Christian ladies TTC, we can encourage one another.

I have another co-worker whose wife is about to give birth to their second child next Thursday. My husband and I went to pick out their baby gift and for the first time in several years, I didn't get mopey or upset!

In other news, my father's hip replacement surgery is scheduled for next Friday. He'll be in the hospital from Friday through Monday. I told my boss about it and she wanted to schedule me to be off. I told her that my mama said for me to work (my mama's a hoot! Y'all just don't know :haha:). My boss was like, "You know you're not going to be worth a crap that day." I told her, "I know...I figured I'd be paid to be not worth a crap!" All she could do was laugh. I'm praying for a safe operation and a smooth rehab.

Praying for each and every one of you wonderful ladies wherever you are in your journeys! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Who would of thought you can actually buy clomid online without a script lol. Some claim it works, some claim the lack of authenticity. Has anyone purchased clomid online?

Previously I had contacted the Dr's here in Texas and explained my history with fertility and that I'm simply after a script for a fertility drug, clomid. The lady told me, I would need the original health records from back in Australia to be sent over, for a GP to prescribe it to me. This would save a lot of time in a Fertility Specialists office, not to mention the tastings that need to be performed. So I got my records sent over, brought them to my Dr's apt today, and it turns out the Dr could not prescribe it to me, due to her lack of knowledge on the drug and referred me to a Specialist. Despite what reception had previously stated.

I was hoping it would be straight forward as I have my records and I have already been through all the testing that is involved in fertility, conceiving our first baby. I'm a bit confused how it works here in the States.. Should I try another GP? Do you think the Specialist will need me to do a refresher in terms of tests, just for a script? Should I gamble it and buy clomid online?
Hi Holly! Welcome! not buy clomid online. That is a hard drug to take. When I took it, I started overstimming on it and it got to be too painful for me during ovulation and I was on the lowest dosage. Even my pcp said it was a hard drug to take and he does not specialize in fertility. Definitely get a script for it as there are different dosages depending on your situation which your doctor will need to evaluate. You may have to to more testing simply because as they say, everytime is different. Not to mention when I did get preggo my doc told me I was higher risk just because I'd taken fertility meds, even though Virtue was a natural conception. My doc said that sometimes fertility meds taken in the past can have an affect on the pregnancy. Find a good gyno and give them your records and discuss your history and current goals. If they refer you to a specialist then so be it, but I wouldn't feel comfortable with someone who doesn't know much about clomid, and fertility is there area of expertise. Clomid is a very familiar and common fertility drug, so I'm a bit concerned she doesn't know much about it.
Hello Faithful!

So I agree with No Doubt buying drugs online is very dangerous.

Here in US the GP does the most basic of health care and then anything specialized is transferred to a Specialist. So yes you do need to go to a Specialist. I am in the same boat my OBGYN had to send me on to a fertility specialist since I want to try Metformin and also Clomid.

It is a pain but I also take comfort in knowing they have the most update info, have experience and are super qualified!

It is not like that is Australia? Did you have to use an OBGYN or GP to get your clomid last time?

Blessings & Babydust,
Hello Faithful!

So I agree with No Doubt buying drugs online is very dangerous.

Here in US the GP does the most basic of health care and then anything specialized is transferred to a Specialist. So yes you do need to go to a Specialist. I am in the same boat my OBGYN had to send me on to a fertility specialist since I want to try Metformin and also Clomid.

It is a pain but I also take comfort in knowing they have the most update info, have experience and are super qualified!

It is not like that is Australia? Did you have to use an OBGYN or GP to get your clomid last time?

Blessings & Babydust,

Thanks ByHisGrace,

I guess its a bit different in Australia. I was referred to a Fertility Specialist in 2011 and had all my testings done there, i was told i was irregular and needed provera, as everything else came back fine. And whenever i needed a script for either provera or clomid a GP would prescribe it to me.
Hillsong UNITED - Oceans

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior"

You may not have to see a fertility specialist. A "regular" obgyn may be able to help you. I guess depends on the Dr and the practice. But I'd think it's unlikely that your GP would prescribe it. Unless you have a family practice doctor who is comfortable with that stuff.
Faithful, it also depends on your insurance. I don't have to be referred. I can just call and make an appt with the specialist if I want. I have an HMO for my health insurance though. I know with a lot of PPOs you need a referral from your doctor in order to get to a specialist, so call a few specialist and see if the require a referral or not. But yes, your obgyn should be able to assist...mine initially prescribed me clomid, but after so long of it not working and her not taking a more aggressive approach, I just called the specialist myself.
Welcome Holly!!!

Hello my lovely ladies, sorry I have been MIA for a bit. I think about you all and pray for you often :hugs:


My OB ran some basic testing and then when everything came out fine she referred me to a fertility specialist. I'm glad she did because I feel they know more and can help with all different types of situations. I would definitely call and get a consult visit and see what your options are.


That was said in love :haha:
Joyce and her husband Wade have served God for many years. They also struggled with not being able to conceive for many years. Many tears flowed over the course of about 10 years as they waited and trusted God for a child. Following the loss of a baby to an ectopic pregnancy, Joyce endured one round of IVF. God has blessed them abundantly with the birth of healthy triplets—two boys and a girl. Joyce shares her story of the blessings she found in her struggle with infertility.

As hard as my struggle with infertility was, there were blessings to be found in the battle. I don’t know if I could have seen it then, but looking back, I see infertility’s blessings.

Waiting was the worst part of everything for me. I have always hated to wait! However, looking back I see that infertility and waiting for God to give us a child has made me a more patient person. I’ve learned that I can wait a lot easier now than I used to be able to. My trust in God is so much stronger now. Because of having to wait for all those years, now I know that I can just hold on to the promises I found in the Lord. I’ve had so many miracles happen in my life, my faith is simply stronger.

