I do lou! I just played you

I've been waiting about 2 weeks for you to take your go on hanging!!!
Yes my finger is really sore
Me and Danny have argued all weekend

it's like ive got pmt! I think I'm just tired and stressed and he isn't being as supportive as I need/want him to be.
Also he just doesn't care about stuff and isn't open minded AT ALL. I said about us reading some books and agreeing how we are going to raise/ discipline sammuel. His response: 'we're doing alright so far. We'll just do what we feel like and raise him how we were raised, we turned out alright.'
Erm yeh... Me: one suicidal sister, one almost suicidal sister, worse than the other one, and a brother who doesn't really talk to any of us. I am the normal one.
Him: his mum is sooo negative it's unreal. Although him and his brother are pretty normal and nice blokes.
So anyway, I think there's certain things we really ought to do/not do, but he's just so uninterested.
We also argue in front of sammuel, don't support each other at all. It's always a one up situation 'I need to do some work' - 'I've got loads of work to do too' never 'oh ok, well I'll take S for an hour while you get on' kind of thing. Both ways, it's not just him.
Sorry for the rant, it's been a shit weekend!
Caz she is very cute and tiny!
X x x