Clomid, IUI & Exercise

Hi Girls,

AF arrived in full flow last night :( I am having a break next cycle due to DH being away so will hopefully have my final cycle of IUI in July.

Springy: I totally agree with you in thinking that stress is a big factor in TTC. I feel convinced that this is my problem too!

CRC: Hope your IUI went well today and you enjoyed slobbing out!


Hi Dizzikel, so sorry to hear it didn't work. I think its always good to take a break. How many IUI's have you had or how long have you been on the meds? Enjoy a few drinks and let yourself go a bit without the pressure of trying at least for a month. Do all the things we stop ourselves usually! Can you plan something extra nice to treat yourself and take your mind off it all? Will you go back on the meds again?

My IUI went well thanks for the good luck words - although by the evening I had got myself in a total panic attack - a pain started in the left side of my stomach and spread to my leg and back. I convinced myself I was having a blood clot/heart attack or something else totally unlikely obviously... I couldn't relax no matter what I or my husband tried. I ended up phoning the hospital who suggested it sounded like I had pulled a muscle perhaps in tensing during the IUI - which actually made sense. Anyway yesterday I came back to work and although my back still hurt, the rest had calmed down (including me!). Today I'm going to see my osteopath - which I hope is fine to do so close to IUI but he knows my situation. This weekend I'm sticking to the yoga but next week I might try a body pump again. I'm on the bike every day and feeling fine overall. In a week's time we are off to Ibiza which I can't wait for, I just need to get through one more week at work and try not to fuss over every ache and pain...

I'm also totally exhausted - does everyone else get this? I've cut out caffeine - not that I ever had that much - but that combined with the hormone injections, by 3pm I want to take a nap at my desk! :)
Thanks CRC!

I think the break will do me good to be honest. I have had 2 IUIs back to back with meds and have got myself in a total tizz both times about it. With regards to meds, I have had about 6 cycles of clomid without IUI and 2 with IUI. On the first cycle of clomid last year it worked but ended in a MC at 11 weeks. Although I ovulate on my own, I know clomid produces more follies which means I am in with a greater chance of getting I think I will take my final lot of clomid with the last IUI in July. As for planning something nice, we are going to NY tomorrow so I can't wait!!

Soooo pleased your IUI went well, sorry to hear about the pains you had though :(. I am sure you will feel better for continuing to cycle and doing some light weights at pump. I am still sore from the lunge track on Tuesday...ouch!! Enjoy your holiday to Ibiza...that sounds lovely!!

As for feeling exhausted.... I did, both times!! But think that it was due to me feeling so anxious about it. Have some nice early nights and think positive thoughts.

Take care xxxx
Kel - sorry to hear about the BFN - I also had a BFN this weekend so my "au natural" and relaxed month didn't even help us. Sending you a big virtual hug!

Another month of natural trying ahead of us .... I am vowing to spend June and July focusing on myself. Getting back in shape, running again and trying to loose some of the weight I have put on in the past year and a half during this TTC journey!

I am off to my first body pump class tomorrow in about a good 8 months ... I ought to be VERY sore tomorrow night!!!! Do you guys do any of the other Les Mills classes? I used to do a lot of Body Combat and I also do the RPM classes as one of my best friends is an RPM instructor - and she is actually doing the training to be a pump instructor too!
Hi Springy, so sorry to hear about your BFN. Sending you and Dizzikel both virtual hugs.

Its good you have a positive plan and everything you read says excersise can only help - releases good hormones to make you feel good and keeps you fit and strong. Body Pump is the only official Les Mills class I do. They have started a new Les Mills dance class at my gym - something called Sh'bam or something? Sorry I probably have that totally wrong! Anyway my dance co ordination is appalling so I won't be doing it but it looks fun. Good luck today with body pump - you might not be able to walk tomorrow, this happened to me when I hadn't done it in a while, but it makes you feel good! :)

I'm on day 4 post IUI and I did a yoga class yesterday - I drove myself crazy before I went in whether I should or shouldn't and I was secretly bummed that I'd stopped myself going to my regular Body Pump class. I enjoyed yoga but at the end I got chatting to a pregnant woman and told her my situation - she had been told not to do any yoga within the first 3 months at all... so that didn't help my anxiety! I've only got one week before our holiday and a lot to do at work plus MY BIRTHDAY on Tuesday so I'm actully thinking of just not going to the gym this week at all for my own sanity. I've been reading the Zita West book (not sure if you have heard of her) and she really recommends that if you've had any assisted fertility (and especially if you are over 35 which I am) you give yourself a break during the 2 weeks. She has an interesting point which is women are very bad at nurturing themselves - which is true, we are always rushing around, cleaning, going to the gym - doing all these things - and it doesn't hurt to just sit and relax and do breathing excersises or some light walking. There is of course no hard evidence in her methods so who knows - like everyone has said on this post its whatever feels right for you but I might try her advice.

