Christian ladies TTC, we can encourage one another.

I had a follow up appointment with the podiatrist today. According to my X-rays, there are no issues with any bones in my foot. It appears that it is all soft tissue related. The injection he gave me apparently has shrunk the area down. He gave me another injection in the bottom of my foot this time. It was very painful...I have a high tolerance for pain. I was nearly in tears while my husband was sitting behind me rubbing my back to comfort me.

I go back in two weeks to check on everything. If there is very little to no change, an MRI will be ordered to determine how he will need to operate to remove it. I am so glad that the first injection helped things out. It has felt better over the last couple of days. He attributed that to the injection so that was his reason for a second one. Hopefully, I won't have to go through an operation! Keeping the faith! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Thanks everyone for your prayers!!!!!
Praise God for good news!!!

Oh Sarah, I LOVE your new avatar! How are you feeling?

Thanks my dear :flower:

I'm feeling really good! I just get extremely tired mid-day, but that beats being nauseous any day :winkwink:

It is still a surreal experience for me. Even at this very moment I look down at my belly and can't believe it's real, that after so many years, it's finally my turn! I'm so blessed!
Love your pic! So glad all is well with your little Trio!

Fridays Food for Thought:

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14
What does it mean to be still? When God asks that we remain still, what do you think He means?

To understand Him, we must understand His word, and what He is trying to say. Let us share with each other our thoughts on this scripture. Let us dig deeper and see if God speaks to you in any way throughout your day.

"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Sometimes it is hard to be still when we don't know God, and sometimes it is hard to know God, when we are not being still.


I have been working on being still & listening for God's will in my life. I do believe He is louder at times than others for me. I find I can listen better earlyin the morning when everyone else is asleep & my house, as well as my mind are quiet :)
Hi Everyone;
I'm still struggling with the mysteriousness of my infertility. It's been a year and a half since my miscarriage, and 2 and a half years since I started trying to have a baby. I have gained a lot of strength and spiritual insight through all this hardship, and although I still sometimes feel frightened or angry, I have managed to step back and remember who is in control. There isn't some tiny wrong-move I can make that will hold back my God from his purpose. I need to have faith and trust the process.

I do want to share that we have had some amazing news in Canada. Our public health-care is pretty amazing as it is, and I know I am blessed that all these tests and specialists have been free for me, but I've been worried about what happens if clomid doesn't work, because that's been the end of the health care line as far as infertility is concerned... The government didn't fund IVF.... Until now! Now the provice that I live in has pledged to cover one round of IVF for women with fertility issues!!! I don't know if I will ever need to go that route, but it does feel amazing to have one more step that is available to us!

I am so thankful, and a bit relieved, and I hope this new decision will mean that many women in Canada will be able to have their miracle baby!

Hope you get blessed before IVF is needed, but however you receive your Miracle baby, in the end doesn't matter :) Prayers for you!

AFM~AF came today, 3 days late....Was starting to be hopeful, but once again disappointed. Will be starting Femara on Monday, followed by our 2nd IUI in a couple weeks! Praying we are blessed again with a BFP, but this time a keeper :) I am fighting fear now. Fear of the IUI not working, Fear that it works but we M/C again...Just over whelmed I guess. Please pray that I can lean on my Faith & trust that God has his hand in this & will take care of us however this turns out. Pray that I can release all my worry & anxiety to him & just move forward knowing that His Will, not my own, will be done!
I am praying for all of you ladies!

Phaedy, last week in church Pastor preached on Lazarus and he preached from the perspective of having faith, at least that was one of his points. In verse John 11:4, after Lazarus has fallen ill and Martha and Mary send for Jesus, He takes His time getting there. He doesn't move for two days, but does send word that this illness will not end in death, but be for God's glory. Obviously Lazarus dies by the time He gets there and Martha and Mary are upset feeling bad Jesus left when He first heard, their brother would still be alive. The Bible says this upset Jesus a bit, but none the less He want to tomb and tips the crowd to roll the stone away. The crowd didn't think that was a good idea, considering he'd been in there for 4 days and decomposition had set in. This also upset Jesus a bit, so He prayed out loud, for the benefit of the people and once again told them to roll the stone away. He called Lazarus and out he walked. Later in verse 45, Jesus said, did I not tell you that this would not end in death, but be for God's glory? The point? Pastor said God tells us not to worry, basically He already knows the outcome and has it under control. Its just what happens in between verse 4 through 45, that we're unsure of, not God, us. And that's what we struggle with, but keep the faith and be strong, because regardless of what happens, there is a verse 45 and God had already worked it out. Just trust Him.

