Ladies here is my predicament.
I am supposed to go for a diagnostic lap&dye on Thursday but is there is any small chance that I AM pregnant then the dr won't do it... well for obvious reasons. I have been waiting for progesterone results to see whether I actually ovulated but regardless of the test results I really think I did (had MAJOR O pains and just look at my chart!).
Now AF is only due on Saturday the 22nd, but I have to make the final decision on whether to proceed with the op TOMORROW (Tuesday) which will be too soon to know if I am actually pregs or not. I don't think a test will work since I will only be 10dpo tomorrow. So if I can't do the lap&dye now we have to move it to December because the dr is so fully booked... I just want to get it over with though!
I don't really know what to do. On the one hand I am 99% sure I am not pregnant (unless it's a miracle); having NO symptoms whatsoever at the moment (unlike previous months!) & kind of missing the fertile window this month, and I just want to get the procedure done. On the other hand I don't want to risk the 1% chance that I might actually be pregnant... uuurrghhhh... And I don't know if my medical insurance will let me move the procedure date
What do you ladies think I should do? Try and test tomorrow with an early test (though 10dpo is wayyy too soon I think); or just try to move the procedure to December?
I am praying hard for answers but am still undecided!