Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

It's so nice to start the new year with some positivity on this thread!

Kath - be sure to let us know how your scan goes!

Nimbec - I'm so happy that you have managed to make the next steps after your clomid journey has ended. Fx for you! 9th Feb will be here before you know it!

Minnie - I'm sorry 50mg didn't do the trick for you. Keep positive, the bump up to 100mg might be all you need. Lots of ladies on this thread had no luck with 50mg, but responded excellently to 100 mg. GL!

My 2 sisters-in-law both have their 12 week scans today. I took their announcements pretty hard, but i'm really hoping they both get good news today and are brewing big healthy baby's!

I'm on CD29 and 13dpo. I've decided not to test until CD32 (if AF doesn't show) as my LP last cycle was 16days. I've decided I'd rather wait a little longer and have a more accurate result - but it's so hard! CD32 is also the day DH and I get the keys to our new business!
Happy New year all!!

Hope we get a few bfp's soon!

Nimbec - that's very exciting! Very happy for you :). And keeping everything crossed!

Everyone else carrying on ttc in this new year; all the best! Get a plan in place and stick to it; I'm looking forward to your good news.

I don't think I am going to ovulate. Ovaries have stopped paining and cm has turned to creamy *sigh*. So a total of 2 ovulations for 5 clomid cycles! I'm going to take the rest of this cycle off and maybe next cycle as well. I need to focus on something else! But I will pop in from time to time to see how everyone is doing xxxx
Fern- for this cycle I was like that too until I got my +opk on cd 17. I think i was only the day before that I got ewcm but my cervix was still firm and closed. By the next day when the + showed my cervix was high soft open and I was still showing ewcm :)
Plus, you still have time to ovulate since clomid can make you O between 7 and 14 days past the last pill.


I am still impatiently awaiting some real symptoms to show up. I have some that could be possible pg symptoms but I know my body likes to play tricks on me lol
4 more days and I am testing!!
Later today I will find out what my progesterone levels are. Fx they are nice and high!!
Hi there

BAB - GL with testing! I will be keeping my eyes peeled! (And also for you Arohanui!!!):flower:

I have ovulated once on cd16 and once on cd22ish for a grand total of 2 ovulations last year lol. So I thought that I might O late again this cycle BUT then had loads of ewcm for 4 days (CD11-14) which started to dry up yesterday morning and has now completely dried up... with no temp shift. I also had very bad ovary pains (have actually been cramping ever since my lap&dye, now a month ago) which subsided but then came back worse than ever last night. It was so bad I couldn't fall asleep... but no temp shift. Still a bit sore.
So unless my temperature does a freaky late shift then I know that although my ovaries were definitely stimulated by the clomid, I haven't managed to ovulate.

However please don't feel bad for me as I'm fine :) I don't feel despondent just frustrated and a bit sad. Both DH and I am TIRED of trying atm! We even had (lots of) drinks on New Years eve where we normally don't drink anything at all, ever. We have only had drinks together twice in our 4 years together so that just shows how tired we were of ttc! I still have 3 boxes of clomid left (actually 2,5 as the one box only contains 5x 50mg) so we will definitely try again this year... we just need a little break.:thumbup:

All the best to everyone! This is a hard journey but you ladies ROCK! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hubby has gone to camp to take his bags ready to deploy. He leaves in the early hours of the morning tomorrow so when he gets back here we are getting a take away and going to curl up on the sofa together with a film.

Dreading him going again. This is our 6th deployment but it never gets any easier. I know what to expect which is good but also know how slow time will go and how crap it can be. Let's hope May comes around quickly so I can hve him home.

Sorry completely unrelated just no one else to talk to right now xx
Oh girly I'm so sorry it must be super tough for you :( enjoy your eve and of course we are all here for you!! Xx
Hi ladies :hi:

Sorry ive not been around much I just been feeling rather down witht the whole ttc thing, pcos and the clomid. My firt round of 50 mg days 2-6 alongside metformin failed.. im on cycle 2 at the moment with 100mg clomid also taken days 2-6 currently on CD 23 and my nipples are sensitive to the touch and are tender but im still not feeling very positive that all this is going to work for me :(

I see other ladies who tke 1500mg of metformin and 50 mg of clomid get pregnant first round... or at least ovulate if they dont manage to catch that egg but according to my gynae I didnt ovulate again!!! :cry: They up my dose to 100mg now but I feel that I must have pcos really bad case as Im on so much medication im still not working!!! Im currently taking:

1500mg metformin a day
Cloimd at two different doeses
Centrum Pregnancy care before and during pregnancy prenatal vitamins (Which are said to be worlds number 1 multivitamin) one of these a day.

I went to the herbal shop and the recommened a natural wheatgerm to put on my breakfast.

