Clomid Buddies (moved from TTC board)

Hey Red, sorry to hear about your dog! Glad he'll be okay though!

I'm sorry the clomid didn't seem to work for you this time around. if its any consolation, ovulation induction drugs rarely work for women who already ovulate. I was on them for 5 cycles and nothing!

The treatments for thin lining involve increasing estrogen. But you have to be careful how you go about that because to just provide estrogen will decrease FSH and will effect egg growth. The docs prescribed femara to me to try to get me to release extra eggs (which produce more estrogen). My first monitored cycle with femara I got 3 follies, but lining was still only 6.5. Second cycle I added in acupuncture. I got 5-6 follies but only one was mature, lining was 8.5. So the more follies theory does work. I'm hoping my last IUI (whenever I get to it) will have 2-3 large follies and lots of little follies producing estrogen in the background so I get a nice thick lining again.

The naturopath I'm seeing seems to think she can raise my estrogen levels naturally with diet and herbs. So thats what I'm doing now.

So my dad sent me an article today about marijuana and sperm. Never thought I'd be talking to my dad about sperm. So weird.
I've got another squinter this morning, possibly an evap. Argh so frustrating!

That's hilarious about your dad!!! So cringe but so sweet of him! I'm assuming the article says pot is bad for sperm?!
Just waiting for AF to show...stopped progesterone almost 4 days ago and I've been spotting brown for 3 days now. The last 4 cycles using progesterone AF started exactly 3 days after stopping and I didn't have spotting (or 1 day max). Ugh. What is going on? I don't even feel like AF is cramping or back pain. Go figure right when I'm starting my IVF cycle I have a messed up cycle for the first time. Maybe I didn't actually ovulate and started progesterone too soon? I had a +opk and temp rise before I started it. And yes, bfn yesterday. I'm so confused and frustrated!
Hey ASk, I'm sorry I'm don't really know much about progesterone so can't offer any help :( hope it works itself out though. I know body does the meanest things so maybe it's just reacting to your IVF cycle beginning x
I didn't feel af coming this past cycle. Normally I do. I usually bleed 5 days after stopping p4. Cd12, then cd16 af.

AF came this morning. Start 75mg clomid tomorrow, then 75, then onto the normal 100.

It's been so crazy. Our bunny was "spayed" Thursday but the vet couldn't find a uterus. ..meaning she was born without one! Rare but happens. She wasn't eating or pooping so we had to go to er vet. Still waiting on her to poop or eat.
Hoping all the best for your bunny, OnEarth :)

I think I've had the worst birthday today.. Well, not really bad, just a bit frustrating.. It could get better tonight.. At least we are moving to Paris tonight.. No longer monster in law. We had lots of family over for lunch since the nephew will go to his mom tonight. My hubby bought cakes for my birthday but everyone thinks it was for nephews last day, so no one knew/knows it's my birthday.. Weird..

Otherwise, I hope that hubby and I will get a bit more quality time now that we no longer live with his mom. I'm 6dpo and he wants to wait until next week before doing his swimmer-analysis. We are just waiting for my name to be added to his social security card, then we can start iui /ivf. Tbh I don't think iuis will do much for us, so I'm very curious to follow what you girls are doing !:)
Hope your bunny in alright, Earth!

Nore - happy birthday!! I'm sorry you are feeling down. Kinda weird that your DH didn't tell them it was your birthday? I hope your bday improved a bit! That's great news that you are moving out of your husband's family's house! I'm sure that will help a lot.

AF started yesterday so I'll be starting birth control tomorrow. My saline sonogram is scheduled for a week from Tuesday and then our consent signing where we sign all the paperwork, I have an ultrasound and they teach me how to use my meds is on the 18th of this month. Really going to try to keep my cool and stay as calm and relaxed as possible this next month or so!
I thought it would get better but now we are staying for dinner :( we could have taken a train and then had dinner but nooo.. Better to have monster in laws re-re-rewarmed rice and other leftovers from the past week... I'm fuming.. If things don't improve before Christmas then I'm moving back to Norway ! I just hope really hard it's because of the family presence...
My brother in law understand it though, so hopefully he can get some sense into my husband :)
Oh and thank you for the birthday wish Ask :) got a little caught up with birthday blues, only 2h left.. And finally in Paris.. :)
Norelisa happy late birthday! Sorry you had a bad day :( hopefully Paris is making up for it!
Ask I bet this is the only time you're glad to see AF! Good luck keeping cool and calm! You must be so nervous and excited! I'll keep everything crossed for you!
Earth - good luck with this round :) and I hope your bunny is okay! So weird about its uterus!

AF decided to spring up on me mid sex last night so that was just perfect! But I'm a bit glad as I knew it was another dud cycle so fingers crossed for this one now!
Sorry about AF Red! Definitely not how you want to welcome her! TMI but I was getting freaked out that AF was a little late so we BDed and she showed a few hours later lol. And yes, first time in a long time I've been happy to see her! Starting birth control tonight.

Found out last night that one of my best friends found out she's pregnant a week after she got engaged (they've been trying for maybe 5 months). And DH just pointed out that our neighbor is pregnant. Why do I have to be in the minute percentage of infertile people? Ugh.

I'm definitely excited about starting IVF but wish I didn't have to wait 2 months after the retrieval for the transfer. Good thing I love Fall.
Hi everyone!

I'll officially be hoping on the Clomid bus at the end of the week, for my first round. Just as we had our first appointment with an RE on Aug 21st, I ovulated for the first time in 5 months (go figure) so we've had to wait a couple weeks for AF to show.

