Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Hi Ladies. I'm so excited for all of us.
We really are getting our ducks in a row and coming up to our due dates or scheduled inductions or sections.

OMG Dove- That is so crazy! I am the opposite. Baby apparently stopped growing at 33 weeks. I finally have a date for u/s to check size but really, at this point I'm not sure what they will do since I'm 39 weeks

Jessica- I hope your tummy starts healing soon.
Good news on your out if hospital birth!!

Baby is so low right now. He is ready, I am ready.. I guess I'm just waiting in my body to catch up with the news. Haha.

My Mom has been here the last 2 days and we have been in full in mode to organize and prep all the last of things. Cleaned cupboards and did all the last of the laundry, reorganized the nursery, and attacked my girls craft cupboard. That felt so good.
Tonight we did the Costco run. I needed snacks for now and for hospital as well as for after while breastfeeding as I know I am going to be so hungry.

Good luck to us all!! I can't wait to hear more updates..
LOL---my last was huge too. The Dr said yesterday that she wasn't sure if I would make it to the 17th. When I asked what that actually meant, she said that the size could irritate my uterus and cause labour to start. As long as NST's and ultrasounds are good, it's fine....other than the fact that I'm a whale, lol. I don't have too much or too little fluid, so that's good, NST have been I'm just taking it uber easy. Funny, we always said that our last was born looking like a 3 month old, I guess baby girl will be the same!
ss - sounds like you've got it going on, and about ready. I know getting all the organizing done helped me feel a bit better too. Yaay for breastfeeding snacks, never have too many of those :p

dove - I am actually so curious as to how big this one will be for you LOL. I feel you on the whale part though, I just feel so massive, but it's probably a good thing you're taking it easy, I know I am trying to relax a little bit too.

afm - appointment went well. All my numbers are about what they've been, mw is trying to help me get to turn baby because they're always lying on their side so we don't end up with another back labor/sunny-side up baby. I already noted the first two came out face up, so I'm prepared for it this time as well, but generally this one still flips their back up and out a lot, and they never get into position until active labor. I'm *hoping* they come out the correct way, but it's hard to say, definitely more likely if I labor without being induced. Unless I go into labor in the next few days, I go back next week. Mostly I'm anxious about the pain again, but fingers crossed that it's a shorter labor and the tub helps.

As for my belly, it's healing up, some of the blister came off so the skin is a little raw but still it looks like it's healing up. I have been having lots of BH and they're getting really painful but they never stay regular. I had like three hours of being awake hungry last night and I counted one that I did breathing through, thought for sure it was a real contraction, but nothing else for hours afterward. I lost little bit of plug, nothing big, so I think the signs are there!

Looking forward to updates, wonder who's going to go next :D
Jessica--sounds like you might be next!
NST again today, and that's it for the week for me.
Tossed and turned a lot last night, kept dreaming of labour starting, rushing to the hospital, and not getting the dr I was supposed to have, lol.
I'm ready to be done, but I'm not ready for that newborn exhaustion stage. Thankfully, it should happen over x-mas break, so I don't have to worry about getting my 3 other kids to school in the mornings for a couple of weeks :)
Yeah, I think I am probably the next one to go as well. I tossed and turned so much last night as well... what an odd dream, but sounds about right. Newborn stage is so unpredictable for me, sometimes my babies have been really demanding and others they've been easy going.

I'm feeling lots of pressure down low, like baby is hitting down on my cervix... lot of bh still but nothing exciting yet.
Sounds like a lot of you are so close to giving birth. All the signs sound so promising. Can’t wait to see who goes next.

Afm, one of my girls was discharged yesterday. It was a very bittersweet moment. I had a complete breakdown at the hospital when Zahra was discharged and it was time for me to leave Maryam behind. I even made the nurse cry. These days have been so difficult, I really don’t wish this on anyone.
It sounds like all these babies just want out NOW!!!

Ss yay for stocking up on snacks and you are so close now only a week to go. Well done on the cleaning, I’ve done some today as well as shopping so I wonder if my nesting is kicking in haha

Jessica glad your belly is healing, I hope baby turns by itself as I’ve heard it’s quite painful when they are turned by hand. Yay for losing some plug, maybe this one will be on time??

