Belle, I agree and that's exactly what I meant. If you go too strict with this all you're just going to end up resentful about it all. Like a cheeseburger probably isn't going to be the difference between a BFP and BFN for us. But it's probably not a good idea to have cheeseburgers for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Good idea with flagging OPKs. Your O date doesn't deviate all that much and you know when to BD. It's definitely not a timing issue! I'm only temping during my fertile days now. It's either going to happen between CD 10-21 or it's probably not going to happen. I would be tempted to start temping from 10DPO though haha.
Norelisa, that sounds like a good plan. Sorry I can't remember if you O'd on 50mg but from what I've read if a lower dose makes you O then there's no benefit in going up to a higher dose. My doctor didn't want to check my tubes at this stage because he said it was almost certainly an ovulating issue. He basically said do 3 cycles of Clomid and if no pregnancy come back and see me and we will talk about the next step. He then said checking my tubes wasn't really necessary right now but could be if we have no luck with Clomid. Anyway, what I mean, is if you're ovulating and still can't get pregnant it makes sense to do the tube check but if you're not ovulating then that's probably your main problem. Do you mean Provera or progesterone cream? If your DH hasn't got the best swimmers, maybe look into IUI. Also only BD every other day to give them time to replenish.
Nita, I think it's no longer than 6 months but my doctor said to give it 3 months. After 6 months there is also the risk of ovarian cancer too.
AFM, feeling really average today. Tired, sleepy, a little bit of a headache, a bit of nausea and sore tummy. Only 3 more doses to go. Please let this work.
Sarah - seems like our docs told us the same thing. She said my issue is a ovulation issue and checking my tubes is not necessary although after 3 months of Clomid and it still doesnt work I should come and see her along with DH on further tests on both of us.
Are you having side effects from the Clomid? I had none on 50mg but scared I might have some on the 100mg. the Provera is making me feel slightly bloated and light cramps
Norelisa - I am sorry you are strugling so much

like Sarah said BD only every other day, once in every 48 hours? and my doc also told me to let hubby build up sperm for 3 days before O. I guess everyone says something different and each doc has their own believes.

wishing you a successful cycle. Hugs XXX