Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hey girls I got some good news today I wanted to share as I can't share it with hubby yet. I had an appointment with consultant today and she said try another 3/4 cycles of clomid but she wants me back in about 4-6 months (more like 6/7 knowing them with appointments though) and we will discuss refferal for IVF. She said IUI would be a waste of my time and money. On the NhS different regions have different criteria etc for IVF and my area you have to be 30-39 or something. I am 28 now so dread having to wait. But today she said as my hubby is army we fall under a different category and technically we qualify now whoop whoop. So I can get 3 cycles on the NHS. Such great news. We are going to try another clomid cycle in May, then June and then July though and pray that works. But if not hopefully come August we will at least be on the IVF waiting list. Feeling more positive with it all that is for sure x
Liovec- I don't really know if we have to take it the same time every day. I just assumed that would be better. I was trying to research it but didn't find anything. I might try taking it at night again and see how I feel and then email my OB if I can change times.

Does anyone know if you need to take clomid at the same time each day?
Hi Jaybee and Liovec,

You do need to take them roughly the same time every day, so if you started at 10pm you'll need to stick to it for this cycle!

Just for information, I took my first cycle in the mornings and experienced exactly what you are talking about with the hot flushes, night sweats and weird dreams! I also had terrible cramping throughout the evening and into the early hours of the morning. My side effects were terrible with my first cycle! I decided to take my second cycle at night instead and I've found my side effects are no where near as bad in terms of pain (cramping/headaches etc.) and no nausea this time... but the hot flushes at night were the same regardless of what time I took the clomid!
Hi Jaybee and Liovec,

You do need to take them roughly the same time every day, so if you started at 10pm you'll need to stick to it for this cycle!

Just for information, I took my first cycle in the mornings and experienced exactly what you are talking about with the hot flushes, night sweats and weird dreams! I also had terrible cramping throughout the evening and into the early hours of the morning. My side effects were terrible with my first cycle! I decided to take my second cycle at night instead and I've found my side effects are no where near as bad in terms of pain (cramping/headaches etc.) and no nausea this time... but the hot flushes at night were the same regardless of what time I took the clomid!
thanks so much for the info I will just stick to taking them of an evening then hopefully I get pregnsnt this month so I don't have to take them again lol x
Girly - that is AWESOME news!!! It's great that you have that option and so much hope for this year! Can't wait for May :)

Liovec and Jaybee - yep I agree with Arohanui, you have to take it at the same time of day (as close to the same hour even, as possible), for a specific cycle. This is so that a constant level of the drug is maintained in your blood. GL ladies! I found taking them at night I still had hot flashes and sometimes insomnia/headaches, but that it minimized my daytime side effects.

TMI alert!!! Weird discharge this morning... what looks like dark orange or bright red mixed in with CM. Have had a horrible yeast infection since Sunday which I'm treating with clotrimazole cream but it won't let up... Is it possibly from that? Has anyone else experienced orange/red discharge with a hectic yeast infection before? Surely it's too early for implantation spotting or (Please, no), early AF! I would really like to have a decent LP.... Please set my mind at ease :). Currently 6dpo. xxx
Aro - I'm so sorry :hugs: it sucks that it's been timed with another announcement (know what you mean I know a lot of people who have either had a baby in 2014 or having one early 2015) as Fern said, your LP was very good, I hope that's somewhat of a positive out of bad circumstances :(

Girly - that's brilliant news about the IVF, and totally fair in my opinion :) you and your husband sacrifice a lot for the benefit of other people it's only fair that you should get some extra benefits like this - what a brilliant idea :)

Fern - I'm no expert on yeast infections but I would imagine that would probably be the cause as they say dodgy discharge is one of the first signs isn't it? plus the creams and stuff probably contribute xx
Well it has stopped... just tiny streaks of light red mixed in with everything else when I wiped this morning. Pharmacist gave me some kick-ass female probiotics which should help kick the stupid infection. In the meantime the spots of blood or whatever are gone and I'm relieved; surely then something very bad is not going on.

