured me he was still in charge...nothing was wrong! I just had to trust him even though things weren't making sense and here I am today sharing positive signs of a possible bfp...In all my ttc months, I have never had this much symptoms, my temps have been up since o'ing and today I got a spike from 97.9F to 98.7F (talk about positive signs)...although I tested negative on a cheapie (i'm 9dpo today), i'm more than hopeful for a bfp than i've ever been

Don't lose faith okay, will always keep you all in my prayers! :)
Some of my favorites...
I also love

Victors crown- hillsong
Mighty to save- hillsong
Oceans- hillsong
Nothing is impossible- planet shakers

Thanks for asking!! I've been very emotional the past couple of days, my buddy feels run down, and I'm still waiting on my AF.. I just want it to come already.

I love love Oceans, I haven't heard Victor's crown & nothing is impossible but i'll look for it!

So sorry AF isn't coming as soon as you expected friend! But don't be down because of it...remember that all things are working together for you good because you love God (Rom 8:28)

Ladyoflocksle dear...Rom 8:28 is also for you! After my Jan cycle (1 - 6th), DH and I decided that he'll go get an SA and agreed for a certain day (27th Jan)! Just guess when my Feb cycle started...26th Jan, just the day before...we were puzzled! First, I have never had my cycle this short...(25 days)...Never! Second, why is it when we decided to make progress with our chances of conceiving that AF showed up 'delaying us further'!
I spoke to the Lord about it, and he assured me he was still in charge...nothing was wrong! I just had to trust him even though things weren't making sense and here I am today sharing positive signs of a possible bfp...In all my ttc months, I have never had this much symptoms, my temps have been up since o'ing and today I got a spike from 97.9F to 98.7F (talk about positive signs)...although I tested negative on a cheapie (i'm 9dpo today), i'm more than hopeful for a bfp than i've ever been

Don't lose faith okay, will always keep you all in my prayers! :)

You'll love those! I have an entire play list of praise and worship.

As far as the AF coming, it will.. I've been struggling a bit the past few months with anxiety and I just keep thinking about Phill 4:6-7. I know that if I cast my worries on him, he will help me through.

Thanks for being so awesome!!
Well I am now 3 days late and I took an FRER yesterday and it was stark white temp jumped up this morning but I know it doesn't mean anything, it has done that before. I am still just barely spotting but I know that af is on her way. I've had some really painful cramps today and I am so bloated that I can't fit into my pants comfortably.

Odiea, I am so excited that you have a possible BFP coming your way!!! I am praying that you get it!!!!
:hugs: Thanks Locksle! I pray so too...I'm 11dpo today, temps are still up, although i haven't had any new symptom yet and that got me really down yesterday but I still have my hopes up! Putting my trust in God only! I might test again tomorrow

And sorry about the cramps and discomfort, I pray they go away soon enough...Did your temp go above your coverline? I'm thinking you should do a blood test if AF doesn't show up in a couple of days cos your symptoms seem to be saying something different from the FRER test.

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