This month with my upped clomid I had two big follicles one on each ovary. One measuring 20.5 and the other 25.5 Trigger shot was given @ 9am thurs after my u/s. No problems with either me or OH but we just not been able to produce a little miracle as yet. The nurse did ask did i want the injection this month as we are at high risk of twins with the size of my follies this month. We had already discussed this and said yes so now were currently in the 2ww after having a very busy but fun weekend Im trying to stay positive but its so hard when it seems like everyone we know is pregnant or got little babies. . . Its heart wrenching.
My.Wish, I'm in the exact boat as you, with risk of twins. Well, let's not call it a risk shall we, I'd say it's a blessing!
I'm also literally surrounded by pregnant ladies just by sitting at my office desk! Makes it kinda of hard to move around with all the big mommies - it almost looks like a baby factory over there. My best friend is recently pregnant with her second babe, and I'm not spared from my neighbour either! I'm really crying inside.
My 2ww starts tomorrow after my IUI as well, do keep us updated on your status!