5 years total. First pg was the month we had our first fertility clinic appt so didn't really try. Used opks for at least a year. Didn't catch a surge. Turned out I was Oving early. Had 3 cycles of clomid between pg1 and 2 which regulate my cycle to Oving around cd12. Used it for a couple of cycles pre pg 2 (3 years ago) but didn't dtd every high and peak as we'd been told probs with dh's sa. First cycle we dtd every high and peak we got pg 2. Pg 3 it was the second cycle using it-the first cycle turned out to be a 40 dayer due to post mc hormones. Pg 4 was first cycle although that cycle we only got highs on it so thought it was a bust
eta first pg cd21 tests had shown no ov which is why we didn't bother.
I'll see if I can help. Hopefully nessaw will reply to confirm.
nessaw had been using ovulation tests (OPKS) for around a year but hadn't caught a surge and found out she was ovulating earlier than she had originally thought.
She had used 3 cycles of clomid between her first two pregnancies to even out her ovulation to cycle day (CD) 12.
1st Pregnancy - nessaw wasn't really actively trying as she had a fertility clinic appointment. She had tested at CD21 which had shown no ovulation and so hadn't bothered really about trying (I'm guessing this is the test that is carried out at the fertility clinic. I had the same).
She had used the monitor before her 2nd pregnancy but hadn't 'got busy' (DTD) on every high and peak reading day as they had been told that hubby may have issues with his sa (semen analysis). However, the first cycle that they DID get to it every high and peak day was the month that she conceived her second.
Pregnancy 3 - she conceived on the 2nd cycle of using the monitor.
Pregnancy 4 - was on the first cycle. She didn't get any peak readings....just high.
I hope that's cleared things up a bit and makes a bit more sense. As I said, hopefully nessaw will reply and help you out more. The lingo can be a bit confusing if you're not used to it. You'll soon pick it up though.