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Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

Welcome smurphy. Did I read right that you're taking the clomid 5-9? I think that is commonly done with pcos, it helps to create one good egg. The docs figure the cause of the infertility is the lack of ovulation. Once that's fixed women with pcos typically get pregnant at the normal rates as fertile women. Good luck!

I second what red has said Ask, I have a feeling IVF will work fairly well for you. We know implantation is not the issue, it's just a matter of finding the right egg!

AFM it was a tough weekend emotionally visiting family. I'd like nothing more than to stay home today. If my eyes are still puffy from crying I just might
Belle - Yes, I'm taking it CD 5-9. Follicle growth is definitely my problem. After they're mature I don't seem to have issues ovulating. I think my doctor is planning to give me a trigger shot anyways. I'm not positive, though. I've never been pregnant before so we don't know if implantation is an issue. DH's sperm analysis came back okay, but not great. His morphology was 2.5% normal, where they wanted to see 4%+ and his concentration and motility were normal, but just barely. We're having another spermiogram done in October, so this cycle will just be Clomid. She said we'll probably try IUI if his sperm comes back similarly next time. She said if it comes to it, she's pretty sure IUI would work really well for us.

I'm so sorry you have a rough time with your family visit. :( I hope you feel better as the day goes on.
I was just going to say that IUI would work really well if there was a mild male factor as well. I think with morphology it can just take that little bit longer to find the right swimmer. Its more a matter of being "sub-fertle" rather than "infertile." I think there are very few people in the world who are truly "infertile" during their reproductive years... but of course that's the term they label us with... rather cruel I think.

We have unexplained infertility, but I know a large part of the problem is my thin lining. Even on some of my IUI cycles it stayed pretty thin, so of course implantation is less likely. Hopefully that is all the problem is because in that case IVF should work really good for us because they will make sure that the lining gets nice and thick before transfer. I still have one IUI left, but we're waiting until November to try it as that will be after 3 months of naturopath treatments (I'm willing to try anything at this point lol).

I think I will take a personal day today. Its the first day back to school today which will be an emotionally charged day for me anyway. A good day to stay off of social media I think .
Thanks Belle. I'm not convinced that there isn't an implantation issue since all of my CPs were so quick...could something be causing implantation to begin but fail? My saline sonogram next week should be able to identify if that's an issue. The fact that they know I have Mosaic TS makes it more likely that it's an egg quality issue. My RE thinks it may also be a result of my DH's chromosome inversion (she referenced a study that found higher miscarriages rates in people with his specific inversion).

I'm at the lab now for more bloodwork. Feel like I live at the hospital these days. They want to do further thyroid tests, test my lipids, renal function and some other tests. Thursday I have to go in for a kidney ultrasound. Thank god I'm not working.

A personal day sounds like a great idea...and yes all the "first day of kindergarten" posts on Facebook kill me. I should just deactivate my account.
I think the only thing that causes implantation to fail is if there is a chromosomal abnormality. Between the Turners and the chromosome inversion it makes so much sense why you have had RPL. With PGS they will find you the right embryo and it will nestle in nice and tight.

I think it is fantastic that they are doing all of this extra testing for you. They are really being diligent to make sure that you have the best possible odds of a successful outcome. I know going through all of those appointments on your own isn't always easy though. I told DH that I really wanted him to attend my monitoring appointments and IUI appointment during our last IUI cycle in November (so far he hasn't gone to any, including the IUIs). I felt kind of embarrassed before and didn't want him there, but now I'm feeling like it might be nice not to be alone. He doesn't need to be there of course, but it sets the tone that we are in this together.
Ok I was worried maybe I have polyps or fibroids (my mom had fibroids removed in her mid 30s). I am definitely glad they are doing all these tests. So far everything except my freakin chromosomes has been perfectly normal, not even borderline abnormal. Go figure!

It's nice to have your DH at the appointmehts...my DH has only been to a couple with me now that we are staring IVF and they want him to be.

So you are thinking you'll do your last IUI in November? My transfer will probably be in late November/December so I've got some waiting to do too!
Polyps and fibroids can result in an early mc as well, but I suspect a lot of the time they would prevent implantation altogether (although I'm not an expert on this). I think its great either way that you're getting checked out so that you can put your mind to ease about the rest of it!

Yes, I'm wanting to give the naturopathy treatments 3 months to work before doing IUI. I'm actually kind of glad to hear that you'll be having your transfer around the same time. We can wait together!

Ya, our only problem seems to be thin lining. My estrogen is on the low end of normal. I do wonder though if they categorize normal as being the outward extremes of what you could expect to find for most women, rather than normal being what is "optimal" for conception to occur.
Just wanted to update a bit.

I went to a thyroid specialist endo today to get my thyroid more thoroughly checked out. My ultrasound was good: no nodules and it's not enlarged. She said there are no physical signs that I have Hashimoto's but she's doing a thorough blood panel anyway. She is curious to see the results of a test I had to see if I had Cushing's syndrome, because she still suspects it even though the last doctor said it was negative. She also said she would have elected to keep me on the 2000mg/day of Metformin. The RE took me off of it because she suspected it was elevating my liver enzymes, but the thyroid endo seemed to think it would still be beneficial. I'll probably discuss that with her more and also bring it up to my RE when I see her again.

