Looks like you bd around the right to so that's good... fingers crossed for you.
I just accept the fact my body is crazy and has a mind of its own that's why my temps are totally crazy.
Did you have a scan to check the size of your follicles? Xx
Last month my temperature was all over the place, I'll see if I can post it when I get back home after dinner
I've only had one u/s and that was in June. We could see one egg being pretty ready so I was asked if I wanted a trigger, but since I was in no rush I said no. A few days later I got positive opk - at the same time my husband got really ill with typhus

after that I haven't had any positive opk, only faint lines..
Do you get followed up by a Dr for scanning / u/s etc? You are from the UK? We used to live in London before moving to Thailand