Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

I hope this works....
I hope this works....

Oh my goodness k4th!! That is wonderful!!!!! I am so chuffed for you! Xxxx
K4th I posted a msg for you on the linked thread :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Girly I would definitely have it checked out! Especially since the lump is big enough to prevent intercourse. Hoping that it's just nothing much!!!

SarahLou and Lace&Pearls I'm holding thumbs that you guys caught your eggs and that the upcoming tww treats you well :)

Buttercup speaking of tww how are you doing? Which CD are you now? (how many dpo?)

How is everyone else doing??

I am so tired. Just want to fall on my bed and sleep all day long. And despite that my friend insomnia is back :/. The longer this cycle carries on, the more irritated I get with myself that we didn't dtd eod close to O (only 3 days before O day...) and when O day finally arrived we dtd with inexpensive lube that is not sperm-friendly at all!!! In fact I have read that that specific lube can actually act as a barrier. :dohh: Why didn't I listen to all the advice from everyone who said not to give up on O until AF shows her face :dohh:. I think this month I actually might have had a proper O because I am feeling so many progesterone effects (will see when I have the b/w done) and I had to go mess it up. Oh well!!!!! Waiting for SA results, lap&dye either next week or beginning of Dec, and then 2 more cycles of trying and eod'ing!!! Might still happen!

K4th! Yay! Congratulations!!! So happy for you! Amazing.
Girly I would definitely have it checked out! Especially since the lump is big enough to prevent intercourse. Hoping that it's just nothing much!!!

SarahLou and Lace&Pearls I'm holding thumbs that you guys caught your eggs and that the upcoming tww treats you well :)

Buttercup speaking of tww how are you doing? Which CD are you now? (how many dpo?)

How is everyone else doing??

I am so tired. Just want to fall on my bed and sleep all day long. And despite that my friend insomnia is back :/. The longer this cycle carries on, the more irritated I get with myself that we didn't dtd eod close to O (only 3 days before O day...) and when O day finally arrived we dtd with inexpensive lube that is not sperm-friendly at all!!! In fact I have read that that specific lube can actually act as a barrier. :dohh: Why didn't I listen to all the advice from everyone who said not to give up on O until AF shows her face :dohh:. I think this month I actually might have had a proper O because I am feeling so many progesterone effects (will see when I have the b/w done) and I had to go mess it up. Oh well!!!!! Waiting for SA results, lap&dye either next week or beginning of Dec, and then 2 more cycles of trying and eod'ing!!! Might still happen!


Hi Fern,
I am on cd25, 9dpo, feeling ok, no symptoms here. Just waiting for AF or bw next week to confirm bfn or bfp :coffee: I've had insomnia all week. Earlier this week I woke up at 3am and couldn't go back to sleep and same issue this morning, woke up at 4am :shrug:. I'm looking forward to this weekend to try to de-stress.

Try not to be too hard on yourself, things will wok out:hugs:
Hi again ladies :hi:

Well no tww wont treat me well...
So maybe today I have ovulated... But last night never happened with OH again.. no bedding! To solid days now with no bedding. Im giving up ladies, for the first time ever I knew I was ovulating and I wanted nothing more than for it to be my turn, my chance.. would ff liked a summer baby too :cry:

This is the end of the road for me ladies... Just wait two weeks for the :bfn: and af to arrive.... :cry: Im so upset that for the two days I needed my fella He couldn't perform :cry::cry:

We only beded on CD 3,4,6,7,8, Twice CD 10 and once 11 & 12. Got A flashing smiley cd 13 didn't bed and a solid smile on ovulation test CD 14 didn't bed either.. and don't look like we will tonight either OH has the sickness bug :cry:
Hi again ladies :hi:

Well no tww wont treat me well...
So maybe today I have ovulated... But last night never happened with OH again.. no bedding! To solid days now with no bedding. Im giving up ladies, for the first time ever I knew I was ovulating and I wanted nothing more than for it to be my turn, my chance.. would ff liked a summer baby too :cry:

This is the end of the road for me ladies... Just wait two weeks for the :bfn: and af to arrive.... :cry: Im so upset that for the two days I needed my fella He couldn't perform :cry::cry:

We only beded on CD 3,4,6,7,8, Twice CD 10 and once 11 & 12. Got A flashing smiley cd 13 didn't bed and a solid smile on ovulation test CD 14 didn't bed either.. and don't look like we will tonight either OH has the sickness bug :cry:

Aww Hun, you may think it's over but it's not, don't give up hope:hugs:
I posted too K4th!!! Congrats again!! So exciting!

Sorry I've been kind of absent recently ladies, in between being sick and trying work when I can and new job and all I haven't had the chance to post much. I don't see it slowing down any either so I may be intermittently saying hi til the holidays are over. Afm, I didn't take clomid this cycle bc I want any and all testing at my appt to be as accurate as possible. But as I feared without clomid I still haven't stopped spotting yet. Only really bled for 4 days but now the brown stuff won't stop which was my norm before clomid. And my cramps started back up like my real period is coming back... I hope my appt on the 20th will help clear things up. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time.
Anyways, good luck ladies!! Who is next for their BFP?!?!! Exciting!!
Hi MrsMcCurdy, nice to hear from you! Really hoping that you get your answers next week :). Will be thinking of you and keep us posted!

SarahLou I'm in the same boat as you with not timing BD right this cycle. Don't worry my friend we will still support each other next cycle... and who knows there might still be a miracle xx

Buttercup I noticed the post with your temps - they look amazingly stable to me I'm used to very rocky temps :). Hope that AF doesn't show and that you get good news next week hun! Have you decided to definitely skip trying next month? Will be here for you whatever you decide xx

Girly please let us know if you get your health problem sorted out hun.

