Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

Looks like I am right behind you Fluffy, I think I o'ed yesterday! The TWW sucks major. Vent to me anytime, lol!

Side note, where in Germany are you? I have good friends from Berlin, Ansbach, and Lorrach :)
yay lucy, tww together! :) We moved from southern England to Germany last year for hubby's work, now we live near Frankfurt so pretty much in the middle of Germany. My dad's family is originally from Berlin so we speak German. Where abouts are you from? Are you doing anything to make the TWW easier? I think I will try to distract myself as much as possible, netflix is a heaven sent :p
I live in Virginia, east of Richmond. When I was in high school my family hosted exchange students from Germany. We shared a room (bunk beds & everything) so needless to stay we became close, they are like sisters to me. :) Were you raised speaking German? I feel like that would be a tough language to learn as an adult! I wish I spoke a second language so badly! DH speaks Spanish. I understand a lot in Spanish but don't have a lot of confidence in my speaking abilities.

I have reached the conclusion that the TWW sucks no matter what you do. Not sure there really is any way to help it, lol. I just try to busy myself with work, and on the weekends working around the house. Lately I've been decluttering, throwing and giving things away. We will be moving at the end of this year/beginning of the next and our house is currently for sale, so I welcome the opportunity to purge!

But no matter how busy I try to keep myself, it is pretty much impossible not to obsess, lol. Just do your best, that's all I can say, lol!
That's really cool! :D Yes I'm bilingual, though it took a bit of getting back into it when we moved here. If you're used to only speaking to family, speaking in formal settings and such takes a little while. It definitely is a tough language, all the grammar! It's great for people who like rules though because there are so few exceptions. English on the other hand is all exceptions, so that is really hard for some people too (I am actually a researcher (post doctoral) in european languages, so this is kind of my thing :D) If you understand a lot of Spanish, that means your passive language ability is already high - which means you would learn to speak (active language ability) much quicker if you practiced :) Just go for it whenever you have the chance, people love it when you make in effort in their native tongue!

3dpo today and the TWW is already feeling like forever X) Did the first HCG injection today and it hurt a little more than the trigger (it's more fluid, even though the dosage is lower), but nothing too bad. 1 down 2 to go! I actually love decluttering, I have been doing a lot of that too - since autumn last year... thinking I should make space for baby stuff. this was before I knew we'd have any problems. By now everything is actually pretty organised, I even reorganised the kitchen. We have so much more storage space now though, so that's great. Next I should tackle the cellar, but I'm kind of scared to open that can of worms ^^" What areas have you been declutterin?
When my husband and I were first dating his English was awful. It just so happened that my Spanish at the time was decent. But as his English got better I started losing my Spanish, lol! We decided a long time ago that our kids will be bilingual, and I think when that happens it will help me learn too. So I am looking forward to that. :)

The weekends during the TWW aren't too bad for me. We are so busy I don't have time to even think about it. This weekend all we did was work around the house basically. Mostly the yard and patio. Having your home for sale is great motivation to finish up all those projects and to keep it clean, lol.

Last weekend I tackled the closet and the bathroom. Got rid of lots of partially used hotel toiletries and old make up, lol. Very satisfying! Believe it or not I don't have much decluttering left to do at this point. Our house is small but has lots of storage. We really haven't outgrown this house yet, and our next house is going to be significantly bigger. But that was done with babies in mind. Never thought we would be moving into it without any. :( Even so, when we move we will still be taking the opportunity to get rid of quite a few things. I hate redundancy. If I don't need it, it's gone! Lol. The hard part is convincing yourself of the things you really don't need, lol.

It is the weekdays during the two week wait that are hard for me. For my job I sit in front of a computer all day. If I feel any weird twinge, to google I go! Lol. Trying to get a grip on that, but I usually lose that battle, lol. The first week isn't usually so bad because I know I shouldn't be feeling anything yet. But after about the 7 day mark, it's a daily struggle, lol.
I think it's perfect that you can move into the house first and *then* get pregnant. Moving house is very stressful at the best of times and you don't want any added stress during pregnancy or with a young baby :) This way you'll get to make a perfect nest in advance.

