Lol, ummmmm, nothing really?
I've had some AF-like cramping. A touch of moodiness, but that could have been just me.
I did almost throw up this morning to the point of gagging multiple times and watering mouth... but I'm kind of sensitive to some things anyway so I can't say it was pregnancy-related, lol. (I was waiting in line for the toilet, and when my turn came, I couldn't remember the girl who came out going in... making me think she was in there for a while going poo... and I started gagging just at that thought, nothing smelled or anything

My boobs are barely sore, I've felt WAY more pregnant on other cycles
Off course I'm only 11dpo today!!

20miu test had a hint of a line today.
Blood test result was 35!!!! Looking very good according to my doc. Will get another blood test next week.