Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Still having hot flushes exhaustion insomnia and headaches and I took my last pill 5 days ago! This sucks! When does it end? I feel like if this lasts all month I'm Gona have to do one month on one month off I literally am a zombie! X
Time- That's exactly What my opks did. I must have used them 8 months and they never showed up anywhere close to a dark line until my positive.

Fern - when are you going to test?
Thanks Ladies!
I've been monitoring cm and it's somewhere between watery and ewcm. It's hard to tell since I think the clomid has decreased the amount of cm for me.
We use preseed but are almost out! I don't know of I want to bother buying more since iui is next.
Hi everyone

Pinkee - almost 12 weeks! Can't believe your first trimester is almost over!
I won't be testing. 12 dpo today. My temps have been plummeting down the past 2 days, still above the coverline BUT the coverline is ridiculously low (had a very slow rise). So the fact that the temp is still above the coverline means nothing to me. I'm expecting AF tomorrow or the day after. Have started cramping as well. The only way I will test is if my temps go back up, and stay up until AFTER AF was supposed to show! I dunno; looking at a bfn is waaayyyyyy worse for me than simply waiting for temp drop and AF. :) Thanks for asking!

Timetotry - well that sounds good regarding the cm at least. Have you tried evening primrose oil? I know it works wonders for some ladies, it's helped me get loads of ewcm where I had none before! GL hun I really hope it happens soon.

Liovec - clomid side effects are nasty. Hope they disappear soon hun!! I get them right throughout my cycle (after O I still feel dizzy and too hot to sleep at night) BUT I tell myself it's a small price to pay for actually ovulating. x:hugs:

Where is everyone else at in their cycles?:flower:
Hi everyone

Pinkee - almost 12 weeks! Can't believe your first trimester is almost over!
I won't be testing. 12 dpo today. My temps have been plummeting down the past 2 days, still above the coverline BUT the coverline is ridiculously low (had a very slow rise). So the fact that the temp is still above the coverline means nothing to me. I'm expecting AF tomorrow or the day after. Have started cramping as well. The only way I will test is if my temps go back up, and stay up until AFTER AF was supposed to show! I dunno; looking at a bfn is waaayyyyyy worse for me than simply waiting for temp drop and AF. :) Thanks for asking!

Timetotry - well that sounds good regarding the cm at least. Have you tried evening primrose oil? I know it works wonders for some ladies, it's helped me get loads of ewcm where I had none before! GL hun I really hope it happens soon.

Liovec - clomid side effects are nasty. Hope they disappear soon hun!! I get them right throughout my cycle (after O I still feel dizzy and too hot to sleep at night) BUT I tell myself it's a small price to pay for actually ovulating. x:hugs:

Where is everyone else at in their cycles?:flower:

Thank you fern81 I don't want to jinx myself but today I feel great side effect free!!! I just wana dance around the house lol yes I agree as much as I hated being on clomid if it works i would feel like that every day if I had to I have my blood test in 9 days so will know then fingers crossed! So exciting but nerve racking x
Hi everyone,

Yesterday was our wedding anniversary, which marks 3years of TTC, so we decided to go away and spend the night in a hotel, relaxed in the spa and had a lovely meal. It was nice to forget about everything for a night.

Only CD7 for me, so nothing interesting happening with me! I'm taking evening primrose oil (1000mg) this cycle to see if it will make a difference to CM. I know I need to change to something else when at O. Is it flaxseed/Omega 3 that I need to switch to? Just want to make sure I'm taking the right things!

Liovec - clomid made me O really late on my first round, so if your CD21 bloods don't show O, don't be disheartened. Book another test for a week later.

Fern - sorry to hear about your temp drops. I'm the same when it comes to testing. Much harder for me to see a BFN than Temp drops and spotting.

Timetotry - fx for O!
Aro - I took fish oil for my omega 3, just the gel caps.
Aro- I just take flaxseed oil all the time. It helps with cm and has omegas 3,6 and 9. And you don't have to worry about switching back and forth.
Hi everyone,

Yesterday was our wedding anniversary, which marks 3years of TTC, so we decided to go away and spend the night in a hotel, relaxed in the spa and had a lovely meal. It was nice to forget about everything for a night.

Only CD7 for me, so nothing interesting happening with me! I'm taking evening primrose oil (1000mg) this cycle to see if it will make a difference to CM. I know I need to change to something else when at O. Is it flaxseed/Omega 3 that I need to switch to? Just want to make sure I'm taking the right things!

Liovec - clomid made me O really late on my first round, so if your CD21 bloods don't show O, don't be disheartened. Book another test for a week later.

Fern - sorry to hear about your temp drops. I'm the same when it comes to testing. Much harder for me to see a BFN than Temp drops and spotting.

Timetotry - fx for O!
Thank you for that information that's something I wouldn't have thought of thank u x
Hey everyone! I am on CD 13. I had a lot of ovulation symptoms on CD 11-12. I was having cramps and I could feel my right side cramps. I had really super watery CM and we BD for two days in a row!