I'm home with a bad cold this week, so it's super hard to distract myself. 6dpo today... if I'm lucky, implantation will be happening in the next few days or even today! With the regular HCG injections though, I know there is no point in symptom spotting because I won't know if they're from the injections or from a possible pregnancy. This is taking all my patience X)

How is everyone else doing?
I am actually hoping to already be pregnant by the time we move in. We won't be moving in until December at the earliest, but more likely January. Scary thing is that we put our house on the market ONE WEEK ago thinking it would take a while to sell (we live in a rural area and have listed twice before and got nowhere), but we've already had FIVE showings AND have an offer coming in. So now we may have to move twice. But we knew that was a possible risk; worth it to avoid having two mortgages. We won't be moving far, staying in the same town. We may move in with my aunt or my parents while we finish our new house, and they are down the street from the new house, so that will make moving into the new house easier. But we will see. I don't know how much the offer is coming in for. If it's too low it will be a no go. Trying not to get ahead of myself.

And the TWW already sucks. I think I jinxed it when I said the first week wasn't too bad. I am only 5 DPO and getting impatient. And I find myself per usual second guessing my O date. I use the Ava bracelet, but I don't think it works for me. She thinks today is O date, which goes against every other piece of information I have so far. But I can't help but worry, just want to make sure we didn't miss it!

How are you ladies doing?
Life just got real interesting for us, lol. We got a FULL PRICE offer on our home after ONE WEEK on the market. Looks like we will be living out of suitcases for a few months, lol. I am excited and nervous and sad all at the same time. This was my first house and we have put so much work into it!

I feel sick to my stomach, butterflies; all kinds of stuff. Going to be hard to symptom spot this cycle even if I wanted to, because I won't know if it's just being nervous about selling the house, lol.
Wow, congratulations on the house offer! :D

8dpo today for me, finally in the second half of the TWW... AF should come on Wednesday if I'm not pregnant, so even if I can only test next Sunday, I guess I should have an idea later next week. If AF shows, my doctor said we'd just do 50mg of clomid again with IUI, so same as this time.

How is everyone else doing?
Hey Fluffy, feeling anything yet? :)

My AF is also due Wed or Thu of next week. The wait is grueling.

How's everybody else? You gals are quiet, lol!
So I called my RE's office yesterday to check on my bloodwork. To my surprise, the doc himself called me back this morning. He said overall things look ok, but they are consistent with "someone who doesn't ovulate normally". I have elevated LH (I was about to ovulate, would that have anything to do with it?) and elevated prolactin. He wants to retest the prolactin. Exactly the same thing happened with my obgyn; she retested my prolactin and it came back normal.

My reserves were good though (I think that's what he called it). He said they like to see a score of 1 and I had an 8, lol.
That's good Lucy :)

I'm waiting for af, but not sure when I ovulated, either af comes today or in two days. Managed to get some kind of insect or spider bite so all day yesterday and until this afternoon I had a pretty high temperature (at least for me, with 38.6). I got a swelling around a bite and my knee is hurting). Also managed to stress around since I stay an additional week in Bangkok, word of advice, think twice before booking through opodo ! Luckily it worked out and they got me a new ticket for Tuesday. That means I arrive in Paris on cd2 or 3, depending on when af shows and I can go ahead with the bloodwork on cd3 or cd4 and ultrasound around cd 12. Fingers crossed it will be covered by French social security, otherwise it's not a huge expense I think, and I'll hopefully be in the system before the following cycle..

Who here lives in Germany ? I might go this weekend, have to look for tickets to cologne or hamburg.. Hubby is there on a work trip and wants me to come over.. He speaks a little bit German after 2 years in Austria.. I only understand some words due to the similarities between German and Norwegian ;) I also studied linguistic once upon a time, in Paris :) my undergrad.. :)

Oh it has done me a lot of good getting away from mother in law for a while !
Hope you get a proper diagnosis soon, but great to know that your reserves are good :)

Over here, been living in Germany for a year now (have some German family, so I speak German as my 2nd mothertongue)! I hope you have a good trip :D
Personally, I'm quite happy with my mother-in-law living in a different country now, haha!
Nore, glad you were able to get away from your MIL for a bit!

Fluffy, any news on you?

Some friends of my husband came to visit this weekend. They have a two month old, so I got a nice little dose to satisfy my baby fever, haha. Mom clearly wasn't getting much sleep and wasn't feeling well, so I was happy to take the baby every chance I got, lol.

Temps are going down gradually. Not feeling very hopeful. But I do prefer that to the other cycles when my BBT allows me to cling to false hope until the last moment. Went for another blood draw this morning to retest prolactin. Just waiting on AF so I can schedule the HSG.
Lucy I hope you get some answers soon about that prolactin! Glad to hear things are moving forward testing wise for you!