Dove I was thankful for the Xmas school break but now I’m thinking at least someone else is entertaining dd through the day if she’s st school so I’m hoping for baby to come early while she’s still at school

Aw sushai it must be so hard to leave one behind, I hope she will be home very soon

Afm lots of pressure down there and I’m sick of peeing haha I haven’t heard back about my gtt so I’m guessing it’s good news otherwise they would have called by now I’m sure
sushai - hoping your other daughter is discharged soon, I cannot even imagine how you are feeling... On a positive note sounds like they're doing better and feeding okay??

MrsDuck- baby seems to really like side lying with butt up by my ribs, but when I'm getting Braxton hicks their butt turns to poking out a little, so I'm really hoping it is a sign. My belly is doing better today. Main concern is having to be in the tub at the birthing center and the warm water making it hurt. I am keeping finger crossed I go this weekend. Sounds like good news about your gtt. Also getting so much pressure down low I'm waddling more than I was before with my whale like tendencies.

I've been a bit antsy today and hoping that's a sign labor is near but also anxious for the pain lol. I am excited to find out soon whether this is a boy or girl and have the baby out and be able to bend over again.
Nothing on my end, felt lots of really intense pressure last night that made it hard for me to walk, like baby was dropping down into pelvis. Lost some tiny bits of plug, nothing big yet... thinking I'm going to just lost little bits over time instead. Having a lot of bh still, too, baby turns their butt out and my belly gets hard and painful. I'll know it's closer to labor when it starts going into my back too, though. Tomorrow is my due date so we'll see how it all goes!
Sushai, sorry to hear about that! It must be ever so hard to leave them behind! I can't even imagine it but she will be at home and in your arms before you know it! <3

I see on Facebook BDB had her little girl! I cant believe they are all popping out! This is so exciting!!
Not long Jess and I reckon you're next!

As for me, 2 weeks today and there is no way my baby will be coming early! Very unheard of if its never happened before and to be honest I am now told the reason why I cant have babies is because my pelvis doesnt open enough and my babies dont fit down the canal so again when checked babies head was free... None of my babies have ever engaged!
Ooooh Jessica it all sounds very promising, I don’t think you’ve got long to wait, how exciting

Buttercup I’m surprised they are letting you go as close as 39 weeks just in case things start to happen naturally. I’m camping out in the waiting tent with you for the next couple of weeks, I can’t believe nearly everyone has ended up having November babies haha

No change for me still just waiting :coffee:
Baby is very low but no plug loss or anything exciting. Lots of bh during the night keeping me awake but nothing much during the day
Buttercup - yep, saw her update... so exciting! It is funny how most of us have gone in November :haha:. Two weeks isn't much longer, so we'll likely be waiting a bit together, but I do think I'm the next one to go as well :D.

MrsDuck - It's weird I also get those really strong BH at night, sometimes a little in the morning, (likely from chugging the raspberry leaf tea lol). My kids are anxious about it all, and I imagine I'll go sometime in the next week. Hoping it is quick for me, and that dh will be home when it happens since he's usually an hour away from home for his work.

I'm gonna miss feeling baby inside and since this is definitely my last one it is a bit bittersweet, and I'm trying to enjoy it all as much as I can. The pressure and discomfort I get from just walking around is annoying though, baby is definitely low, but never engages until labor, either. I keep waiting for that moment when I sit up or get up and I gush out my waters like last time, but so far nothing has happened :/. Here's to hitting my due date tomorrow!
They say babies are more likely to come, or that you are more likely to go into labour during the night so that might explain why we get more symptoms at night, I don’t know??

This is definitely my last too so I know what you mean about being bitter sweet but I haven’t really enjoyed this pregnancy like I did my last but I’ll be jealous of other mummies with bumps I’m sure

Whoo hoo for your due date tomorrow
Yeah my mw said there was a connection between the sleeping hormone, and labor hormones. My others have gone at night, although I was induced with my second. I know what you mean about that feeling of seeing other moms, I felt that way as well.

