cirque de celebrite

i was gutted grace was really good :evil:
oh but it was sooooo good!!! come on sum1 had 2 have watched it all!!
it was a bit unorganised ruby wax wasnt very good at all ohhh did u hear ruby tell everyone that grance and mikey have gotten engaged?
lol thts the joys of it bein live!!!!!!! yeah i know omg tht was quick!!!
i know i was shocked but if they are happy then
its maybe just a publicity stunt!
i dont know really they have been out of the media lot and well i think this is the real thing
imnot too fond of grace lol she is very strange looking!!!!
im not that fond of her either didnt like her at all in bb but i think she wantsto prove that shes not a super bitch
yeah that could be it!! i still think she is tho lol :lol:
lol me to but trying to keep a oepn mind lol my oh half was calling her horse face grace lol
ill need 2 mind that 1!!! horse face grace!!! classss!!!
Damn!!!!! I forgot about it!! :x
:cry: thats it make me feel better
Day, time, channel?!!? Pleaseeeeee :D

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