Belle, I understand needing a break, even more so now that you are basically being forced to. We are here for you when you need us.
Ask, I hope you guys get to start the IVF ASAP!! And I am so glad things are getting better for you and DH!
Fluffy, glad to hear the IUI went well! Fx for a BFP ASAP!
So! RE appt. Lots to tell. We sat down with the doc and got right down to business. I was pleased that he seemed to take our situation very seriously, while still being optimistic. He had absolutely no concern re DH's SA, so we ruled him out. Even though DH had 0% rapid progression, he had 70% moderate progression, and doc says it's really only the overall progression that they worry about (they like to see at least 40%). He said the morphology was a little low, but "close enough", and that a lot of people don't even think morphology really matters. Said if he had to give the SA a grade, he would give it an A-.
He said that even though we have only been trying for a year, the fact that we have had no form of birth control for two years and have not gotten pregnant is concerning. Based on the length of my cycles prior to the clomid and the anovulatory cycle, he suspects an ovulatory disorder, which he says fortunately is one of the easier problems for them to deal with. He did not exactly diagnose me with PCOS (at least not in so many words), but basically said if I wanted to call it that I could, because my cycles do fit many of the markers. He ruled out clomid since we already did 5 rounds. He said with things like that, if they are going to work they usually do in the first couple rounds. He did bloodwork and an ultrasound. The ultrasound was actually really cool. At first I didn't think it was necessary because my gyno had already done one (I am super shy and never had a guy doc down there), but I was glad he insisted because it looked totally different this time, and was really cool. It didn't look at all like swiss cheese this time. And,
he showed me that my right ovary is about to ovulate! My left one he seemed to have a little trouble finding which worried me at first, lol, but he didn't seem too concerned. But anyways, sure enough, I get home and take an OPK, and
it is positive! I don't think I've ever gotten a positive this early before. So, we've got one more shot before the game plan kicks in. I am just so thrilled to have a game plan, and that he is ready to start pretty much immediately!
So all in all it was a very efficient appointment. I feel like they did as much as they could have done today, and seemed to be sensitive to the fact that we have about a 2 hour drive to get to them. Should this cycle end in the usual way, I am to call on CD 1 of the next cycle to get an appointment for an HSG. He gave me a prescription for an antibiotic to take beforehand. He also went ahead and gave me a prescription for Femara. He also said that if we want to go ahead with IUI next cycle we can. And the best part; the IUI even
without insurance is only $250 plus $180 for the semen wash.
Can you tell I am excited ladies?

He helped me find my hope again. I didn't realize just how badly I needed it, lol. Now I am a little worried about the HSG. I have definitely been ovulating at least some of the time the last two years, so it would make sense that maybe I haven't been getting pregnant due to blockages. Hopefully if that is the case it won't be too hard to fix.
Baby dust to all! We need another BFP on this board! Maybe it will be you Fluffy!!