I got what I looked like a positive OPK on CD11. Can you ladies look and tell me what you think? Sorry about the fuzz lol. I am sorry I didn't make the images smaller I am at work. Let me know if I need to remove them.

Yesterday CD 12

Today CD 13
Hi ladies!
Fern- I haven't tried Epo. Maybe if we get a next time I will!
I checked my cervix and it's high, soft and very open. Cm is watery/sticky/stretchy. So I don't think I o'd yet! Which is a good thing because hubby has been sick so we missed a couple of our assigned days. Oops!

Jaybee- I'd call day 11 positive! It looks like it's fading a bit in the other two. GL!

I have a preseed question!
How do you personally use it? Do you follow the instructions and use the applicator? How much do you use?
We usually just use it like a normal lube, but since I feel exceptionally drier this cycle. I was thinking about using the applicator but not sure how much to use!
I have had 2 friends announce pregnancies in the past couple of weeks so I have been pretty down. My doctor wants me to do another round of 50mg clomid before uping my dosage. This time around I am going back to accupuncture. So hopefully between the two I will FINALAY ovulate.

I was wondering if anyone has had success ovulating on 50 mg after the first round not O'ing?

Timetotry - get bding hun!!! Those sound like good signs! Hope your hubby feels up to it. As for the preseed; if needed I insert just a small amount with the applicator, right by my cervix, before we even start foreplay. I find that a whole applicator full is way too much. Also if you wait too long with it inside, then it can become runny and irritating due to body heat (or it's just too hot here in RSA atm!!). We also use a small amount just as external lubricant. Haha all that feels like way tmi. :blush:

Jaybee - I agree with timetotry! CD11 looks like a +. So you probably ovulated on CD12 or 13? Are you taking your temperature and/or checking CM at all?

Arohanui - congrats on your wedding anniversary :). I'm so glad you had a nice time. We all need those special moments because ttc (esp LTTTC!) can leach some of the romance out of a relationship. Hun I use EPO until O date. But it can cause uterine contractions so no EPO after O. I also take fish oil capsules all through the month as a source of Omega 3 (NOT fish liver oil. The liver stores the most mercury). Our pharmacists (where I live) recommend not taking an extra omega 6 supplement, since we already get so much of that in our diets.

Minnie - I know we can all relate. :growlmad:. Life just feels so unfair sometimes. Well I apparently didn't O on 50mg and then just kind of decided by myself to up the dose to 100mg as I couldn't get hold of my dr! Hoping that acupuncture will help for you though!:flower:

How is everyone else doing?

AFM - 13 dpo. Temp has dropped a bit this morning again. I had the worst cramps last night and thought for sure I would wake up to AF. The cramps are gone however (for now!), haven't started spotting, nothing. Hm. By this time I should be spotting or having AF already. DH wants me to test tomorrow morning... eeekkkk I don't want to! Maybe the b6 that I've taken has just given me a nice long LP, will be happy with that as well! I'm adding a link to my chart if anyone wants to have a look. I still think my temps are too low for me to be pregs though.

My Ovulation Chart
Fern - "low" temps are relative to pre-ov temps. So I wouldn't class yours as low because pre-ov they were really much lower. The temp shift is what matters - not what the actual numbers are. It could well be the b6 lengthening your lp. But... I had cramps before both of my bfp's. They are not uncommon in early pregnancy!! Keeping everything crossed for you hun & will be stalking you until you know :)

:hugs: to eveyone else. Hope we have some more bfp's on this thread very soon! Good luck :flower:
Hi ladies. Hope I'm not intruding on your thread. Been TTC for over a year. I'm actually in the RE's waiting room right now to talk next steps. Which is pretty much going to be Clomid and IUI. I'm partly nervous, excited and scared. I guess I don't know what to expect and I don't want to get my hopes up too high. I'm also afraid Clomid is going to turn me into a raving psycho. I've heard some stories.

Well I just wanted to say hi and hopefully I'll be in "the club" soon. AF is due tomorrow so I hope we start right away. Wish me luck!
Wohoo! Pos opk this morning, tested early because of work.
But of course it's when hubby and I start working opposite shifts! Gah! Oh and I'm having metformin side effects! Boo!
Yay for positive opk timetotry!!
Fern, I agree with what k4th said.
Afm I'm getting sick(again!). I've never been sick this many times in one season! Grr
Just a quick question (sorry I will post a proper reply once I have finished cooking :) )
has anyone had this happen with OPKs? every single test I have done has had a really skinny line on the test line, butit has been getting darker and darker and eventually was darker than the control line - can I take this as a +?
Just a quick question (sorry I will post a proper reply once I have finished cooking :) )
has anyone had this happen with OPKs? every single test I have done has had a really skinny line on the test line, butit has been getting darker and darker and eventually was darker than the control line - can I take this as a +?

Yes that's a positive!! :happydance: my internet cheapies did that all the time!
Yep, mine too. Some packs of them were worse than the others but happened a lot.

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