Today is my Day 21 (because of scheduling I won't be going in for my day 21 test until day 23). I have had what is to me the weirdest thing happen today. Last month my cycle went from 29 days to 26 days ... I can't imagine it getting shorter than that but I thought y'all might know... And this might be a little TMI.
So I was driving home today and felt some light cramping around where the mons pubis is, it was dull compared to my usual hellacious menstrual cramps, but uncomfortable enough to notice. I didnt think a whole lot about it...but then I got home and used the restroom, when I wiped there was a small weird discharge. The outer part of it appeared to be basically transluscent (egg white) with a brown/reddish streak running through it, it was a small amount. Likely less than some size but was definitely not spotting or clotting or anything menstrual related (at least that I've ever seen). It did appear to have a "mucus" like texture. Probably unrelated but I also have a slight tension headache. In the almost 2 years we've been trying I've just never experienced this. I know it's probably nothing, but I figured if anyone other than a medical professional would know, Y'all might.