Yes, the softcup is the Instead cup. It holds the sperm up near the cervix and saves you from holding your legs above your head!
I was scared of it at first but it just popped right in and I didn't feel it at all and it was very easy to remove.
Yes, its used right after BDing. They can stay in for up to 12 hours but should be in for a minimum of 3-4.. I kept mine in for 5 because we'd get busy right after work and I wasn't about to get up in the middle of the night to remove them before the 12 hour mark.
To get the thing in, you just pinch it, and while lying down you slide it in! very easy! I also did a 'scoop' method to catch any swimmers that were leaking out and think it made a big difference for me! I was paranoid I was trapping the swimmers on the outside with the cup, lol!