I'm starting on 50mg days 5-9. A bit nervous, honestly, because I have bipolar disorder and I'm really hoping any side-effects from Clomid don't make my mood swings unbearable. Fingers crossed.
Welcome Sara! I also have a mood disorder and I will be honest clomid was pretty brutal emotionally. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself lots of TLC! Try to avoid any potentially stressful or triggering situations. And if you start feeling out of sorts remind yourself it's just the clomid! If you don't mind me asking, are you continuing your bipolar medication while on clomid? I stopped my meds and it's been tough. I'm starting IVF now and hoping I don't lose my mind.
Welcome Sara! I also have a mood disorder and I will be honest clomid was pretty brutal emotionally. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself lots of TLC! Try to avoid any potentially stressful or triggering situations. And if you start feeling out of sorts remind yourself it's just the clomid! If you don't mind me asking, are you continuing your bipolar medication while on clomid? I stopped my meds and it's been tough. I'm starting IVF now and hoping I don't lose my mind.

I am continuing my bipolar med with on Clomid. I take Lamictal, which is a big blessing in that it has very few side effects and is safe for TTC and pregnancy. It just affects folic acid absorption, so I have a high-dose folic acid prescription (5mg/day).

Fortunately (well, sort of) I don't work because of the bipolar. It's been very well managed for the past year+ and I have very few episodes these days. But since we knew we'd be TTC, I didn't bother attempting to work since I want to be a sahm anyway. So... at least I can really take it easy while on Clomid since I don't have any day-to-day responsibilities. Fingers crossed it goes well. At least we're experienced in handling extreme moods and we know to expect it. I feel like we're prepared for it, should it happen. It would be wonderful if it didn't though!
That's great! I think lamictal is what my mom takes. I was diagnosed with anxious depression and pmdd and was on Wellbutrin and zonegran (it's an epilepsy med used off label as a mood stabilizer). I haven't been dx as bipolar but think I may be somewhere on that spectrum - I also have a strong family history on my mother's side.

I also left my job - I have been an elementary school teacher for the last decade. I also plan to be a sahm and was commuting 2.5 hours a day, sometimes more. It was ROUGH. I really wasn't doing well emotionally. I'm SO much more relaxed these days. With my recent diagnosis and starting IVF I've had SO many doctors appointments so not working is really the best decision for me right now.

I am optimistic that you will conceive quickly on clomid! I've seen many PCOSers come and go on this thread! Good luck!
Ask I swear literally everywhere there are bumps and babies! It is so frustrating but I tell myself that because it's been so much harder and we want it so so much (and you can't want it in the same way until you've been through this) we are going to be better parents (and I know that's mean and very probably totally untrue but I tell myself it anyway because we need some reward for all this!!). I know what everyone else is doing is irrelevant and I don't want to be jealous but this is all just so bloody unfair!! But I really do have a feeling this is going to work for you, I'm sure you'll get a happy ending.

Sara welcome and good luck for this cycle! Do you know why they've put you on for days 5 onwards? Is it because of your bipolar? I suffer with depression and anxiety, and have been quite emotional on it, but more tearful than cranky (and I can get cranky when I'm really deep in my black head!). Just keep an eye on yourself.

I'm taking mine again from tomorrow (cd2). I really really hope this is our month! I read it's good to take it just before you go to bed as then you miss most of the symptoms - it might have worked but I have nothing to compare against! I also found most of symptoms came more around ovulation (in the week before and a few days after) than when I took them anyway.
Sara welcome and good luck for this cycle! Do you know why they've put you on for days 5 onwards? Is it because of your bipolar? I suffer with depression and anxiety, and have been quite emotional on it, but more tearful than cranky (and I can get cranky when I'm really deep in my black head!). Just keep an eye on yourself.

I have no idea what her reasoning was for which days she's having me take it. I didn't ask.

I also have really bad anxiety issues, and am also taking (and staying on) an anti-anxiety. I guess we'll see how it all goes at the end of the week.

When you have side-effects, especially mood related ones, how quickly do they come on and how long do they tend to stay?
It's hard to judge really; I always get quite extreme pms, it's fairly similar ish - I just start crying when I see something sad on the news or think too deeply about something! It's hard to say really as I've had to work really hard on my problems (at the beginning of the year I didn't leave my house at all for a few months as things got so bad). I've really really pushed myself to get better without meds so I do still have days when I'm not coping as well so it's hard to know whether the clomid has made that worse. It's quite nice to have something to blame too though - I can tell myself it's okay, the clomid is making me think/feel this, and push myself past it (ish!).
For me, the side effects started the 2nd or 3rd day on clomid and died down a bit after ovulation but were definitely much better after I finished the cycle and was off it.
Welcome Sara! I also have a mood disorder and I will be honest clomid was pretty brutal emotionally. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself lots of TLC! Try to avoid any potentially stressful or triggering situations. And if you start feeling out of sorts remind yourself it's just the clomid! If you don't mind me asking, are you continuing your bipolar medication while on clomid? I stopped my meds and it's been tough. I'm starting IVF now and hoping I don't lose my mind.

I am continuing my bipolar med with on Clomid. I take Lamictal, which is a big blessing in that it has very few side effects and is safe for TTC and pregnancy. It just affects folic acid absorption, so I have a high-dose folic acid prescription (5mg/day).

Fortunately (well, sort of) I don't work because of the bipolar. It's been very well managed for the past year+ and I have very few episodes these days. But since we knew we'd be TTC, I didn't bother attempting to work since I want to be a sahm anyway. So... at least I can really take it easy while on Clomid since I don't have any day-to-day responsibilities. Fingers crossed it goes well. At least we're experienced in handling extreme moods and we know to expect it. I feel like we're prepared for it, should it happen. It would be wonderful if it didn't though!

Hi and welcome:) I used to take lamictal for epilepsy, but the neurologist thought I'm good enough to stop as I've only had 3 fits since 2007..:)

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