Nore, sorry to hear about that spider bite! That sounds uncomfortable! I love hearing all about your travels though :) I'm keeping my fx for you this next cycle!

AFM, I've been spotting for 5 days now. CD 17 today. I'm thinking I'm having an anovulatory cycle. I had one about a year and a half ago and it was a 17 day cycle with lots of spotting and really patchy ewcm, and this cycle seems to be following that same pattern. I'm thinking that cyst must have thrown my hormone balance out of whack. At this point I'm just hoping for AF so that this process can get restarted.

I'm thinking next IUI in October, but we'll see what happens. I also applied on a new job, if I get it we'll stop TTC for a few months. I'm hoping I'll get a call back for an interview in the next few days! But I guess we'll see.

Oh and I also have plans to see a naturopath tomorrow. I'm interested to hear what she has to say. I've also overhauled my diet and I'm eating pretty darn healthy these days!
Things are moving along for you! :) I'm on 12dpo today and wish so badly I could test, but I know there is no point with the HCG injections... the earliest I could possibly test for a reliable result is Friday, better even Sunday. AF is due to make an appearance on Thursday, so I guess if it does *not*, then at least I can test on Friday. It will be a looong week yet though X)

Fingers crossed for that job! :) I've also been trying to get back into eating healthy but this TWW just had me stress eating a lot ^^" and that little nagging voice saying that I *could* be pregnant and shouldn't restrict my calories/eat when I'm hungry... hoping to get back into really healthy eating this weekend! (Well, hoping I might be pregnant, but the odds are of course against that.)
Good to see you here Belle :) Good luck, hope you get the job! But also hope you can go ahead and do that IUI! And I know exactly what you mean about AF. It's like, hurry up already, if you're going to ruin my day just go ahead and do it, lol! Regarding your diet, I have made some minor changes myself, and in your case it will be even more interesting to see what happens. I have read that some women with unexplained were finally successful on a gluten free diet.

And Nore, somehow I missed that spider bite! Keep an eye on that. I had one of those before and my skin got really necrotic around the bite! Antibiotic ointment and bandages I think is all they recommended.

Fluffy, I am still pulling for you this cycle girl! :)
Hi ladies!

Lucy - AMH of 8 is great! Mine is 3 and I was told "above average" for my age. I think women with pcos tend to have higher AMH due to anovulation and lots of eggs left! I've read that women above 1.5 respond the best to IVF.

Nore - good luck with all the testing and getting the ball rolling with fertility treatment in France. Have fun in Germany...hopefully you can have a couple beers! ;)

Belle - good luck with the job! FX! Sorry to hear about the spotting. I hate spotting - progesterone has been great for me.

Any updates fluffy? I know what you mean about eating healthy / exercise. I'm trying to eat lots of fruit and veggies as snacks. Also I've read that in early pregnancy you really don't need extra calories but when I want that ice cream it's a good excuse lol.

Had a fun weekend at my cottage with lots of friends - kind of a last "hurrah" of summer. Now DH and I are back on the fertility diet / healthy living wagon and getting ready for IVF! It looks like I'm ovulating super early and earlier than ever this month. EWCM last 3-4 days, positive opk last night, breasts are starting to get tender. Only cd 12 today. I guess that brings us closer to starting IVF! Of course still hoping we will get lucky!
Thanks Ask, progesterone supplements unfortunately won't help this situation because I don't think I ovulated. I'm having break through spotting because my body can't maintain a thick lining with just estrogen. The one other anovulatory cycle I had was just the same as this with several days of spotting leading up to the breakthrough bleed. That cycle was only 17 days, today I'm on CD 18 and the bleeding is definitely heavier, I wouldn't be surprised if it went to full flow soon because I'm having cramping. But I guess we'll see.

I'll be going to my first naturopath appointment tonight. Its kind of funny timing

Glad you've been enjoying the last few days of summer Ask! And yay for an early O! Thats fantastic! I'm keeping my FX for you that you'll be one of those lucky ones and get your BFP right before IVF!
Thank you!

I've read the same about calories, still I find it hard not to use it as an excuse during this TWW X)

13dpo today and with the HCG from the inejctions leaving my system, I'm sad to report I feel a lot elss pregnant/different now. This most likely means I'm not pregnant. Still have to wait for AF to show on Thursday and until the weekend to test (without risking a false positive from the injections), but at this rate, I feel like I already know it will be negative :(

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