A new mother walks into the auditorium of the church with her brand new bundle of joy and is suddenly surrounded by well-wishers. At the sound of the slightest coo or whimper, squeals and giggles fill the air. Does anyone notice the young lady quietly slip out the back door and head for her car? A young couple joyfully announces, Were expecting! Does anyone happen to notice the young husband slip his arm around his wife as they both drop their heads and pray that the service begins soon?
Has this happened to you? Probably way too many times. What has brought about your reaction? Are you not happy for the new and expectant parents? Can you not share in someone elses joy? No, you are not selfish, uncaring people. Rather you are the ones who face a bitter struggle every time they see an expectant mother or a new baby. You are the ones who have found yourself struggling with infertility.
The ungranted desire for a child can be all-consuming. New babies and pregnant women are constant reminders of what you cannot have, but have longed for all your life. The hurt is constant. The struggle is hard. The answers are unclear. What is clear is that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and understands the pain.
Throughout Scripture we see people just like you and me who have on bended knee, begged God for a child. Within the pages of Scripture we see hurting wives begging God for a child. We see husbands trying their best to fill the void in their families. We see people misunderstood. We see gallons and gallons of tears. But each and every time we see God intervening and bringing hope and healing to those He loves so very deeply. There is so much we can glean from these precious, sacred words to heal the hurt and give encouragement that the world simply cannot give. This is the purpose of Daily Double Portions.
Throughout the year, you will receive an encouraging email every Monday through Friday. Youll be amazed to learn of couples in the Bible who found themselves immersed in infertility, just as each of us have been. Well find truths in their stories and in the lives of other ordinary men and women who met up with an out of the ordinary God. It thrills me to death to realize that God looked down through time and eternity and knew that each and every one of us who finds conception to be a challenge would need encouragement when it came to our quest to have a family. He is so interested in our lives that He included infertility story in His Holy, living, God breathed Word. Hidden within the pages of the Bible are people just like me, who cried hot tears, just like yours, and fell upon the mercy of God just like we can and found help in their time of need.
Perhaps you never realized that God cares when your heart breaks into every time you start a period. Maybe you never thought that God weeps with you every Mothers Day. God cares because He cares for you.