And now I have found these wellwoman soft drink im diring one a day, it has green tea in it, pomegrante, and more vitamins etc

Ive been that down I not even took OPKS at all this month, or checked CM, because I feel its pointless and a of time... but also on a hope side of view that if we dont focus on it so much we may just get a luxky supirse :shrug:

These are the days we bed.. we tried to set it just for every other day... CD 3,5,7,9,11,13,15,19 & 21 So far
Girly I just want to say: I wish I could just give you a hug or do something to make it better. I'm so sorry; not just for your forced break from ttc but also for your husband's deployment. Praying for his safe return and that you may be ready and healthy to try again in May. :hugs:

GL everyone else. Will be stalking.

Hi everyone sorry I haven't been on in a few days :hugs:

Girly we are always here for you, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you :( I hope the next few months go past as quick as possible, maybe try to keep as busy as possible? meet up with people in the evenings and weekends? I'm not sure if you have people nearby but if you don't can you stay with family for the weekend etc?

Sarah don't give up hope xx 50mg didn't work for me but 100mg did and now I have a wonderful daughter to show for it, I don't think it necessarily indicates your "severity" of PCOS I think it's just all about finding the right balance, we're all so different what works for one may not for another xxx

Fern I'm glad to hear your husband is home now, hope he's feeling better?

k4th have you got a scan soon?

No news here with me really, my plan is to lose some weight but I haven't started dieting yet I must admit! :blush: start tomorrow! lol I've had too much xmas food hanging around that needs to be eaten. I'm finding it hard to dedicate myself to a new eating regime as I'm also trying to stick to a budget so don't really want to be cooking / eating separate meals from OH/DD.
Oh the only new info with me is I had my cd3 blood done, and will go for cd 21 too, I have booked my HSG/hycosy finally BUT I am considering cancelling it... I have another choice on my hands! They said we can't DTD until after the procedure, and unfortuntaely it happens to be cd21, and past few months I have O'd cd 19... so I would probably miss the boat (unless I happen to O later without clomid) ... another thing to consider is I fell pregnant with my daughter on my first month "off" clomid after 3 rounds. This will be my first month "off" after 4 rounds. I feel like last time it kick started my ovaries into ovulating naturally, so maybe it might again?? I guess I can have the scan done the month after? whereas I may not ovulate again? .. I hope that all makes sense. What would you ladies do? (The main reason for booking it that day was because my OH happen to be off work and we have to go to hosp for blood test anyway, they had one day available prior to that but OH is working)
Thanks for the support girls. I took him to camp in the early hours this morning. I didn't cry in front of him, was determined not to. Need to be strong for him. I had a tear in my eye when I got back into bed though. I am going to watch films and eat rubbish today while I can and I will prob end up crying at some soppy film. 4 months or 15 week or 112 or so days. Not sure which is the best way to look at it but I think I like the 15 week thing the most. Take each week as it comes.

By the time I get to half term at school will only have 9 week left, then when it reaches Easter holiday will only have 3 weeks left and then after the Easter holiday will only have 1 week left. I think taking it in chunks like that will make it easier.

I am trying to make plans for the weekends. I don't have family or friends near by but next weekend I have the car booked in for some work and I plan on cleaning the flat really well then relaxing on Sunday.

The following weekends I don't know yet lol. We shall see.

I am also (after today) determined to loose weight!! It will happen!!! I might post my weight loss progress on here if that is ok. Then when I end up putting some on you girls can kick me back into action lol.

I have an appointment with the consultant on Wednesday to discuss clomid so far etc. I am not sure whether to be honest that my husband is away for 4 months or say he just couldn't make this appointment. I want her to give me more clomid but obvo if she did I wouldn't take it until he is back. I want to talk to her about IUI and doing that in May/June time as well.

Good luck to all of you that are continuing your TTC journeys. Hopefully I will see lots of BFP's in the coming months to give me some hope. Fern I hope you ovulate this cycle just a little bit late. K4th I hope the scan goes well. Keep us updated.

Fern - :hugs: I hope the break gives you the space you need. Don't give up hope though - you have ov'd later in your cycles before now. Sometimes your body can gear up to ov, not manage it, but succeed a shirt while later.

Sarahlou - my gynae told me that finding the right dose of clomid is the tricky bit. Then they can let you keep trying for a while (think we shared the same gynae so if you ask I'm sure he'll say the same to you!!). Doses of clomid can go up to 200mg if necessary. Plus, we're very lucky that our gynae is one of the few NHS drs who will prescribe femara if clomid doesn't work. I really hope you ov soon, but if kit, don't give up hun :hugs:

Lace&pearls - my scan is on 12th of jan & I'll definitely pop in and update you all. With your history of be very tempted to move the hsg - is it worth calling to see if there's been any cancellations & you can have it early? Otherwise maybe put it back? Good luck for this month off clomid!!

