

Full time working mummy
Feb 1, 2008
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Just wondering what everyones views on circumcision are? I know that if I have a boy I would want it circumcised, but not sure on the cost in Aust.
I think it's alot cleaner.
well my OH is getting his done on the 15th april so i can let you know after the surgery! if you like that is! my birthday is on the 28th so im gutted really, as i cant have sex on the day. lol but i know he is uncomfortable and sometimes it really hurts.
but maybe if you end up with a little boy you should consider his thoughts for when he turns into an adult, i strongly agree he should be given the chance to make up his own mind! unless he is in pain! hope i don't sound bitchy i have a terrible way with words x x x
too much info but oh well x x x lol
thank you for your reply on my thread btw x xx
Well, that's a controversial topic. ROFL

My hubby's mom talked me out of having my boy circumcised. Sometimes I wish I didn't listen to her.

But I get truly concerned about how it will be when he gets older. I don't know the statistics on how many boys are circumcised nowadays but I would think the going percentage is an increase in uncircumcised to circumcised. Now in Canada, it isn't covered by healthcare and it costs $200. So I can certainly see that more boys are not being circumcised.

I think back to a guy I once dated who was not. I didn't find it attractive, to be very honest. Will my son have a problem with that when he gets older? Will he be bugged from other boys because he isn't? Or will it just be the norm?

So many questions, but I will just have to see in time how it goes.
I have heard from alot of guys who aren't cut that they experience a fair bit of pain, especially when the woman is not lubricated enough. I can guarantee you'll love him being cut!
I also have to take into consideration that my OH's family circumcise their boys as well. Unsure bout my family as i've never talked about it but I think justin will want our child cut if it's a boy.
I'm about 99.9% sure if we have a son, he will be circumcised. My DH was circumcised when he was a TEEN and can clearly remember his ordeal and the before and after (and greatly prefers the later, and he describes all sorts of differences to me lol). DH is adamant about getting it done at infancy, because he does not want his son to go through what he had to. I agree with him and that is that. And how Sarah mentioned that pain...DH also said he experienced pain before he was done but was fine and had no pain after getting that is a plus!

It's such a controversial topic... I just hope this thread doesn't take a nasty turn with some extreme opinions.

Leeanne I am going to second your opinion and say that i too think an uncirc penis is a bit unattractive. it's hard to say it, really, as i know it's so controversial, but i just wanted to agree with you there.
oooh ok out come the gloves, lol im only joking x x x my OH read what samo said and now he feels alot better about having it done, even though he is in pain now the thought of the pain from the surgery kinda scares him x x x
oooh ok out come the gloves, lol im only joking x x x my OH read what samo said and now he feels alot better about having it done, even though he is in pain now the thought of the pain from the surgery kinda scares him x x x

aww hun i didn't mean to scare him :hugs: DH said he was quite sensitive 'down there' for about 2 weeks after surgery...nothing extreme though, he was still able to go to school at the time and carry on, just needed to be careful of 'bumping into anything' and such. I know your OH will make it through and be fine :D my DH is completely satisfied after having gone through it all and wouldn't change a thing.
This has been a concern of mine as well.
My sister's doctor suggested using a "band" to cut off blood supply to foreskin and this is supposed to be alot less pain.
Canadian doctor......not sure if euro Dr's do this as well.
I would be worried lazy boys will not clean an uncut penis and end up with an infection...( my dad had this surgery as a young boy..... very painful as he didn't know what was going on).
I am leaving the decision up to my OH. BUT I will try the band method instead of cutting.

