When my husband and I were first dating his English was awful. It just so happened that my Spanish at the time was decent. But as his English got better I started losing my Spanish, lol! We decided a long time ago that our kids will be bilingual, and I think when that happens it will help me learn too. So I am looking forward to that.
The weekends during the TWW aren't too bad for me. We are so busy I don't have time to even think about it. This weekend all we did was work around the house basically. Mostly the yard and patio. Having your home for sale is great motivation to finish up all those projects and to keep it clean, lol.
Last weekend I tackled the closet and the bathroom. Got rid of lots of partially used hotel toiletries and old make up, lol. Very satisfying! Believe it or not I don't have much decluttering left to do at this point. Our house is small but has lots of storage. We really haven't outgrown this house yet, and our next house is going to be significantly bigger. But that was done with babies in mind. Never thought we would be moving into it without any.

Even so, when we move we will still be taking the opportunity to get rid of quite a few things. I hate redundancy. If I don't need it, it's gone! Lol. The hard part is convincing yourself of the things you really don't need, lol.
It is the weekdays during the two week wait that are hard for me. For my job I sit in front of a computer all day. If I feel any weird twinge, to google I go! Lol. Trying to get a grip on that, but I usually lose that battle, lol. The first week isn't usually so bad because I know I shouldn't be feeling anything yet. But after about the 7 day mark, it's a daily struggle, lol.