Girly - I can't imagine how hard this must be for you :hugs: if I'm 100% honest - I'd tell a small white lie to dr about oh being around :blush: like you, I wouldn't take clomid whilst oh is away, but I wouldn't want treatment to stop/start because you need another appointment another time. That's just me though. Really hope the next 4 months fly by for you hun :hugs:
Quick update on me:
Took my last dose of clomid last night. So here's hoping I ovulate and catch it this time!
I'm in New Mexico visiting my for a couple days and hubby isn't with me so I better not ovulate early ! Lol
Hope everyone that is taking a break for one reason or another finds the rest the need. For those of us plugging on , good luck !
Hi everyone,

Test day for me tomorrow (16dpo) but had some nasty cramps this evening that feel like menstrual pains :growlmad: I'm dreading taking my BBT tomorrow morning as I'm pretty sure I'll see a drop indicating AF is imminent. Feeling frustrated, but still got one round of Clomid left, and have an appointment with my specialist in Feb to discuss next steps, so trying to tell myself if AF does come I've still got some positive steps lined up soon.

So tomorrow I'll be at the pharmacy either buying a test or some evening primrose and some preseed! (I really, really hope it's the test)

Best wishes to all!
Hi ladies,
Can I join please? :). I have my clomid and just waiting for AF to show so I can start my first cycle.
I have a few questions if you don't mind though, how bad are the side effects? I have been prescribed pregnyl injection to take when my eggs are ripe enough (according to day 12 scan) is this normal practice or do you sometimes only have tablets?

Thanks and looking forward to chatting with you xx
Mrsmccurdy - fx'd it's your month!! Have a lovely trip :)

Arohanui - how was your temp this morning? You're not out until the witch shows - hope you get good news today :flower:

Jasmine - hi. I was on this thread until I got my clomid bfp in November. I like to pop in & keep in touch with my ltttc friends. Good luck with clomid - if it doesn't work at first, don't lose hope. I caught on my fifth clomid cycle!
Hi Everyone!! I have been waiting for a few months now for AF and I am finally on CD 4!! Going to start my clomid tomorrow night! I am nervous and excited at the same time!! Anyone starting or just finishing this week? :winkwink:
I will hopefully be starting this week if my AF ever shows up?! I'm cd34 today.

I have been taking my temps in any case just to have a reference for when we start trying again in +/- April. (As DH said: "Keep logging your data! It's called fertility friend not fertility enemy" LOL!)
To my surprise ff gave me CH for CD15, Friday 2 Jan. OK; that was the day my cm started drying up, I felt hectic O pains and the following day's temps were higher than the preceding days. I wasn't convinced however because overall my temps were much lower than the 2 clearly ovulatory cycles from 2014. :shrug::shrug:(That's also why I thought I didn't O last cycle; because my temps overall were lower than I'm used to even though there was a temp shift).

I went to the GP today to have my thyroid tested again (have to do it every 6 months and I wanted to do it in any case because of my low bbt). She confirmed my suspicion that my bbt might well just be lower since the lap&dye; because a source of chronic inflammation (stage 3 endo) has been treated and should not have grown back yet. Will see what the thyroid test results reveal.

So even though we are on a break... looks like I am in the tww as well.

AF due around 16/17 Jan. DTD lots around new years so timing happened to be good. Just goes to show we can plan all we like but God USUALLY has other plans. (Still taking a break from ttc until after the next 1-2 cycles, also won't be testing unless AF is like 4 days late!!)

And it looks like I had a slow rise which I hadn't had before? I hope I can find some kind of pattern to make this journey easier when we start up again because no 2 cycles have been the same for me so far. Will be interesting to see what my temps look like without clomid but I'm not stressing about it; to be quite honest I was sad for 1 day when we made the decision to take a break and then I started feeling relieved to not have ttc stress for a few months. :happydance: Not as if this is a permanent break. :thumbup:


Hi all the new ladies and all the best with your clomid journeys :hi::flower:

Arohanui - thinking of you so much and hope you have some good news!

BAB - your wait is almost over too!

K4th - I can't wait to see a scan pic :) You too Pinkee in case you're still stalking!

MrsMcCurdy - glad to see you're back in business and holding out hope x

Nimbec - You start with your meds in 3 days right? Please let us know how things are going hun x

Girly - all the best with your appointment tomorrow and I hope your Dr comes up with a good, solid plan.

Lace&pearls - what have you decided re the hsg? Personally I would do it just to get it over with. Tough decision!

Timetotry - how was your holiday?

Everyone else - I think of you guys daily and am hoping for lots of bfps very soon!

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