So there was a blood draw for that and then we went to the RE on the way home to get my CD 3 blood taken. I'm definitely done being stabbed for the day.

Oh! I also realized today that I misread my Clomid Rx: I'll be starting at 100mg, not 50. Starting it in 2 days!
Starting my Clomid tonight. Fingers crossed for no (or even few) side effects! Feeling pretty anxious about the potential side effects still, but I'm optimistic about it working. Do you ladies bother temping while you're being monitored on Clomid?

Fingers and toes will be crossed for the next few weeks.

How's everyone else doing?
Congrats on starting clomid, Sara! I think awareness of the side effects makes them better and considering you are still taking your Lamictal I wouldn't worry too much. The hot flashes suck but they are more annoying than anything else. I did temp on clomid but expect that your temps will be higher than normal in the beginning of your cycle / while taking it. I was able to detect a temp drop and spike before and after ovulation but I think some people are not? I liked having the reassurance that I ovulated and was also put on progesterone so needed to confirm ovulation before I started it. Good luck to you!
Glad you don't have hashimotos Sara! Congrats on starting clomid! On femara I had hot flashes and many many night sweats. But my estrogen is on the lower side anyway so that's probably why. I did temp but could not confirm O with it (I know O'd though because had trigger shot). My temps went completely nuts on femara (up and down each day).
Sorry i havent been on here- its been a crap week.....

AF came, then our rabbit died, then the next day our 11yr old got hit by a car!

Not TTC this cycle. :thumbup:
OnErth&InHvn - Oh my gosh! Is your child okay!? I'm sorry to hear you've had such a crappy week. Hopefully your break refreshes you!

AFM - Thanks for the input Ask and Belle! I take my pills at 9pm, so technically I'm only about 13 hours into "day 2." Nothing bad at all yet, but I'm still preparing myself for that since a lot of people say they don't have s/e until a few days in, or even after the last pill. So far some intense, but very short-lived, hot flashes. They're primarily bad a couple hours after I take the pills, but they do happen a few times throughout the day. I've also had a dull pressure in my head since yesterday afternoon, but it hasn't developed into an actual headache so it's just a slight annoyance. Had some dizziness last night, but again, nothing to bad. So far, so good!

Edit: Oh! It's also making me extremely tired. As someone who has insomnia, I'm not complaining about that!
Glad to hear the side effects aren't too unbearable Sara!

Earth - I am so sorry about your bunny. I hope your child is ok! How scary!!

I finished my first week of birth control pills. One more week on them. I have my saline sonogram tomorrow and our consent signing a week from tomorrow so most likely I'll be starting my injections around sept 23/23. My retrieval could literally end up being on my 35th birthday or days before!
Glad you're SE are fairly manageable at this point Sara! I hope it stays that way.

Earth it sounds like everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. I'm sorry you're dealing with all that and hope it'll all be okay!

Good luck at your sonogram tomorrow Ask! Things are happening quickly now!

Well AF showed. It's been pretty light so far (definitely still have lining issues lol). I'll probably end up Oing around Sept 22 this cycle. I think we'll give it a go naturally this cycle.
Hey ladies,

Ask - It's exciting that you're getting so close!

Belle - Sorry the witch showed up. Hopefully a little break with a natural cycle gets you lucky!

AFM - Still about the same. Hot flashes are getting more frequent and I'm on the verge of being irritable but still not too bad.

I am not stressing about temping, but I'm doing it if I wake up at a good time. Now I'm wondering about OPKs. Should I bother? If so, when? I know Clomid can cause a false surge if tested too early. My RE never told me to do any OPKs. She seems to be planning to trigger, but didn't go into detail about when. I do ovulate when I get a mature follicle though so I'm a little confused about why/when. I go in on Friday for a CD12 u/s and then I guess I'll find out more. Unfortunately it won't be with our usual doctor because she's out on Fridays. Hopefully that doesn't complicate any communication. Just anxiously waiting for my ultrasound, now!
Sara - I used OPKs with clomid but often got "almost positives" even 3,4,5 days after my last pill. Then it would usually fade out and then I'd get a "blazing positive" a couple of days after it had faded which would correspond with O pains over the next day or two. But that's just me!

Belle - might as well give another natural cycle a go! Nothing to lose but your sanity! :)
I never had problems with OPKs when using letrozole. But things might be different for you because I know pcos can affect OPKs.

Ask my sanity is long gone anyway lol
Hi all. Just wanted to drop by to say hello. I check back every now and then to see how everyone's doing, and I am always wishing the best for you all. Afm, I started going to school full-time while working full-time, so it doesn't leave me time for much else. Unfortunately DH and I were told we have to wait all the way until the end of February to try conceiving since we went to the caribbean in July. Apparently no zika tests are reliable enough.. errrr! I was super frustrated, but what can I do? Meanwhile, I have been eating pretty healthy, I lost 20 lbs, and I even became a vegan. I am looking forward to February, so I can finally get started trying again. Best of luck everyone!!!! Xoxo

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