I'm not sure what to suggest Lisa, how about just tell them when you want to do it and why and see what they say!
Chell, do you have a pattern for these diapers? Are you making it up? Either of the ways you said will be fine, if you don't do a pocket and just do a wrap and insert you'll need the insert to stay in place, so perhaps applix or poppers to hold it there. Think about how it will work if you want more boosting. I think it'll be a trial and error thing, so see how it goes.. I think most people make pockets first off...
Finger is ok thanks, still sore but I'll live
Laura I hope she holds off a little longer!
Ok I need to make a decision re sammuels 'routine'. As you all know I am not a routine type person... So:
Now, sammuel has been having one nap in the morning 9.30-10.30 then afternoon 2.30-3.30. In the evening, I start to put him down at 7... Sometimes he'll gp straight to sleep, but sometimes it's over an hour. Now, I don't mind this, I really don't. I relax in bed while he plays, we watch videos of him on my phone, read books etc etc, when hes tired he goes to sleep.
I guess my problem with it is that I am fooked afterwards!! Cos I've been laying down for an hour I have no energy for making dinner, or doing any more work.
So, today he hasn't had an afternoon nap. Not really on purpose, he didnt fall asleep feeding this arvo so I got up with him again instead of waiting for him to go to sleep. His morning nap was also a bit later. Tonight i've put him down at 6.25 and he's now sound asleep on the boob.
I could move him to the cot now and carry on working and make dinner.
So i could do this every day instead. What would you do?
X x x