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Hey laura :wave: it's really hard to say. Are they really regular? I guess it could be the start but I'd be more inclined to say just BH at the moment. Keep timing them and if they get closer together, and regular then I'd think they would be contractions!

X x x
Chell- yes you can make your own. To go in a pocket nappy? You could just do a hemp insert, then put one layer of microfibre on the top. Microfibre absorbs really quick, sO it's good to have a layer on the top to quickly absorb the pee, then the hemp can absorb from there. If it's going directly next to his bum you would need a fleece layer on top of that to keep him dry...

X x x
Oo Laura- like Suz says it's hard to tell whether it's BH or real until the get regular and more painful! If they start increasing in intensity then I'd sayits real! Have you had a show or anything? X
thanks girls, well they seem to be easing off. They were every 6 minutes this last hour but they are spacing out now.
I have read as she is back to back contractions can be erratic, low intensity and accompained with back pain which is me exactly but im not in labour i know now. But i can tell its close.

How are we all?

Fine thanks darling. I hope she holds out another week for you til she's full term x

Is she definitely still back-to-back?
yeah hun she is still back to back. I can feel feet elbows and all sorts in my tummy and its so painful at times when she is having a good wriggle.
I hope she holds out until after Shaes birthday. His party and b'day are sunday and i want him to have my full attention and a good day so fingers crossed she stays put like a good little girl.:)

Hows ben doing? Sleeping ok?

oh dear :( not good then.
Things were going really well when i was on last. :(
How exciting! That is what early labor was like for me, though no backpain. I never really had BH but had some false labor 2 nights before I went into actual labor
its so quiet here! Casey goes on vacation, Jess takes a break, look what happens, lol!

So I have 2 friends in town, might have mentioned them... they have kids a bit older than Daniel. We keep trying to get together and it just never happens because they are very baby-led and always have to cancel because of that. The only reason we ever get together is because I'm willing to make Daniel's schedule work around whatever time they set.
We have all finally agreed to meet up and were going to do the pumpkin patch on Oct 30th.
Well, there is the mother's group in town and they are doing the pumpkin patch on Oct 29th and then there is a costume/party/concert at a part on Oct 30th.
I kind of want to do the other things instead of meeting my friends. I'm just so sick of making it work for them. I would love to do the pumpkin patch with my friends on the 29th, then do the concert thing on the 30th with the mother's group but I just know they aren't going to be flexible on it.

I suppose I can do the pumpkin patch 2x and skip the concert/party thing. :( Just bumming here because i feel like I'm either bailing on my friends or missing out on the chance to make new friends just to accomadate people who always bail on me.
Sorry Lisa. I am the same way... If I try to plan something numerous times and there is no reciprocating on their part, then I pretty much think the friendship is over and I'm spending too much time trying to make it work

Suz- so if I am making my own diaper and insert do hemp, then microfiber, then fleece? Or should I try to make it a pocket diaper and make that part fleece inside and just do microfiber covered hemp? How's your finger by the way?

Lou- sorry sleep sucks. I went to put Connor down by 8:30 and he threw up the entire bottle alllllll over the nursery. I bathed him and second time, washed everything (seriously everywhere!) started a wash, fed him again and finally got him to bed around 10. Cleaning up took another hour and I had to finish making muffins; finally went to bed after 1:30 Then he woke up screaming a few more times through the night and the morning came too soon! I think his reflux is still horrible. Does ben wake up screaming like that? And vomit? I really think the doctors aren't taking your situation seriously enough... And I think they should try to help figure out what's wrong. Do you feel the same?

Laura- take it easy sweetheart, and don't hesitate to go in and get things checked out.
oh lisa, you have me thinking now. I have had this niggly feeling all day in my back and belly. Just cant shake the feeling labour is close. plus i hae had another clear out TMI :blush:

Hun i would do what ever makes you and daniel happy. Invit your friends if you like and make them work around you for a change, If they dont want to come then fine, you offered. I spent a lot of time trying to met up with my friends and always being let down, i stopped running around after them in the end and i havent really seen them now in months. :shrug:

I just don't have any other friends here (they all move away because its too expensive). So I hate to write off any friendships... but then again I want to make more friends with the parent's group too.

I'll talk to my husband because these are his friends too.

If they just chose a different time we could make it work. They want to meet at the pumpkin patch at 4pm... the concert thing is from 3-5 :dohh:
See what your husband says hun.
Typical, slap bang in the middle so you have to chose :dohh:
I'm not sure what to suggest Lisa, how about just tell them when you want to do it and why and see what they say!

Chell, do you have a pattern for these diapers? Are you making it up? Either of the ways you said will be fine, if you don't do a pocket and just do a wrap and insert you'll need the insert to stay in place, so perhaps applix or poppers to hold it there. Think about how it will work if you want more boosting. I think it'll be a trial and error thing, so see how it goes.. I think most people make pockets first off...
Finger is ok thanks, still sore but I'll live ;)

Laura I hope she holds off a little longer!

Ok I need to make a decision re sammuels 'routine'. As you all know I am not a routine type person... So:

Now, sammuel has been having one nap in the morning 9.30-10.30 then afternoon 2.30-3.30. In the evening, I start to put him down at 7... Sometimes he'll gp straight to sleep, but sometimes it's over an hour. Now, I don't mind this, I really don't. I relax in bed while he plays, we watch videos of him on my phone, read books etc etc, when hes tired he goes to sleep.

I guess my problem with it is that I am fooked afterwards!! Cos I've been laying down for an hour I have no energy for making dinner, or doing any more work.

So, today he hasn't had an afternoon nap. Not really on purpose, he didnt fall asleep feeding this arvo so I got up with him again instead of waiting for him to go to sleep. His morning nap was also a bit later. Tonight i've put him down at 6.25 and he's now sound asleep on the boob.

I could move him to the cot now and carry on working and make dinner.

So i could do this every day instead. What would you do?

X x x
If he can last without the afternoon nap Suz then I'd do it if it makes bedtimes better. I think it's normal for them to go down to only one nap around Sammuel's age! X

Lisa- I would do whatever you think would be the most fun for you and Daniel! :hugs:
:hi: girls 11dpo testing soon woopp will up date you all when i have tested x x
Thanks Lou, I guess so. In fact while I was writing it I did think it's a bit of a no brainer I suppose! I'll see how long he stays asleep for...

Could you go and see your cranial brain person about Bens sleep?

x x x

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