When i was taking clomid, I didn't get any peak readings on my CBFM.
To bring you up to speed, I had a lot of investigations done and everything was fine. No problems ovulating, no cysts, no nothing. It just wasn't happening. The consultant at the hospital prescribed me clomid 50mg, and referred me on to the hospital that has the funding for IVF. When I had my first consultation, the specialist there told me to stop taking the clomid as I ovulated myself and it was the stupidest thing he had ever heard.
Anyhow, when taking clomid I only ever got high readings on my CBFM - no peaks at all. The strange thing was that usually I use 10 sticks, but with clomid I had something like 17 high days. Really confusing for me, as I didn't know where I was. I think in my case the rise in estrogen levels caused by the clomid, was blocking out the rise in luteinising hormone.
But I'd say, that if you're registering your peak readings then you are about to / have ovulated. CBFM won't register a peak unless it detects the rise in luteinising hormone that coincides with ovulation.
Hope that makes sense and is of some help to you.
Good luck hun