Christian Momma's?

Isn't it wonderful to have a place to diccuss these kinds of things?

So after a lot of bleeding and cramping from Sunday-yesterday I had a scan today! The little sea monkey is still in there growing very busily!!!! :happydance:

Thank you Jesus. :)

Praise God!
I am a Christian too :)

Chelsea - I love your story, thanks for sharing :)

Can I share mine too?!!!

We had been TTC for around 6 months, which I know isn't long (but we had to have a break of a few months in between so we could go to SIL's wedding abroad without me being too pregnant/have a tiny baby - so it felt more like a year or so and was incredibly frustrating) and I was really struggling. My mum took 3 years to conceive me and I was so worried I would take after her, as we are so similar - so I had a lot of fear about not being able to have a child.

I struggled with God about it, and was really praying. Well one day I really felt God say to me 'February'. I had no idea what this meant at first, but as I continued to pray I really felt God say that He had plans for our child and His timing was perfect. I told my husband and my friend about this, and asked them to pray too. This was in September time. Well, I got my BFP on the 4th February!!!! It really was the most amazing day, I just fell to my knees and thanked God with all of my heart, not just that I was pregnant with my longed-for child, but that God was so gracious to reassure me when I needed it most - and He ALWAYS keeps his promises :)

I truly believe that this little one is meant to be - we have chosen 'Liana' as her middle name, which means 'God has answered us'. We feel so blessed :)
Thank you for sharing the book! It’s nice to see so many Christians on this board. Thanks for sharing your stories, Chelsea and LaraJJ. Praise be to God.
I've heard of this book many times...Maybe I should actually check it out.. .Hrmmm....

I LOVE that there are SO many women of faith here! It just makes me SO happy!! :happydance:
I have a son that we're raising in faith as well. One night he prayed and said "Thank you God for God." hahaha I thought it was SO adorable!!

I have a long story, if anyone wants to read it...Its really only half the story...But its still good.

Praise Jesus!
This is so encouraging to me!

Well I may as well share our story!!!

So we got married in April 2011, (4 months ago), I am a work from home hairdresser and hubby is a firefighter, so were not rich or anything but we dont struggle thank God! I've wanted children since I can remember but hubby wanted to wait a few years. (our discussion in Pre-martial Course) So we agreed we'd wait 2 years and talk about it then.

So on our honeymoon a was sitting on the bedside and called at hubby to grab me a water from the fridge so I could take my BCP, his response was "no". :shrug: He'd never refused to do anything Id asked before and it was only a bottle of water!!!! :shrug: Anyway I got up myself and went to the fridge and he stood in front of it. I thought he was just messing around as you do on a honeymoon but he lifted me up, threw me onto the bed and lay down beside me and said "how're we going to make a baby if you keep taking those dumb things?" :happydance:

I was over the moon! I explained it was better to finish out the pack than stop mid-pack so I finished the pack in May, had 1 withdrawl bleed, 1 True AF and then we got PREGNANT!!!

I thank God every day for our little baby! Hubby is over the moon, he said that God just spoke to him and said "you know that the longer you wait the more you deprive yourself of the Blessings I told you that children are", he said he couldnt see a father and child together without "awwwwww-ing and Goooooo-ing" out of him that his heart just melted and he wanted a baby. I was dancing with my 3 year old cousin at the wedding and he told me he sat and watched me dance and play with the kid for like an hour and just thought Id be a great mother..

So here we are, pregnant, 4months married and everything thinks we're crazy! :wacko:

Apparently we're going to regret not spending more time on our own? We've been best friends since we were like 4, so we both agreed we've done lots of growing, and travelling and living and learning together already and we're just over-joyed! :D

And YES!!! READ THE BOOK! I read it in about 90 mins, its really thin but it'll change your life! :)
I am a Christian too :)

Chelsea - I love your story, thanks for sharing :)

Can I share mine too?!!!