Cupcake, I know it's difficult to go into this next iui with faith and no fear at all about the endless possibilities of how it could turn out. But keep doing what you're doing. You can't have can't have faith and fear. And while we always want Gods will to be done, when are things we desire we should ask should we not? When you ask, be sure to ask with boldness. And speak things as though they were. So not hopefully the iui will work, but when it works and you're pregnant with your forever baby. We went through two rounds of iui as well so I understand the fear and the disappointment. This road is rough, but there definitely are benefits to it. It doesn't seem like it in the midst of it, but there are. Hindsight is always 20/20.

With love!
Hello Ladies!

Just wanted to pop in and say Hi! I always read this thread but don't always have time to post! Tonight my husband is feeling well and relaxing so I have some time on my hands!

Amanda-I will be praying for you, dealing with medical/sickness stuff is not fun! How blessed you are to have an awesome husband to be there for you!

Sarah-I pray for you daily and keep my Prayer Warriors and Prayer group updated on your pregnancy! Your story brings hope to me and other ladies in my church struggling with conceiving.

Phaedypants-How exciting Canada is allowing IVF, if only the USA could take a cue! I will be praying for answers for you and God will bless you with a baby. The not knowing and waiting is the hardest part at times!

Cupcakestoy- Ah fear...I battle it to! I will pray for God to send peace and strength your way along with a happy positive IUI!

Faithful-You have been on my mind today how are you doing? In response to your Friday Food for thought...this is something I struggle with lately. I find it so hard to be still and know God is there because lately I have been really struggling with my faith and being angry with Him. Why cant He come in and fix my situation not just the TTC part but finances, my husbands health, school, housing, cars my whole life seems a mess lately! I guess I am afraid to be still because I know when I do I will have to face my emotions and deal with some junk I have kept buried for years. Today at church God brought me to my knees at altar call and started to crack my shell and make me be was so hard and there is lots of work to do but it was a start.


Byhisgrace...good for you! It is so hard to relinquish that control. Its hard to even admit that you have that control issue and want the control. I have OCD, and control is something I struggle with as well. When we were ttc #1, I truly believe that got in the way a lot and hindered more than it helped. And I truly believe it's affected other areas in my life, like me being a submissive wife. I know a lot of women struggle with this, but I actually want to be that and am working on it, bug it is SSSOOOOOO hard, lol. My hubbs always says how I want to control everything. I've finally stopped saying "no I don't" and started actually trying to just say ok. My mom even days since I was a little girl I've always known what want. I know I'm stubborn, lol.

I think one of the reasons its so hard to be still is that we can't see God moving. At least not how you would think. At work we can delegate responsibilities and see them being accomplished. At home we ask for something to be done and see it being taken care of. But we go to God in prayer and ask for our hearts desires and hear what feels like nothing, see what feels like nothing. This is why our faith and staying in scripture is so important. We need to fall back on how God will never leave us or forsake us, that if we ask it will be given, knock and the door will be opened. That's the first piece. Then comes the faith, because even though we cam see it in print, we still need to believe it in our hearts. Just like we have to die daily, I be that we constantly have to tell ourselves, remind ourselves that God is in control and is taking care of it.

My husband and I are currently dealing with something and as much as I want to take the reigns, and sometimes I do try, lol, I know there is nothing more I can do than what I've already done. And I know that God can do it better than me. My head knows that, because I've read it. Now i just really need for my heart to get on board 100% and give it to Him completely.

If I have a prayer for all of us right now, it is that we all allow God to be God and that we all be still and allow God to do miraculous works in our lives. I pray that we stay strong in the word, and stay strong in our faith. May we encourage each other while we encourage ourselves. For God knows the specifics for each and everyone of us, and I pray that we remove ourselves and allow God to pilot. Speak to us Lord. Open our hearts thay we may hear you, see you with heavenly ears and eyes and know when You have spoken to us. In Jesus name. Amen.
Hello No Doubt,

Thank you. I struggle so much with being a submissive wife!! I really want to and I know our life and marriage would be so much better if I could just let go a little...but I have this fear of letting go and having my life crash even more. Although lately I think God is letting things become so hard to show me no matter how hard I try to keep control I really cant. For a while I was so strong in my faith! But things kept happening and He kept asking more and more from me! Things I knew were right to do but it was change and letting go and I just cant deal with that sometimes.

