Clomid Club Graduate Buddies

Hey Lou how are you?

Chell I think I've heard of G diapers, but I think I heard they were really complicated? I could be getting confused with something else though... Yay on making your own!

Lisa thats ridiculous. Did you tell them off?

X x x
Hi Suz :hi:

How's Sammuel's sleeping? Ben is terrible again :-(

Ste and I have even together for 7 years today!! :shock:
Aw happy anniversary! :kiss:

Me and Danny may be 7 years in december, we're not really sure!

Sammuels sleep is terrible too :( oh well...

X x x
Happy Anniversary Lou. :hugs:

Lisa, I have to say that if you are in a room for a long period of time you son't always notice smells... I once sat in the room with our puppies for a whole day. My stepmum came back and almost threw up at the smell of rancid meat... I hadn't noticed at all! Having said that, gas is a whole other world and very scary that they nudged the button without noticing in the first place! :hugs:

Lou, Joe is back, but has been working every day til late this week. :(

Suz, the wool arrived! As soon as the concert is over and done with I'll make a start. Do you trust me to do colour combos, or do you want to tell me which colour combos you want?

:hug: to everyone. x
Jess- I've just seen your status on Facebook!! Don't leave us please :cry:
Aw Jess, I understand!

Girls, should we start a facebook group? We can make it a secret group so nobody can see we are in it or see what we post there. Might be a nice way to keep us together when we're not on Bnb?

Ok.. so I just had the evil thought of training my inlaws to smell gas.. I'll hold their head over the stove, turn on the gas.. and if they say they can't smell it, I'll light it. Ok I'm pure evil, lol... but it felt good to just think of hurting them a little for the risks they have exposed us to.

Chell- I know they get love from family and that is a good thing, but his daycare lady truly loves him too and misses him etc. I'm not used to having extended family around all the time, its not how I was raised. I feel like they have nothing else in their lives and thats why its so important to them to see him. Its more for their sake that I've agreed to the situation. Plus it keeps them out of my hair when I'm home for the weekend.

On the flip side, we're planning on visiting my grandmother this Thanksgiving.. I mentioned to my dad that maybe he'll want to meet us there since its a much shorter drive than coming down here. He hasn't seen Daniel since he was less than a month old. My dad isn't sure he wants to because he's going to have to drive to my grandmothers 2 weeks after that anyway, and its a several hour drive for just a few hour visit. I totally understand, my husband thinks we HAVE to get my dad to come, that he NEEDS to see Daniel. I don't see the urgency I guess?

Jess- you are right about getting used to smells, but the whole house didn't smell, just the kitchen so there still should have been a noticable smell when they entered that room, you know?

Ok.. so I mentioned to a friend how funny it is that Daniel has a hairy patch at the top of his butt. And she mentioned that it can be a sign of spina bifida occulta (very mild form, doesn't usually even cause any noticable problems). After googling a lot, it really does seem to fit the description. Trying not to worry because its probably nothing or even if he has problems they should be very very minor, but makes me a little sad that my baby may not be perfect and may have some issues:(
Also means I'm going to take mega doses of folic acid next time..
Aw Lisa. That's so strange, I've never heard of hair there meaning that. R u taking another trip to the dr? Let us know what happens.

Soooooo, one day short of 5 months old, and Connor has his first tooth coming in!!! Actually it looks like 2! I was wondering what all of his fussing was from. Poor baby has been biting his finger/thumb and then screaming in pain. We thought he was just being a baby! Hahahha! But he's really got teeth coming in! Earliest my kids have ever been for teeth!
Lou- h to the a to the pp y a to the double n -i-v-er sar-y. Hahaha I wish I could sing it to you! Happpppppppy anniversary!
ooh, I missed that.. happy anniversary Lou!!

After reading a lot of stuff, it says that 10% of the population may have this minor form of spina bifida. He doesn't have the dimple there so it might be nothing at all. We decided to wait until his next appointment and ask then.
Aw Lisa :hugs: is it something you get diagnosed or is it just so unnoticeable you don't need to?

Yay for Connors tooth!

X x x
Oh and Sammuel has back dimples - does that mean he has it too?!

I cut my finger with a stanley knife, almost fainted and puked :cry: not a good start to the day!!!

x x x
Hi girls :hi:

Lisa- do you mean the dimple where the "tail" would be at the top of the bum? Ben hasn't got one but I know lots of babies that have. I bet it's nothing to worry about :hugs:
Oh well played on Words by the way! :thumbup:

Suz- sorry about the finger!!  Is it sore??
You never play your go on the Words games anymore!!!
:hi: girls how are you all well my cousins baby is home now her a pic of my son and mya x x x


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I do lou! I just played you :lol: I've been waiting about 2 weeks for you to take your go on hanging!!! :haha:

Yes my finger is really sore :(

Me and Danny have argued all weekend :( it's like ive got pmt! I think I'm just tired and stressed and he isn't being as supportive as I need/want him to be.

Also he just doesn't care about stuff and isn't open minded AT ALL. I said about us reading some books and agreeing how we are going to raise/ discipline sammuel. His response: 'we're doing alright so far. We'll just do what we feel like and raise him how we were raised, we turned out alright.'
Erm yeh... Me: one suicidal sister, one almost suicidal sister, worse than the other one, and a brother who doesn't really talk to any of us. I am the normal one.
Him: his mum is sooo negative it's unreal. Although him and his brother are pretty normal and nice blokes.

So anyway, I think there's certain things we really ought to do/not do, but he's just so uninterested.

We also argue in front of sammuel, don't support each other at all. It's always a one up situation 'I need to do some work' - 'I've got loads of work to do too' never 'oh ok, well I'll take S for an hour while you get on' kind of thing. Both ways, it's not just him.

Sorry for the rant, it's been a shit weekend! :(

Caz she is very cute and tiny!

X x x
Agh sorry Suz!! :-( Ste's like that too. I'd never be able to get him to read books and discuss- he's too laid back for that and just drifts through day-to-day! I'm just so relieved he doesn't agree with his Mum about CIO though that I'm not really bothered about much else at the moment! :haha:

Are you and Danny both trying to work from home with Sammuel there too? X
I don't think the ILs would dare suggest CIO, I've never asked where they stand on it! If Danny wasnt with me I think he'd do it. But just because people would tell him to and he would think to research it!!

Danny goes to work but he's home by 3 latest, usually around 1, then he has private lessons later in the day, and the evening... And yeh sammuel is here too!

X x x
That must be sooo awkward!! :-( Are the IL's still having him so you can work?

I'm lucky in that Ste did look up CIO, researched it and said a big NO!!! God it definitely would be hard if we disagreed on that- especially with how bad a sleeper Ben is!!
I think you'd be divorced if you disagreed on that :haha:

Yeh I have people coming all week to help, so I get about 3 hours a day to do stuff.

I think the problem this weekend, is that it was all going really well, I got loads done last week... Then my mum was meant to come Saturday so I could get more done, and then we'd have a day off together on Sunday. My mum was ill so didn't come, and when I woke up (Danny let me have a lie in) his parents were here and had come to clear loads of plants out of the garden. So Danny then spent literally the entire day doing that, while I looked after S. I probably wouldnt have minded if he'd just told me, and we could have switched the day off to Saturday... But I was just in a bad mood so it got worse from there!

X x x
I get pissed off if Ste tries to do anything other than take Ben off my hands both days of the weekend! I feel like I deserve it after looking after him all day, every day!!

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