We had been TTC for around 6 months, which I know isn't long (but we had to have a break of a few months in between so we could go to SIL's wedding abroad without me being too pregnant/have a tiny baby - so it felt more like a year or so and was incredibly frustrating) and I was really struggling. My mum took 3 years to conceive me and I was so worried I would take after her, as we are so similar - so I had a lot of fear about not being able to have a child.

I struggled with God about it, and was really praying. Well one day I really felt God say to me 'February'. I had no idea what this meant at first, but as I continued to pray I really felt God say that He had plans for our child and His timing was perfect. I told my husband and my friend about this, and asked them to pray too. This was in September time. Well, I got my BFP on the 4th February!!!! It really was the most amazing day, I just fell to my knees and thanked God with all of my heart, not just that I was pregnant with my longed-for child, but that God was so gracious to reassure me when I needed it most - and He ALWAYS keeps his promises :)

I truly believe that this little one is meant to be - we have chosen 'Liana' as her middle name, which means 'God has answered us'. We feel so blessed :)

Thanks for sharing your story Lara! It is so wonderful how He always comes through for us when the time is right. I have struggled so many times with why He made me wait on things in hard times, but in the end, I always see why when His plan reveals itself and I see that the wait was necessary! By the way, I love the middle name :flower:
It's incredible all the different ways he's blessed all of us... with a baby...

I love hearing everybody's stories thankyou for sharing! :hugs:
Well, I think I'll share too. We got pregnant with our first shortly after getting married.. I wasn't excited because I felt I wasn't ready but we both felt at peace about going off birth control and just letting God take control. I wouldn't change it for the world now I love her so dearly and she really is the best thing that could of happened. Anyways this time we got off birth control in October I was expecting we would get pregnant even though we were doing natural family planning. We didn't I started to wonder if something was wrong. June is when we found out we were pregnant. I was SO excited! I felt like God was telling me (at a family christian camp we were at the day after we found out) that he wanted us to name this baby after or about worship. After MUCH searching I just wasn't really at peace about any of the names. I felt God tell me to open my bible, so I did. I turned right to 52 and my eyes were drawn to these words. "I will PRAISE you forever, O God..." PRAISE is what her name must represent not music.. (Originally we had Melody as the name) So I looked it up the first name that came up was Hallie - Praise the Lord. And I just knew that was it. We aren't finding out if it's a boy or a girl but I just know it's a girl.
This is such a positive thread, I love it!

And the name Elianna/Liana has come up a few times - it is such a special name :) And Hallie is just lovely too - your story is beautiful PoohBear :)
This is such a positive thread, I love it!

And the name Elianna/Liana has come up a few times - it is such a special name :) And Hallie is just lovely too - your story is beautiful PoohBear :)

I'm naming our Baby Elianna Joy!! Read my story! I just LOVE that name! :cloud9:

And, TheNewMrs - Your story gave me tears!! Its such a beautiful story!! Congratulations on your new family!
So lovely to hear everybody's stories, thank you all so much for sharing.

I feel truly blessed for my family every day and I'm thankful to Our Lord for giving me this path in life.

When I first found out I was expecting Elena, I was only 18 years old and extremely scared.
But I kept telling myself it was part of His bigger plan for me, and to be strong. The day she was born changed my life forever for the better, I never realized I was capable of loving someone so much.
All my worries melted away at once, because I knew he would guide me through.

Had I not gotten pregnant on our daughter, I'm not sure where I'd be today. She helped she rediscover my faith, because I wanted her to be raised in a Holy home. Before her birth I was drinking, and partying all the time.
My husband has also completely changed since she was born, he was in the same boat as me with the over indulgence of alcohol.

We're so very thankful to Him for giving us this blessing, I can't put into words how grateful I am everyday to have such a wonderful family and such a strong faith.