And yes right now I am really struggling to see God moving in my situation. I hear Him calling me but I am reluctant to go to Him because I know what He will ask of me.

But I know the answer is to dive into His word get down on my knees and let Him have His way...but it is so hard.



PS. CONGRATS one number two being on the way!!!!!!!!
Hello Ladies,

I just want to thank you for all of your prayers and support over the last few months not only in the TTC world but with my husbands illness.

I am asking for you to carry us in prayer tomorrow as Kenny has a procedure planned at Yale. We are praying this test gives us answers as we are truly growing weary.

Also, there has been a mix-up between the Dr.'s office and insurance and we are facing the possibility of having to pay out of pocket for this procedure. If we wait for mix-up to be cleared up it will be another 4-6 weeks before this procedure could be done, therefore we are going ahead tomorrow and trusting in God to take care of all the details.

Thank you and God Bless,

Sarah & Kenny
Hello Ladies,

I just want to thank you for all of your prayers and support over the last few months not only in the TTC world but with my husbands illness.

I am asking for you to carry us in prayer tomorrow as Kenny has a procedure planned at Yale. We are praying this test gives us answers as we are truly growing weary.

Also, there has been a mix-up between the Dr.'s office and insurance and we are facing the possibility of having to pay out of pocket for this procedure. If we wait for mix-up to be cleared up it will be another 4-6 weeks before this procedure could be done, therefore we are going ahead tomorrow and trusting in God to take care of all the details.

Thank you and God Bless,

Sarah & Kenny

Father God,

We come before you as your children, lifting our sister and brother up to you. We know you have this situation in your hands and we thank you in advance for your provision! You are great and holy and you are our Divine Physician. Please go before Sarah and Kenny, giving the doctors, nurses and billing staff wisdom, steady hands, sound minds and your peace. Your word says that You have not given us a spirit of fear, but one of love and power and a sound mind. Wrap your arms around Sarah and Kenny so they feel the abundance of your love for them. Show us and those close to them exactly how to pray and care for them during this part of their journey.

In the name of your precious Son, Jesus Christ, Amen!
Hello Ladies!

Thank you so much for your prayers, Tuesday went well and we are now anxiously awaiting the results. We were suppose to have them by today but for some reason in the last four hours a peace has overcome me. And a real desire to not just enjoy but experience this Easter Sunday (I don't know if that makes sense but God is impressing that on me)

DH and I have spent some really good times together the last few days and are just in such a good place.

Right now getting ready to snuggle in with our puppy and do some Bible reading!

Also I love the illustration of our life path compared to God's!!!

Thank you Ladies and may God carry you all in His peace and Love.

Sarah, it's inspiring to read this! Something has really settled into my heart about Easter as well. The feeling sortof took me by surprise!

I hope you all have a blessed Easter, and find a renewed sense of promise in the resurrection of our Lord!
Sigh...another month of not having conceived. But, I am thankful that this year - since returning from overseas - we are seeing a Naturopath and I am seeing an acupuncturist. And there's been improvement in my health (it hasn't been good since living in Central America). I'm just disappointed that I have another month of nothing. I know I need to focus on Jesus - but, I think it's also okay to be sad and to grieve not having a child as yet. Do you guys get that? It's so hard when so many things seem so much worse when it's that time of month and it can become sooo overwhelming and seem impossible:(.
Sarah- I want to thank you for posting your blog address for us to read ("Our Miracle Journey"). It's encouraged me as I can read how God has provided for you and answered our prayers for children for you. Hugs! Very excited for you! 2 boys and a girl!!!! :D

Just want to encourage others on here - to not feel guilty for being sad about another month of ttc. It's okay to be upset about it and to vent on here. I pray that each of us will grow closer to Jesus through each of our individual journeys. Life is hard. It can be full of so many hurts. But, God is with each of us. He cares and He will refine us through all this as we trust Him.