P.S. :blush: This may be TMI but....
I have seen 3 uncut as an adult...and they look the same as cut ( when erect). Just extra sensitive...
this is what i thought but my OH really is in pain with his! so i fully go with his wishes to get it sorted,
as for the sensitive thingy... as long as this doesnt become an issue im great!
my fiance is the first bloke i have seen who wasnt serc and he doesnt look the same at all! sorry but i disagree!
i think if a man is feeling uncomfortable and in pain with a foreskin then he should have it cut as it would be unfair to suffer for no reason when it can be cured, but i have a 6 year old son and have never thought about having him circumsized before as i feel that when he grows up he can make that decision on his own and i will support him in whatever he decides i just dont feel its mine or his dads place to decide what happens to his "BITS", he never complains of any pain or discomfort so i see no need to put him through it for no reason, although my OH has had a few problems with his skin, once we made love and i was not lubed up enough...sorry TMI and as he went in his skin pulled back a bit too far and ripped slightly but there was alot of blood involved, i felt so bad and everytime after that we had sex he had to wear a condom to stop the friction it was very sore for him and it took a good few months for it to heal completly, i told him we shouldnt make love until it heals but nothing keeps my OH from sex i can tell, i spoke to him about having it cut but he refused point blank, i dont find it unattractive that he has skin i think im just used to it but i must say a cut man does look more appealing and sexy.
glad you agreed on the first part, that was what i said! it should be the childs decision. but... your other half should have bit his lip and gone for the chop!
if he is in pain the hospital asured us that the length of pain should be from a week to three, but no sex for up to three weeks and the stitches disolve so no added trips to the hospital wa hay x x x x x
sorry if i have upset anyone! x x x
LOL this topic has been swung around the loops the last few months. Nobody has gotten nasty though, thats why I love this forum:headspin::happydance:

We didn't get my son circumcised mostly because we didn't want to see him in pain (hadn't done any research on it before hand). My hubby had no objection to it and he is circumcised, in his point of view its all to do with looks in North America, I completely agree. I'm pretty sure if being uncircumcised was the norm here that it would be more widely accepted instead of boys being made fun of while growing up. I don't agree with getting a boy circumcised just because the dad is, it doesn't seem right to me. Seems like it should be something that they should decide to do as an adult. Granted, it would hurt and all but its their penis and not ours.Now, theres the hygienic point of view of getting it done, if you teach your son to wash it it right then theres no problem. So why do it? I know its also done for religious reasons and I can understand that but also don't agree with that reasoning if I'm honest.

I've also heard that men that have the foreskin intact experience more pleasure during sex than men without, and its more sensitive. I've heard women also agree that sex is more enjoyable for them with a man thats uncircumcised.

In summary, its unnecessary in my opinion. Don't do it because it looks better, or because you don't want your child being made fun of etc like I said in a previous post, you're feeding into the whole needing to look perfect thing in a society obsessed with it.

PS. To those that think it doesn't hurt the baby all that much, I suggest you watch a video of a boy being circumcised, I did the last time this topic was brought up and it brought me to tears. I don't know how you can think it doesn't. :cry:
I have boy already and am expecting another but I haven't/won't be getting it done.

I just see it as unnecessary and would only do it for medical reaons. I'd rather leave it upto them and if they want it done when they are older then it's their decision.

I don't think it's that common to have it done anyway though in the UK.
We definitely will not. My DH is not & it has never been an issue in any way - either with pain for him or cleanliness. I have also heard that men who are uncircumcised get more enjoyment from sex because they are more sensitive (because the foreskin covers things most of the time when it is all exposed it is supersensitive).

I definitely feel it is unnecessary & find the cleanliness thing a weak argument (sorry - don't mean to offend) but if a little girl can her genitals clean a little boy can handle pulling a little skin back to clean.

I also find a circumcised one just looks so vulnerable & raw. I just could not cause unnecessary pain to my child. I know for some it later becomes a problem - but that is the minority not the norm.
hey my boy is 3months old now and we want him done both my other boys were done im from aust to but in victoria i have to get a referral from my dr at 4 months to see the surgeon he'll be done at 6 months under anasthetic takes approx 20 mins i never had any problems when my other 2 were done at the same age dont know if it'd be the same there but i do know only a few surgeons still do the procedure and wont do it till there 6 months so its safe for anesthetic i went through public hospital only had to pay for first visit before op the rest was covered by medicare.
i would just like to say i have 3 sons and each one of them was done at 6 weeks, they were awake during the op but were given pain relief, not one of them cried while having it done or any time after. all the boys in my family have been done too and nobody as ever had a problem, i think the younger they are when they get it done the better
Hey kookie- Is it the same in QLD that you know? I would really like my boy (if I have one) to be cut, and if it's done under anaesthetic then it's good. Did your other boys feel any pain? how much did it cost you?
hi all

we had our son circumcised when he was 3 months old and i have to say if i have another boy i will definantly get it done again, my son had his done due to his religion but even if he wasnt muslim i would still have got this done as it is so much cleaner health wise,

it only took 5 mins and he didnt even cry!!! yes i was shocked too but he did cry the first time he urinated though, other than that it was all cleared up within 5 days

hope this helps

I would never circumcise my son. My DH is not cut, and since I don't have a penis, it is not my call.

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