Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Afrohanul congratulations just read your story at the bottom of you signature and it fills me with hope that it can happen xx

Yes, it can happen! This thread got me through some of my darkest times when I just didn't believe I would ever get here after so many years TTC. It took 6 months for clomid to do it's magic for me and I'd lost all hope & given up on it. Sadly we had a MC and I couldn't go back on clomid, but then on our 4th month of letrozole (which I have to say suited me much better) when we were just about to start IUI, the day after my clomid baby's due date and 4 years and 1 day since we started TTC we got our letrozole BFP.

My two BFP's have come in months when I had stopped temping, charting and using OPK's and really just stopped obsessing about TTC. It's easier said than done, and I do think it's a good idea to do all those things until you get to know your body and how the clomid/letrozole is changing your cycle etc. but I also think just relaxing and letting go of my stress had a big part to play too. Good luck!
Thanks Arohanul that's really made me feel better hearing your story I'm on round three of Clomid and it does cause alot of stress you are right before starting Clomid I got a BFP for the first time in Aug 2015 I've been TTC since Nov 2013 at the time of my BFP which unfortunately ended in an MC at 5 wks I wasn't stressing I had a holiday to look forward to and was doing alot of running for training for a half marathon so me and Dh put doing all the fertility stuff on the back burner till after the holiday and run and I got my BFP so this month Ive started running again and I've signed up for another small run in June to give me something to focus on hopefully that will help. Goodluck with the rest of your pregnancy are you going to find out the sex xx
Yay Fern!!!!! So happy that you are movin forward again! Good luck, really hope it works for you!!!
Thanks all!

Currently 3dpo in our last cycle of trying "naturally" before IVF in May; I don't have high hopes for this cycle (because I had a laparoscopy to cut out lots of endo barely 2 weeks ago and I believe my body is still healing). During April I will be on the Pill because we're doing short protocol IVF in May.
So at the end of May I might actually be preggers. If not I will do Clomid in June/July. .... will see when we get there!!

Aro- are you finding out if you are having a boy/girl or keeping it a surprise?

MrsMcCurdy- how are you hun, what is your treatment plan currently?

Angela- fx for you. Clomid is not a nice medication to take but I hope it has the desired effect and you get a bfp soon!
That's great Fern!
Right now I'm taking vitex and staying with it for 6 months. I started in January and it's already helped so much. I don't bleed for forever now which is wonderful!
I'm hoping to find a holistic doctor soon that I can see and do some tests but we'll see.
Keep us posted! Fx for you!!
Thanks hun I really hope you find your perfect holistic treatment plan!!! Good to hear you are already doing better xxx
Fern81 FX for you my friend suffered from endo and she actually got a BFP after having it all removed so there is hope FX for it works xx

Mrsmcurdy I hope the Doc works FX for you I've heard Chinese herbal medicines have helped people before and acupuncture xx

AFM I'm CD11 still neg on OPK but got alot of EWCM today sorry TMI but it was alot definitely don't need Preseed this month so O can't be far away for me I really hope it works this is month three on clomid and the past two months it's played havoc with my body and emotions constantly feel fatigued, bloating, cramps, backache, my skin has gone awful covered in acne spots and my emotions are extreme one minute happy next minute feel like I'm in a daze then cry for no reason which is not like me at all it takes alot normally for me to get emotional xx we've decided if this isn't our month then we're taking a couple months out just for me to feel normal and sane again before we go back on Clomid or the final three months before IVF xx
Angela/Fern - we are team yellow. Neither of us want to know the sex before arrival - it must be so hard when one wants to know, but the other doesn't! I'm thinking it's a girl but probably only because we have a nice list of girl names we love and are still struggling a bit with any boy names we're really happy with, and DH and most of our family think it's a boy, but I think that's because we've had lots and lots of baby girls in the family recently so they're expecting us to start evening out the numbers!
Hey friends! I am waiting to start CD 1. And I will be on my second cycle of clomid 100mg. 50 mg didn't make me ovulate. So I'm really hoping to O on my own this month!

Good luck ladies.
Arohanul good luck in the rest of your pregnancy super exciting times ahead. I don't think I would like to not know A. Because I am very nosey and B
I'd like to do the nursery up like a little boys or little girls it would drive me insane to not know and have to wait xx

Brandi Goodluck this cycle FX for you that 100mg works are they doing anything else this month like bloods or follicle tracking or us xx I hope this is your month xx

AFM I'm CD13 got my positive on Opk in the evening yesterday and we have BD the past two nights and will continue to do so for the next three days to hive ourselves the best chance plus had EWCM the past two days so all is looking good so far wish me luck that we get that sticky egg, also got my follicle tracking on Thursday it should still be able to see follicles even though they will be collapsing so I should know if there are any of decent size xx
AFM I'm CD15 a little worried as my temps aren't going up which they should be by now so I don't think I'm going to O this month but we shall see I have my follicle tracking on Thursday so I'm going to stay hopeful till this xx
Angela, stay hopeful until you know you're out. I found I had cycles ranging from 32 days to 39 days on clomid (it's one of the reasons I think Letrozole suited me better - it gave me strictly 30/31 day cycles). You may just be having a long cycle with a late O. It's good you're going in for tracking as they'll be able to tell you what's going on. I actually didn't find OPK's helpful at all, but I know lots of others find them really useful, mine just never really pin pointed O even when O was confirmed later by temp shift or blood tests. Good luck for your follicle tracking tomorrow!
Arohanui what is letrozole how does that work sorry for question but I've been on clomid three months and if I have no joy this cycle I'm wondering if maybe some different type of meds might do the trick instead xx
well AFM I'm possibly DPO3 had a good temp rise today and FF has now put my O day as CD13 and by the looks of it we timed BD well two days before, on O and two days after, hopefully follicle tracking will also confirm this too FX I get my sticky egg this month from my Lp AF is due on 11th April xx
AFM went for follicle tracking got one follicle collapsing on left hand side so released one egg only doctor said though it is possible FF is correct that it was CD13 but to be on the safe side to BD still for the next two days as the release is a slow process and I could be slowly releasing meaning I'm most fertile right now so just told DH he's gutted as told him last night would be the last lol wish me luck xx Also she's given me a prescription for Clomid 50mg for the next three months but here's hoping I won't need it xx
Vankiwi FX for you what dose are you on I'm on 50 mg it's my third cycle this month, just a word of warning Clomid can drastically shorten your cycle and lengthen it my first month on Clomid it shortened it to 26 days which Meant I Od practically as soon as AF went meaning I missed my slot for BDing and never got a positive OPK when I started doing them on CD12 as it was too late. On second cycle it lengthened it and I Od on CD16 luckily I bought a load of cheapie Opks and was doing BBT so I caught it but no joy this month it's gone back to a normal cycle xx
Angela I'm on 100mg days 3-7. I take my BBT and use OPKs every month but will start OPKs earlier this month just to make sure! Thanks!
Hello, starting my first round of Clomid tomorrow and I'm really nervous. Is anybody around to answer some questions? I posted in the regular TTC forum this morning but havnt gotten any replies and I'm really nervous about getting things right......
HI! Yes there are a few of us around! Some of the clomid threads are more active than others! The one called "Clomid Buddies" is more active these days.

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