Much love to you all.
Definitely ok to be sad hun. God is a big boy, He can handle your feelings and wants to be there to comfort you. It doesn't mean you're separating yourself from him. It just means you're human.
Well, we just went to God in tears again. The one person I'd found to confide in at work - who I'd been going through progesterone treatments and all with - is pregnant. She found out she was pregnant the same day my period started. Oh, the irony. I'm a hurting unit. She and her husband are going through some horrible times...this baby is probably God's way of making him more into the guy he's supposed to be. At the same time I'm hurting a lot.

I know their blessing has nothing to do with mine (they didn't do something to get this that I haven't). It just still hurts to see so many people get the blessing you've been praying for for over a year and a half.
Pro I'm so sorry hun. I know I used to always feel worse when it seemed to be someone who was struggling like you say your friend is or someone who is clearly incapable of taking care of a child. I pray that God help you through this hitting process and heal your pain.
Don't misunderstand - I think SHE is fully capable. Him...he needs some work. She will make an excellent mother.
Prof and 222, we really do understand that aching longing and the confusion as to why it's still unfulfilled. The day I get my period each month feels like spiritual death. It is so painful I can hardly bear it. Honestly, it sometimes feels like the cycle is going to destroy me. It's not just the period... I know that all of my hopes and dreams aren't going to rest on a single month... But it's the week or so BEFORE my period, where I let myself believe that I may no longer be that barren woman. My identity is so trapped in with that barren woman now, and the only relief I have is the week I let myself think I might not be her anymore.

What a struggle to grow faith in such a hollow, lonely, and frightening time!

But being faithful doesn't always mean being happy. Trusting God doesn't mean that we dismiss the longings in our hearts. We can share the crushing disappointment with God.

Just be heartbroken, but let it pass. Don't hold on to it. Let the sorrow wash over you, and then let yourself notice a beautiful moment and be comforted. I find it doesn't work for me to deny myself the sorrow and mourning, but it also isn't good for me to hold onto it for too long--to deny the other wonderful beautiful things in my life.

Lately my sex life has been really suffering. It is my fault, and I am so ashamed of how I am unable to manage my own expectations and disappointments. Sex has become stressful for both of us... results-oriented to the point where I feel like I am losing the connection to him. It breaks my heart. It really does.

I ask that you ladies can say a prayer for me, that I could focus on the blessings of my small family of just-us-two and leave our union in the hands of God rather than trying to control and manage it all the time.
Hello Ladies,

Just wanted to wish you all a Very Happy Easter!!! Let us rejoice that He defeated death, rose again and wants us as His children!!!

I will be praying for you ladies!!!


Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter!

ProfWife-I'm praying for you. I know exactly how you feel. It is really upsetting to see BFP announcements when you are struggling with your emotions and all. BFP announcements always seem to arrive when AF shows up and you discover that another medicated cycle fails. It always seemed to happen to me. :hugs: I hope you see a BFP soon!

phaedypants-I'm praying for you. I knew it was time for a break from TTC after we realized that we were disconnecting from each other, especially when it seemed that sex was mechanical or results-based, as you said. I always hoped that our children would be conceived in our bed as a result of our lovemaking. Now, we have moved on from trying to conceive. I still have that small glimmer of hope in my heart that we will conceive, but I also know that it all in God's timing and His plan is perfect.

AFM-It's been a while since I've really posted much of anything. In a couple of weeks, it will be one year since my husband and I decided to move on from our journey. I haven't been this emotionally strong in a very long time. My husband and I are refocusing our goals to pay off our debt and throw all of our extra money towards savings and a home purchase in the distant future. We kind of fell off the wagon lately with us going to Florida for his brother's wedding and his trip to Kentucky to visit his family (I have no vacation time left until July...I've been home alone all week).

Work has been kind of stressful lately too. I've had to take care of work for two people for the last month. That person came back to work and then it went back downhill. :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: One of my co-workers quit last week to go back to what he was doing before he started working with us in my office. Another one of my co-workers in a different department was fired this week for something very heinous. I am not going into detail with this, but it's pretty bad. Another co-worker from my office is now replacing the fired one, so I'm back to doing work for two people again. My boss and I are really kind of stressed out with that because we're having to make sure everything gets done while being available for the newbies that are replacing the two we have lost in the last couple of weeks. It always seems that whenever we get a good crew in my office, something happens. And when something happens, we are the first department upper management hits up!

Anyhoo...I guess I'm off to watch some TV now. One of my favorite movies is on and I haven't seen it in a while. :haha::haha:

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