Sorry you have not enjoyed this pregnancy, at least we're almost so close to done. I was just watching the butt sticking out from under my ribs again... I wonder how big this little one will be and very anxious to find out whether they are a boy (I'm betting on this) or girl.

Dh bought me a medical cushion last week when my hemorrhoids (tmi) were really bad from the iron issues, so I am super thankful for it as it'll be so nice while I am recovering as well pp, especially if I have stitches again. Last time during labor I think I had popped out my tail bone or something because it hurt soooo bad to sit on for almost a year, I personally felt it was because the hospital wanted me to push with my knees up to my chest which was just uncomfortable in its own right. Wonder what it'll be like pushing out in the water though, I told dh I am hoping I can catch my own baby this time around!
I think it’s just coz I’m older and baby is bigger and having a very demanding dd to constantly entertain, it’s all just been so tiring and more symptoms this time, like sickness, leg cramps, restless legs, acid reflux etc, last time was a breeze and I really enjoyed it, never mind it will all be worth it.

I’m going for a girl for you, we’ll all soon find out yay

Sorry you are suffering with haemorrhoids but glad the cushion is helping some and it will be interesting how different your birth is in water
Hi ladies! Sorry so late updating. It has been a crazy week and a half! Adam Michael was born at 11:33 on the 19th weighing 5lb 14oz and 18” long. He came out crying and is the most adorable little guy ever

unfortunately it hasn’t been smooth sailing. I lost quite a bit of blood during the c-section but I’m doing well on Iron pills. The hardest part, though, is that Adam was born with fluid on his lungs and respiratory distress syndrome, so we are hanging out in the NICU until he gets that sorted out. He’s working his way off of oxygen and he was just allowed to have his first bottle today (I want so badly to breastfeed but we’ll do what we need to get him out of the NICU because, obviously he’s going to need to take bottles when I’m not here). He took his bottle like a champ and is almost taking half of his feeding by mouth

We can’t wait to bring him home, but for now we are getting lots of snuggles in at the NICU. Big sis loves him so much too ❤️

This thing won’t let me upload more pics on here for some reason. It keeps saying they are too large. I posted more on the fb group.
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Mrsduck- I hear you on the being busy, with two young kids it has been rough for me as well and for some reason I'm constantly irritable at the slightest provocation. Only being in my early 30s has been probably okay for me, but I'm a bit relieved this will not be happening for me at a later age lol. Another girl would be great, I'm okay either way. Really am excited to find our though! I had restless legs so bad last night and I was so tired. I just keep reminding myself I'm almost to the end.

markswife - i am excited to see your update :). Sounds like it went a bit rough but is getting better and I'm glad you're doing okay for now and your little ds (so cute!!) is doing okay too. I hope your recovery continues, and you can bring him home soon. I will check the fb group for the other pics, :). Good luck with bf.

Updates are so fun, cannot wait to hear from Star and to see how her induction went and whether she had a boy or girl. I'm still here waddling around, but if anything happens I'll immediately post here to let you all know because I do think I'll be the next to pop.
Hi ladies! Sorry so late updating. It has been a crazy week and a half! Adam Michael was born at 11:33 on the 19th weighing 5lb 14oz and 18” long. He came out crying and is the most adorable little guy ever

unfortunately it hasn’t been smooth sailing. I lost quite a bit of blood during the c-section but I’m doing well on Iron pills. The hardest part, though, is that Adam was born with fluid on his lungs and respiratory distress syndrome, so we are hanging out in the NICU until he gets that sorted out. He’s working his way off of oxygen and he was just allowed to have his first bottle today (I want so badly to breastfeed but we’ll do what we need to get him out of the NICU because, obviously he’s going to need to take bottles when I’m not here). He took his bottle like a champ and is almost taking half of his feeding by mouth

We can’t wait to bring him home, but for now we are getting lots of snuggles in at the NICU. Big sis loves him so much too ❤️

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Sorry to hear you've both been having struggles.
Hope things take a turn for the better.

He is so precious!!

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