Thanks lace&pearls for the advice. I'm also no expert; hardly ever get it and have never had this morning's problem! Anyhow hope your cycle is going great!!
My symptoms have been alot milder today thankfully take my last one tonight so excited to start trying again so hoping this is my month x
Mrsmcurdy- how's your cycle going so far? I forgot what Cd I was yesterday and panicked for a minute hahaha. We have doctors orders to bd on days 15, 17, 19, 21. The last 2 cycles I ovulated on day 18 so we might shift our bd dates up a day or add an extra one in there on o day. Which do you think is the better 'action' plan?
My symptoms have been alot milder today thankfully take my last one tonight so excited to start trying again so hoping this is my month x

That's great! Is your head still hurting at all?
I take mine in the morning so maybe that's why my night sweats weren't too bad.
My symptoms have been alot milder today thankfully take my last one tonight so excited to start trying again so hoping this is my month x

That's great! Is your head still hurting at all?
I take mine in the morning so maybe that's why my night sweats weren't too bad.

Yes but mildly I'm very happy to say lol I've been trying for a year and a half but forbid my self to get excited after month 3 cos it was too heartbreaking but I can now get excited again x
Mrsmcurdy- how's your cycle going so far? I forgot what Cd I was yesterday and panicked for a minute hahaha. We have doctors orders to bd on days 15, 17, 19, 21. The last 2 cycles I ovulated on day 18 so we might shift our bd dates up a day or add an extra one in there on o day. Which do you think is the better 'action' plan?

Hey timetotry- I'm on cd 10 and totally skipped thinking about my cycle for a couple days because I'm visiting my mom in New Mexico right now. I ovulated on cd 18 last time too and we just added an extra day between just to make sure but I also didn't get a bfp so maybe that wasn't best, I don't know. I'm back with hubby on cd 13 so we'll probly just start bding from there, on. Also start opks then and religiously temping again since I've slacked the last 3 mornings.
Hi everyone I finished clomid yesterday and have been having hip pain and some mild Af like pains today is this normal? X also I have pcos so will opks work with me? X
I have pcos and opk did work for me, :)

Ok cool I will pick some up tonight then did u have any af like cramps and hip pain when you finished your clomid? The hip pain is on my left side alone? X
Liovec - I usually get cramps around where my ovaries are, all the way from about my 4th pill up to O. If you talk about the hip pain; is it on the inside of the hip near your ovaries? Hope it's all good and just everything working as it's supposed to!

My temps are rising so I'm cautiously happy about that. But just the fact that I don't mind a bfn now makes the tww soooo much easier. GL to all you ladies who are feeling under pressure!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Liovec - I usually get cramps around where my ovaries are, all the way from about my 4th pill up to O. If you talk about the hip pain; is it on the inside of the hip near your ovaries? Hope it's all good and just everything working as it's supposed to!

My temps are rising so I'm cautiously happy about that. But just the fact that I don't mind a bfn now makes the tww soooo much easier. GL to all you ladies who are feeling under pressure!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh I really hope it is working the hip pain is in my outer hip if that makes sense lol I Am also having stronger left hand side pain tonight.matbe ovary located in not sure as I don't know what ovulation feels like as I dint ovulate on my own??? I understand what you mean we had two months off over Christmas time and it was such a relief but now I'm on the clomid im desperate for my bfp x
So last night ladies I took a htp at CD 28 Using the cheapie ones, and this is what I got what do you ladies think? :shrug:

This morning I took a clearblue plus and it was :bfn:

I've uploaded both images for you too see im so confused as to what's happening :shrug::cry:


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So last night ladies I took a htp at CD 28 Using the cheapie ones, and this is what I got what do you ladies think? :shrug:

This morning I took a clearblue plus and it was :bfn:

I've uploaded both images for you too see im so confused as to what's happening :shrug::cry:

I can see a clear line on the cheapie hun. If you look at the back of the pack it will tell you what mlu the test detects. Compare that to clear blue - it might be more sensitive. Did you take all the photos in the timeframe?? What dpo are you?

Personally I'd go out & but a first response. Expensive but the best test IMO. My positive was a frer, 12dpo and came up clearly in seconds. Good luck hun :flower:

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