Hey MrsB- good luck with the tests! How can you just book yourself in? Doesnt the doc have to refer you for them?
i forgot to ask ladies....can you use a cbfm using clomid? i have one but after years of no luck i gave in using it as it was too expensive to buy the sticks, plus i have no cycles so was using two packs of sticks at a time x
Hey MrsB- good luck with the tests! How can you just book yourself in? Doesnt the doc have to refer you for them?
Mine get done by a nurse at my doctors, not at FS. so I just phoned up and said I'd like to book 21 day bloods and they booked me in. Dont know what the doctor will say![]()
Hey Mk8, I've had all d bloods, the hsg and oh has his SA done. We are all clear! I still would like them to do more checks, I'm going to push for them at next appointment. But FS was saying if clomid didn't work we need to think about ivf!
Cbmd, I'm using my cbfm this month, see if it changes my dates! I've heard that it is not accuratev when on clomid, but still gona try it for myself!
So I've been using Ovulation sticks this cycle, I don't think they're working. I am on CD 13 today, and I started using them on CD8. All lined up, I don't see much difference between them. They all look like they are about half as dark as the control line. I'm getting so frustrated. I am paranoid that all of a sudden I have stopped ovulating, even though I wasn't put on Clomid due to not ovulating. I'm trying to temp this month too, so I'll keep going with both just in case.
Sorry for rambling on, I'm just so so so tired of TTC already. I wish there was something else I can do, but we've had all the tests done, I had a chemical last year so pregnancy MUST be possible, right?
CD 2 today. Man clomid makes me bleed sooooooo much. Cant wait for period to be gone.
to everyone
YAY congratswoot! ovacue confirmed o for today. So I o'ed 2 days later than last month...not bad!
Zimmy, another thing you can try is to take 2 per day, before noon and one after noon in the event of a short surge. This way you dont miss it. When I get close to O I have been known to take at least 2 but sometimes 3 a day because I was so afraid of missing it.Trying hard - this is really my first month of using the opks every day. I tried them last month, but just for a while because I thought I started them too late and missed it.
Wishing you a more comfortable day tomorrow!
Mk8 - thanks for info...I haven't had a hsg. I had blood tests about 5 years ago which showed I had elevated testosterone...so told I had pcos...scan showed a few cysts. Years later still no periods so doc's re did my bloods and was told everything was now normal! I asked how testosterone could be so high then so low so had blood tests re done and now they said my fsh is very slightly elevated which from what i read isn't very good. They never do my bloods at any particular time. They just said try Clomid...haven't ever bothered with any further investigations.
Mrs b - weird how mine is always low with pcos and yours is high!
woot! ovacue confirmed o for today. So I o'ed 2 days later than last month...not bad!