I'm home alone this weekend without hubs!He is leaving tomorrow morning and only coming back on Sunday; needs to sort out a family crisis. So I'm going to be sitting here all by myself, studying, and will probably chat with you guys even more than I do at the moment lol. Also found out that my sister-in-law is pregnant but am happy for her. A new baby in our family is awesome even though it's not mine... and I have gotten over the bitchy way that my cousin announced and am warming up to her pregnancy as well.

Almost holidays :) Sorry MrsMcCurdy that you have to work so hard at the moment (and Girly and everyone else who is having a tough time at work right now)!
Hi Fern,

More than likely I will be taking a break until the new year, as I want to move onto to injectable meds w/ iui or ivf. I plan to meet with my RE soon.

As always, thank you for responding, it appreciated.
Omg k4th I am so pleased for you. A HUGE congratulations and hope you enjoy every second of your pregnancy.

Girls thanks for your concern. The lump was there but smaller by the time we went to bed and we managed to BD. I am waiting to see if I ovulated as all cm has dried up. If I didn't my body tried hard. I really hope I did but my temp didn't really go up much today. Tomorrow will defo tell me more though.

I haven't checked the lump today but I am not having any ovary pain (was really bad yday) and feel better with no major headache or sickness. Yday was a bad day for feeling crap. Does ovulation do that? Maybe!!

Hope you are well xx
Girly - If the lump was bigger around ov then maybe it is hormone related? If it comes back again then do go to the dr - even try phoning your surgery out of hours. You should get a number for an out of hours dr that you can visit if you don't want to miss work. Hope your temp goes up tomorrow - fx'd!
Sarahlou - you're not out until you're out but sorry you're feeling so disappointed. You can't do much if oh is genuinely ill - that won't happen around ov every time. Really pleased you've ov'd on 50mg though hun :hugs:

Buttercup - I think your temps look pretty stable too. More than mine ever are. I know you mentioned you are cd25 - how many dpo are you?
Sarahlou - you're not out until you're out but sorry you're feeling so disappointed. You can't do much if oh is genuinely ill - that won't happen around ov every time. Really pleased you've ov'd on 50mg though hun :hugs:

Buttercup - I think your temps look pretty stable too. More than mine ever are. I know you mentioned you are cd25 - how many dpo are you?

Hi k4th:flower:
I'm 9do and go for bw next week. Today my breast feel heavy and tender but nothing else.
Hi ladies, may I join you?
I have PCOS that reared it's ugly head right after starting ttc. We have been ttc for a year and a half. I had my first appt with a fertility specialist today. Since af is so irregular with me she is going to have me on progesterone each month (to bring on af) and then clomid once af is over. I'm a little nervous, kind of humbled (obviously not thinking it would have to come to this). So basically AF and O are going to be induced chemically. I'm cautiously excited because the side effects she told me don't sound too lovely.... And there's always that though that it may not work for me. But fingers crossed, hoping for the best. I start my first round in a few weeks.
Welcome babylaw720 the girls are lovely and really supportive on here.

My temp went up a bit but not much so still unsure if I ovulated. Does it have to be a fast rise in temp?

I keep feeling my nipples as they normally get very sore if I ovulate and they are slightly but not much x
Hi ladies

Welcome Babylaw! Well all of us here are pretty much in the same boat so you will get lots of empathy and sympathy here!!! Will you be starting with provera then only in a few weeks? We will be here to support you! x

Girly - hoping everything is well and that the lump is gone. As far as I know temps don't have to rise fast. If you ovulated on CD 16 or 17 then yes today's temp is a bit higher than all of your previous temps... Hoping that you get a sustained rise hun!!!

K4th - how are you feeling? Very glad you decided to stick around. I love your friendliness and good advice :)

Buttercup - heavy bbs sounds promising! I really hope this is your month hun!

Braven and Nimbec if you happen to be stalking I am thinking of you guys. Braven how is the weight loss going? I know it's tough. I also had to lose a lot of weight about 3-4 years ago and it was very hard! I still struggle with my weight every day so I certainly know what you are going through. We are here if you need some support x

Lace&Pearls and SarahLou - are you guys going to test early or wait for AF? I'm already debating whether I should test on 12dpo even though I promised myself I wouldn't waste tests again and just wait for day 14!!

Pinkee - hope you are doing well in your 2ww :)

AFM - I'm on my way to fetch the progesterone b/w form from my helpful nurse (after dr forgot to give it to me at my last appt) and will have the bloods done tomorrow morning (7dpo). We have to decide on Monday whether we are going ahead with the laparoscopy on Thursday but unless AF shows up really soon or the b/w says I definitely didn't ovulate, we are going to try and move the lap to 4 Dec. I kind of don't want to do 4 Dec because that will be exactly 14 days after AF is due so I might be ovulating then :( and with the dye test etc it will chemically & mechanically remove any possibly fertilized egg for that cycle (if I do ovulate on/before that day), which really bothers me. Unless I ovulate late again then it will be OK. I actually am just starting to wish more and more that this month I could just have a miracle BFP because then no operation will be necessary :( But that is seriously unlikely and I just know that I am definitely not pregnant.

:wine: <----- I feel like doing this today lol.
Happy Friday! Hope all is feeling and doing well. Welcome new ladies and good luck on your ttc journey!

Fern, I wish it was promising but my boobs always feel heavier and tender a couple days before AF arrives although I hope it's due to BFP. I will know for sure next week.

I hope everything works out smoothly for you and please keep us posted, my friend!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

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