Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

Eurgh Red, that sounds like a nightmare. Why some medical staff don't trust you to know your own body is beyond me!

Ah wonderful, happy anniversary, where are you off to?

It's Hastings pier ❤
I thought it was! I live in Hastings! Do you?
We're just off to Gloucester glamping. I can't wait! I'm a bit worried as there's a hot tub and I'm not sure whether to go in it or not! I know your not supposed to during pregnancy but it's too early to tell if I am (even if highly unlikely) and I don't want to waste it if I'm not!
No way!!! What are the chances?! I grew up in Hastings and all my family are there (going there this evening actually), but DH an I currently live in Hertfordshire- moved here a couple of years ago after I graduated. We hope to move back to Sussex in a few years though. Wow I really can't believe that!

Hubby went to Gloucester for uni actually- I'm sure you'll have an amazing time. I'm afraid I don't know a great deal about the whole hot tub side of things though?
We've avoided hot tubs since we've been TTC as the high temps can reduce sperm count / quality.
Ya, I told my poor DH that even a bath wasn't allowed (like a year ago haha). Honestly it blows my mind sometimes that we're still trying. (Of course we aren't right this minute, but you know what I mean). Its weird because I know I'm fertile right now (plenty of ewcm so I'm sure I'll O this go around). But we're not doing anything, no trying at all happening here! I think it would be a bad idea actually because I'm not sure if any of the herbs I'm on are contraindicated for pregnancy. So we'll just continue to not try while I'm doing the herb thing (sounds like it'll last 2-3 months). Thats fine. I need a break anyway. Then I can get back into the swing of things and will feel a renewed energy for ttc.

Still waiting on AMH and adrenal testing to come in. Blah. I got the AMH blood test done at the beginning of July. Not sure how long it'll take.
I dont think im pregnant this cycle..

On to cycle 5 i guess.

75mg, 100, 100, 100, 100 + Trigger shot. LAST cycle TTC. :shrug:
Got my AMH results it was 2.3. Which I think is still in the normal range, but at like the lower end of normal. I think it means I'm aging and that its good that we started TTC when I was relatively young lol. I wouldn't have been one of those lucky ladies who is super fertile at 35. I wasn't even fertile at 26 :/ Lame. lol

I've also been on supplements and have made lifestyle changes for the past year and I've seen no difference in my lab levels (FSH and E2 were the same as they were a year ago). My diet still wasn't fantastic during this time. So for what its worth, if anyone is thinking they can use supplements as a substitute for a good diet you're just fooling yourself LOL. I did that for a year and it got me nowhere.

ugh, and I don't think I got that new job. haven't heard anything back. At least I tried and didn't let my infertility hold me back (even if the outcome was the same). i still have a pretty good job.

I'm so tired of being infertile.
Steph that is so weird! Small world :)

I just popped in mid glamping trip! At our wedding we did trees booklets on each table for the guests to fill in, who they were, date ideas, funniest thing they'd seen during the day etc. We open one each year, correlated the table number to the anniversary. Anyway, last nights one was written by hubby's aunt who sadly passed away which was very emotional anyway, and then on the question about how we'll be spending the evening of the anniversary she'd written changing nappies! I could not stop balling my eyes out! Poor husband!
I think I may have had a squinter in a test strip this morning. Probably just me being crazy (as if I could be doing pregnancy tests at 7/8po in the middle of a camp!) but if you could cross your fingers for me that would be very kind! I can't get it to show on a photo but hubby can see something super faint too. I honestly don't know what I'm more afraid of, being pregnant and losing another pregnancy, or not being pregnant!!
Belle I'm sorry you're having a hard time. Life can be so unfair. I'm just hoping this is all to teach me patience and skills I will need when I do become a parent! Xx
Oh Red I would have balled my eyes out at that too!

I was out visiting friends (who don't know we've been struggling or ttc at all). And they made a joke about how impatient I am with kids and that there was probably a good reason I wasn't a mother. That stung!

I'm keeping my FX extra tight for you!!
Ouch! That's a nasty thing to say to anyone!! I hope you didn't think I meant what I said like that! I just know I'm really impatient and try to look for something positive this process has taught me. That being said I don't think I've actually improved any!! Lol! I do worry that all this is happening because I'm not good enough to be a mother. That the universe just doesn't think I cut it. But then, I work for social services and I see how some people treat their kids. There is no way I could be that bad. But the stupid fears and reasons for not getting pregnant, or staying pregnant keep haunting me!
I got a bfn this morning for sure so think yesterday must have been an evap. Still a few more days to go though, although I think we've failed again this cycle. My progesterone level was 41.2 at cd20 (as day 21 was a Saturday) so that's good at least (according to the receptionist anyway!). Although even more frustrating that despite that nothing good seems to be happening!
No Red, I didn't take what you said negatively.

I don't think there is any rhyme or reason why some people go through infertility and others don't. Its not to punish us. We're just unlucky.
Belle - I think your AMH is normal for your age. I see your point though - you still have a decent egg reserve left and will probably respond well to IVF meds but that could be a bit different by the time you are in your mid to late 30s, so Better that you started trying in your 20s. Probably not a cause in and of itself of infertility since it's in the normal range.

So sorry someone said that to you...that would have ruined my day. People are freaking idiots sometimes. Argh!

Speaking of idiots and bad luck...some lady banged into my Jeep while I was sitting in my parking spot in the hospital parking lot (for my cardiologist appointment) and cracked my bumper that I literally just got fixed 2 WEEKS AGO. What?!? The good news is my heart sounded good to the doc - he doesn't suspect any heart issues but I'll have to get an ultrasound done tomorrow to be sure.

