I used Clomid in 2008 50mg CD3-5 I did not take the last 2 pills for some reason or another but I did get pregnant!

Our baby girl was born 12/01/08 7:36am, 8lbs. 0 oz.!!

Since then we tried to get pregnant again in 2010. Once again we used Clomid, this time 100mg CD 5-9, we did concieve but at our 12 wk ultrasound the Dr discovered thier was no heartbeat.

We were heart broken!!
We decide to take a few months off before trying again, and we also decided to try try a lower dosage being that we were successful once before with 50mg. Therefore in Nov. of 2010 we began ttc again. The first month without Clomid & no success.

We started Clomid 50mg Dec 2010 & once again no success.

So, here we are in Jan. 2011 & another round of Clomid 50mg....
As of today I am on CD22/ 9DPO<per OPK> I know at this point I should know all the ins & outs but of course I still have many questions.....Being over excited I took an HPT this morning & got a negative result

Ive never had to go past one month taking Clomid which is why I feel dumb founded. The past few days I have been feeling nausea & bouts of dizziness thru out the entire day off & on. Ive also had cramping, also thru out the day off & on for about 2 days now which is very uncommon for me. I usually only cramp the day before & of AF. Are these symptoms from Clomid? Has anyone else had these type of symptoms & had a BFP? Or has anyone had these symptoms simply due to Clomid?
Are these common symptoms