My husband, Wade, and I had talked about how we were going to handle the hard times that infertility brought and how we would respond to what God was doing in our lives. We had always said that no matter what—no matter if the Lord gave us a child or not—we would always serve Him, walk with Him and live our lives for Him. I’m so glad we did.

Through our experience with infertility we found the joy of the Lord to be our Strength. Living in the joy of the Lord and relying on His strength is not the same as being happy. Happiness is something that comes and goes depending on your circumstances. The joy of the Lord is the strength you find within yourself that comes from the Lord that He gives you to go on, no matter the situation you are in.

I think God used infertility to get to the point where we would stop trusting in our own abilities and totally put our trust in Him. The lowest point for us came right before I got pregnant. He brought us to the place where we were so humbled that we were willing to say “Okay, Lord. Whatever You want to do in our lives is good.” You just never know what blessings God has planned for you.

One of the biggest blessings of this trial in our lives is our current walk with God. I have never had a walk closer to God than I do right now at this moment. I know the time in our lives when we were trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant strengthened me and made my relationship with God closer. The fight was hard, yet it just made our walk so much stronger.

Hi Godsjewel, I am so glad to know about your pregnancy. I hope everything is well at your end.
I have been away from BnB from long time. Wish all ladies all the best.
Came across this quote today

“Maybe our story is not about victories, triumphs and fairytale endings. Maybe it is about perseverance. Maybe it’s about not giving up.”

This is so Awesome! I went to TCTC, which is a youth conference, in Jan. Just a day after our IUI. During the service that we weekend we were told to clear our minds & open our hearts. God would send us a word that would impact our lives in 2014. Out of no where the word "persevere" entered my mind. I wanted joy or hope but I knew that "persevere" was my word! During the rough times when my heart was breaking, tears flowing, I would hear a soft voice whisper "my word" & feel God's spirit wrap around my broken soul. Today as the grief has subsided, I can see how fitting my word was for my Journey. Today I thank God for preparing me for what lies ahead, not only with TTC, but in my life. With my Lord holding me, I can not only persevere, but overcome, succeed & believe in His gracious Blessings!
Super excited to report......AF has finally arrived!!!! Thinking it's not going to be pleasant, as cramping is already pretty bad. :/ BUT I will be calling to schedule my saline flush thing for next week. Ready to climb back on the TTC horse....FINALLY!!!!! Did your O day change 1st cycle after M/C?:happydance::happydance::happydance:
A new mother walks into the auditorium of the church with her brand new bundle of joy and is suddenly surrounded by well-wishers. At the sound of the slightest coo or whimper, squeals and giggles fill the air. Does anyone notice the young lady quietly slip out the back door and head for her car? A young couple joyfully announces, “We’re expecting!” Does anyone happen to notice the young husband slip his arm around his wife as they both drop their heads and pray that the service begins soon?

Has this happened to you? Probably way too many times. What has brought about your reaction? Are you not happy for the new and expectant parents? Can you not share in someone else’s joy? No, you are not selfish, uncaring people. Rather you are the ones who face a bitter struggle every time they see an expectant mother or a new baby. You are the ones who have found yourself struggling with infertility.

The ungranted desire for a child can be all-consuming. New babies and pregnant women are constant reminders of what you cannot have, but have longed for all your life. The hurt is constant. The struggle is hard. The answers are unclear. What is clear is that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and understands the pain.

Throughout Scripture we see people just like you and me who have on bended knee, begged God for a child. Within the pages of Scripture we see hurting wives begging God for a child. We see husbands trying their best to fill the void in their families. We see people misunderstood. We see gallons and gallons of tears. But each and every time we see God intervening and bringing hope and healing to those He loves so very deeply. There is so much we can glean from these precious, sacred words to heal the hurt and give encouragement that the world simply cannot give. This is the purpose of Daily Double Portions.

Throughout the year, you will receive an encouraging email every Monday through Friday. You’ll be amazed to learn of couples in the Bible who found themselves immersed in infertility, just as each of us have been. We’ll find truths in their stories and in the lives of other ordinary men and women who met up with an out of the ordinary God. It thrills me to death to realize that God looked down through time and eternity and knew that each and every one of us who finds conception to be a challenge would need encouragement when it came to our quest to have a family. He is so interested in our lives that He included infertility story in His Holy, living, God breathed Word. Hidden within the pages of the Bible are people just like me, who cried hot tears, just like yours, and fell upon the mercy of God just like we can and found help in their time of need.

Perhaps you never realized that God cares when your heart breaks into every time you start a period. Maybe you never thought that God weeps with you every Mother’s Day. God cares because He cares for you.

Hello Ladies,

Can you please pray for my husband he is really sick again and we are on our way to the hospital for him to be admitted. He has many health issues but currently his GI issues are at the worst they have ever been.

I know God can heal him!

Hello Ladies,

Can you please pray for my husband he is really sick again and we are on our way to the hospital for him to be admitted. He has many health issues but currently his GI issues are at the worst they have ever been.

I know God can heal him!


Yes He can! Our God is still in the healing business and I stand in agreement with you that he will be healed in Jesus' precious name!
Hey ladies. A week ago one of my dear friends lost her baby at about 19 weeks. It would have been their first son (they have two older girls). They were over the moon to finally get a boy...then couldn't find a heartbeat. She was induced and he was a perfect little one...6 oz. 7 inches long. Obviously they are devestated by the loss. Please keep them in your prayers. They are doing a private service tomorrow for him.

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