Its so great to talk to like minded people!
i found this last night and skimmed it before bed and have just sat down and read it properly, a very good read for Christian mums
Oh that link is awesome! I so cried reading that. I do feel that a lot of my friends are telling me that my own life is "over" now that Im pregnant, I wish I could so "no Im finally doing what I was born to do, BE A MOTHER"


I'm just so excited to be a mother.
beautiful stories, praise the Lord! I love reading them!

Here is ours:

We married in October, 2009, and began trying right away (we used NFP to try to GET pregnant, not avoid it, lol!). It was a roller-coaster struggle - took us 13 cycles before we were blessed with our first child. We were over the moon and soooo happy! So, so blessed to be given that child. Unfortunately, the Lord's "YES" turned into a "NO" a few months later, and we lost our lil' Vincent Gianna a few days shy of the 2nd trimester. :cry: All glory to God.

After that 1st m/c bleed, we began trying again, but this time, we were really, really trying - began using opk's, timing things, looking into how temperatures work, etc - trying to take our fertility into our own hands. After the 3rd post-m/c "NO" from the Lord, I was done. I was still shattered from the loss of Vincent Gianna, i felt like i should still be pregnant, i compared my inability to provide healthy children for my husband to all of the couples around us who were getting pregnant 1-4 months after their weddings with healthy first babies, i was really struggling with having no control over things - especially since my cycles had gone crazy since the m/c... I hit rock bottom and turned all of my pain and longings over to the Sacred Heart of Jesus because I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I remember kneeling in church, looking up at the crucifix, thinking about Our Lord's sufferings, and laying my small baggage at the foot of the cross.

The next cycle, we decided not to try - we were both done, and we didn't want to be let down again. I still charted mucus (out of habit), but that was it, and i didn't tell my DH when we we might be fertile. Well, we embraced maritally once during the right time frame, and i had a strong feeling that we were pregnant again like the next day. Of course, I didn't tell my DH until i could show him a positive test, but i just had a good feeling about it, and that feeling just got stronger...

That was in February, and we are expecting our rainbow baby the beginning of November, praise the Lord! :happydance: If we go by my charting, our EDD is the day of the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (Nov 2 - also called All Souls Day), which seemed completely appropriate considering last year's loss of our 1st child - it was like a little reminder from the Lord that He is in control, not us. :thumbup:
Wow! thats an intense story. Im glad things are working out this time, you'll be overjoyed when your little one is put into your arms! :flower:
Hello everyone! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.
Doing absolutely great!

Every prayer has been blessed, I'm so grateful.

Managed to find a job and am doing great in school. LO's happy healthy and beautiful..

Also finally found a church that fits... Haven't had this since I was a young child... I'm so happy my daughter gets to experience that too.

How're you doing!?
Goodness, that Book has helped SO much! I'm in love with it! We're having a Supernatural Pregnancy so farAND I have no fear or labour!! What a Blessing! God is just so wonderful! He has poured out so many blessings on me! I can't even describe!
Goodness, that Book has helped SO much! I'm in love with it! We're having a Supernatural Pregnancy so farAND I have no fear or labour!! What a Blessing! God is just so wonderful! He has poured out so many blessings on me! I can't even describe!

We all sound crazy!!! Like the "religious freaks" ppl talk of BEFORE they submit to Him. :haha:

But when you've got God in your life the level of contentness and happiness you recieve... Even during the absolute worst of times is incredible.. :cloud9:

No worries is something so foreign these days... let go let God right ladies!? :hugs:
Hi ladies......just found this thread....and, WOW.....what a blessing :D. I was about ready to stop reading/participating in this board because, although supportive in nature, I was beginning to have issues with some of the topics and language. This thread really lifted my spirits!

I just wanted chime in with some praise for our many blessings. We don't have an amazing conception story; in fact, this baby was such a surprise! My husband and I have 3 children (ages 16, ,15, and 12) and have been married 20 years. We are over the moon to welcome baby #4 in May. I haven't read the book, but am thinking it would be an excellent Christmas read! Again, thanks for sharing your stories....may God continue to bless each of you and your sweet families :).


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