My 2nd cycle I was monitored as in I had an USS at cd12. Follicles were 8mm or something so I basically thought I was out, FS was talking about upping me to 150mg and torturing me with more clomid.
So all month I was just convinced it was all a waste of time, was horribly depressed mostly from the clomid and ppl falling preg left right and centre when my useless body wasnt cooperating.
But we DTD anyway, mostly as we already had a dirty weekend away booked over 'OV' time (CD19 ish). My CBFM showed nothing, think I got about 2 days of highs and 18 lows, no peak (they dont often work while on clomid, but as I remember it had shown ov the previous month so I trusted it). Didnt get any ov pains this cycle but I had got them the last two months when I had ovulated, I did get some EWCM, didnt think anything of it tho.
So I wait and wait and get my pre-af symptoms of three days evening sickness followed by two days normal and usually af comes. Was ready to start my new cycle and crack on again. Was due on the Friday and had a bit of spotting, yey af coming. spotting stopped...Started cramping exactly like AF. Grr, its going to be a long cycle, AF teasing me (PITA is pain in the arse).
Spent all weekend trying to lure AF out by drinking pimms, eating brie. theres a post back in march about me wanting to huff paint as pregnant women cant do it
I had been doing IC tests and they were all negative. Im on cd35 or so by now. Finally broke and did my FRER and it was bloody positive. Dug the IC out and they were mildly positive too - you wouldnt have known unless you'd known iykwim. Did a billion more tests too and they were all positive. Couldnt believe it as I had just spent over 20 days thinking I wouldnt even ovulate