Red - have you had any repeat pregnancy loss testing done? Autoimmune, blood clotting, karyotype (your chromosomes)?

15dpo and BFN so it's on to IVF! I'll start birth control in 6 days probably. Then about 3 weeks after that I'll start my stims then retrieval early October. Here we go!
Wow Ask!!! It's all coming together so quickly!! I am so excited for you. I really do have high hopes that IVF will work for you, especially with PGS.

Sorry about the car bumper. Talk about bad luck! Glad things are looking good with your heart though!

I agree with you, low reserve is not a cause of my infertility. It's probably implantation failure since I've never been pregnant. Hopefully it's just thin lining (easily treated) and not something immune related causing implant failure.

Red, even the DNA fragmentation test could be useful in the case of recurrent miscarriage
Wow Belle, what a thing to say to someone. I don't get people sometimes.

Red I know what you mean about feeling like it's happening because you're not good enough to be a mother. My nephew is 18 months now and when I first found out I had fertility problems (we told our families straight away), I felt like every time I was holding him and he cried, they were looking at me and thinking "yeah, I can see why she doesn't have kids". Irrational I know.

Ask, eek, that is so close now! How are you feeling about the prospect of starting treatment so soon?

AFM I finally got my call from the egg-share coordinator. All of my results bar one she was able to say are completely fine, there is just one (she may have said CSV but not convinced) that she needs a nurse to interpret tomorrow. I asked if I should be worried and she said not at all, it is simply that she is not a nurse and when those results come back they are never as simple as the other ones!

In other news, they have already matched me with someone... If my results are fine, the lead donor nurse will be back at work on Monday and will call the other lady then to ask if she wants to accept me based on my characteristics. I need to tell myself not to take it personally if she declines :haha:

If she accepts, she will need to go on the pill when her next cycle begins and whoever goes on it last (her in this case) needs to be on for a minimum of three weeks before treatment begins. So we are looking at end of September at the very earliest which is great because I would have had to ask for it to be pushed back to October or beyond anyway, based on my crazy September work schedule.
Im out this cycle.. oh well.

Onto the next one and last one.

I have kids and feel the same way Red, why cant i get pregnant?! What happened that i used to work and now i dont? I cant imagine the pain on top of that if you have no children. :(

I think its great you can move to IVF an donors. I wish they were options. You all deserve it though!!! :hugs::hugs:
Hey all, I wrote a really long post but because I'm still at camp and have no signal it deleted!
Anyway, haven't had any tests done - last miscarriage they asked whether I'd brought the loss in for analysis - I'd not even thought about it let alone been asked to. If it happens again I will - can they do some of those tests prior to a pregnancy? I'm not due at the fertility clinic for a couple months now but wondering if I can ask my GP to run them?
Steph that all sounds fantastic - good luck!
Belle - did you end up hearing anything about the job? Sometimes it takes awhile...

Earth - so sorry you are out. :hugs:

Red - yes, the testing can be done prior to pregnancy as it is simply about your body. Here is a link describing the different things you should have checked out. All my tests were normal except my karyotype (chromosomal analysis) which showed some of my cells are missing a second x. If an egg with a missing x gets fertilized by a female x sperm, it will be a full/classic Turner syndrome girl (98% of these pregnancies are miscarried). If my egg is missing an X and a male Y sperm fertilized it, the embryo is incompatible with life and will not survive. Hence IVF and PGS testing...hoping and praying I have some normal eggs! The fact that my egg reserve is high is a good sign as researchers believe the eggs that are missing an x die off early in life which is why most girls with Turners never even hit puberty on their own or go through early menopause. Crossing everything! Anyway, if you've had more than 2 losses I would definitely be aggressive about requesting further testing.

Steph - it's getting so close for you as well! I'm definitely excited but nervous too...hard not to think of all the "what ifs". Gotta practice my positive affirmations!

Off to get my heart ultrasound done to make sure nothing is wrong!
Steph, that happened quick! I hope everything proceeds smoothly!

Red I hate when I do that!

Ask I hope your ultrasound goes well!

I didn't get the job (got the call yesterday) but I'm not feeling upset about it. I had reservations and I do still have a pretty good job!

Well next step for me is to go back to see my naturopath in a couple weeks, review the adrenal testing and get my treatment plan finalized.
Hey guys, back from holiday now - had to leave early last night as our dog injured himself :( he's alright though.
Got another bfn this morning 11dpo and honestly I feel so devastated. It's so stupid but I really thought these pills would be a miracle cure and it upped my hope levels so much; I had double the chances and nothing :( I just don't know how many more months I can take of wishing and hoping and obsessing, but I don't know whether it'll be harder to face giving up. Argh!!!
Thank you for your advice about the testing everyone - I will ask for these when I next go and really push for it.
Ask I really hope this works for you! I can't believe it takes so long to get there, and now it all seems go go go! I have everything crossed! Have you had your ultrasound yet? Hope it went okay! Thank you for that link. Some of t really sounds applicable to me so I will get really pushy!
Belle what are the treatments for thin lining? I do worry about that as I always get late BFPs and wonder if it's an implantation problem. I hope it is something easily fixable for you! When will you find out? Sorry about the job, but if you're happy and settled where you are then it does seem like a good thing.
Steph that all sounds fab I can't believe you matched so quickly! For sure don't take it personally if she declines there are so many factors to consider and she may just have changed her mind or something and it'll be nothing to do with you! I hope it all goes well though! And it's really good that it all fits in well for you! Seems like fate! :)
Earth sorry you're out :( I hope this month is your month.

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