Hi ladies. I hope this isn't bad timing with this message, but I was very blessed by the sermon last night at church and wanted you ladies to experience the same.
Pastor preached "Jacob made love to Rachel also, and his love for Rachel was greater than his love for Leah. And he worked for Laban another seven years." Gen29.30.niv (Pleade read surrounding text)
Pastor preached on how Jacob had been tricked by his uncle Laban into taking the older daughter Leah as his wife after he worked seven years to be married to Rachel. When Jacob realized this he went to Laban questioning this and was told to work another seven for Rachel, and Jacob did all the while keeping Leah.
Most of us never would have done this and most likely would have been thinking that I've already worked seven years now I'm to work another long seven...I just can't. But to Jacob, Rachel was worth it. If she wasn't, then why work the first seven in the first place? Rachel was worth keeping Leah, because he realized that he had to take what he didn't want to get what he did want...in other words his disappointment in having Leah was worth the promise of having Rachel. Although seven years seems like a long time to go through something, God gave Jacob strength and endurance to get through seven years and then another seven years.
What are your Leah and Rachel? What are you faced with where you thought you couldn't get through it again or you thought at the end of it "this isn't what i was expecting" and had to spend another X amount of time to get what you were expecting? Understand that no matter what your Leah is, it is worth the Rachel, otherwise why even begin down that road in attaining Rachel. And understand that God will give you strength to do it for another seven years when you feel like you can't. After all, you already did seven in the first place, so obviously you can.
Another piece Pastor touched on which really excited me is the people that came from both of these lines. One in particular...had Jacob never married Leah and never consummated with her, further down the line there never would have been Jesus, which means no salvation when the wages of sin is death. Let that settle in.
Don't let yourself be so disappointed by Leah that you mess up the future of what could be. Don't be so quick to discard Leah. Although Leah is not what you want, God blesses and God knows how to fix something's. Its the reason we are all here today.
Be blessed!