hi, i am wanting to ask my doctor to go on clomid as have heard a lot of positives about it helping you ovulate, can anyone give me advice on it please?
ttcval - you will need to speak to your dr, thye might want to run a few tests on you and your OH. Once they do those tests then they will go from there. If you have been ttc for 2 years and nothing then it defo is time to go and see a dr.
yes, lots of girls on here ovulate with clomid despite their PCOS.
Clomid doesn't work for everyone, but its the cheapest thing to try first.
I think the statistics show that 80% of non-ovulating women will ovulate with the right does of clomid (they start you low and if you don't ovulate, they increase... they do this because its better to be on a lower dose for side effects and risks).
Babylou awww told ya. Everyone I no are having girls I new there had to be a boy somewhere lol. Hope your feeling ok and thanks for all the kind words.
Lisa how's you Hun? Thanks for the kind words. You right about the relationship thing huni but don't hold back on a break if you think you need it. Just make sure you and oh talk. Me and oh never did so while we were both dying to start trying again both of us thought the other didn't want to and we didn't want to bring it up with each other incase they other got upset. Hope that makes sense cause I'm on my phone so can't read much lol. Keep smiling babes your turn must be soon.
Thanks Vicky - that is great advice.
Super hopeful this time, progesterone level was 15.2 today!! (In the US, 15 is the normal for medicated and my previous high was 8.8)
That's brilliant Lisa hope it continues for you!! If only there was another way to make babies lol!!! Life would be so much easier and happier! Fingers crossed it's your turn next babe x
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