I have really bad cramps at the moment - feels like period pains, and I still have the pain in my side that feels like a stitch. I'm also totally exhausted. Can't keep my eyes open.

Anyway virtual hugs and happy Sunday to everyone! Dizzikel hope you are having a fab time in New York and enjoying some cosmopolitan's and shopping! :) x
Crc my dr has said to just live life normally and if that means you go to the gym continue going. He said there is nothing out there which links exercise to lack of conception. He told me that if exercise would make me nervous to stick to yoga and I am taking a fertility yoga class and have been told to continue with it even in the two weeks. So I don't think you doing yoga will jinx anything. Don't stress about it that's worse for you than the yoga :)

Hang in there!

Kel - hope you're loving NYC! Definitely do some shopping - retail therapy always helps me :)
Thanks Springy you are totally right. Nothing can jinx it. Especially not something as healthy as yoga. I felt much more relaxed yesterday - I was just having a very bad day Saturday for some reason. I need to focus on my holiday now and stop fretting over every ache and pain and what I am/not doing! x
Hi girls, I feel totally awful today - I'm on day 6 post IUI - I feel like I have the worst PMS ever, like I'm going to cry or punch someone, awful cramps that feel like period cramps, my boobs are huge and really painful and I feel like a big fat lump!!! I'm definately going to the gym on Thursday - its a public holiday here so no work and a great body shape class I love there in the morning, I don't care how much I jump around! :) - that will be over a week after IUI.

Plus I'm having accupuncture on Wednesday, so I'm hoping with all the nice things I'm doing tomorrow for my birthday, then the accupuncture on Wed and then the gym Thursday by Saturday Ill be feeling in much better spirits and ready for my holiday. I can't go on holiday in this fat glum mood I'm in that's for sure!

I know that you are all on different stages to me now - but I've read this post from the beginning and it has helped me so much seeing all the different symptons you all went through at different stages. Its very reassuring so thank you! :)

I hope everyone is doing well. Its a lovely sunny day today here at least!

Where are you going on vacation? It is finally sunny here today too .... we have had the worst spring weather! I feel like I'm going to grow gills and webbed feet soon with all the rain we have had.

The acupuncture should help relax you this week. I go to the naturopath for the first time on Wednesday and one of the things I want to talk to her about is acupuncture.
Hi girls, sorry for the BFN dizzi! I know how you feel, BFN for me too this month. Starting round 3 of clomid tomorrow. Didn't do any real exercise for the last week as we were on vacation and look how well that worked...Oh well I think that this month will be all about moderation, maybe that will do the trick? I don't know, if only somebody could tell me the answer! At this point I will do anything!
Hey ladies! I went in Friday and had two polyps removed. Procedure was painful but was very quick and little/no pain after. We know for sure it was there for the 2nd and 3rd IUI but not sure about the 1st. I am hoping this was our issue. We are trying the old fashioned way this month. I should get a positive OPK today or tomorrow I would guess. Then back to IUI a couple of times if needed. Anniversary is today so maybe that is good luck? :)

How is everyone doing? Has the weather been holding up enough to be able to get outside?
Hi 31andtrying, happy anniversary and sending you some good luck vibes!! Hopefully this will be your lucky time. Make sure you have some champagne too - I've heard many story's of women conveiving after quite a few drinks, I guess it relaxes you. During the fertility treatment we are all so good about not drinking perhaps try another approach!

I'm doing good - this week I gave in and went to the gym (its week 2 of the 2WW for me) and I loved it. I did a body shape class on the morning of my birthday and another yesterday and felt so much better. I've made my hubby promise that if the treatment doesn't work this month then I'm not stopping my gym classes during the next 2WW as it really helps me. As does the accupuncture. Not sure how I can fit in my job with all of this though. How does everyone manage with their job and treatments etc?

Has anyone heard anything about pedicures during the 2ww or early on in pregnancy? I've read something about the massages with the points in your feet but I'm guessing its fine... I want one before our holiday tomorrow!

Hope everyone is doing ok. Have a lovely weekend in the sun wherever you are. x
I'm very lucky that the clinic I go to is literally a 2 min drive from my office so I schedule my u/s and bloodwork for around 7:15am and I am still in the office by 8am when most people aren't even here yet! The only issue is if I have to leave for the IUI in the mid morning. My boss knows of my situation, I felt I had no choice when I was constantly telling her I was going to Dr appointments etc. and requesting time off here and there and she is totally supportive. Just says "go do what you need to do" and never questions me. As for my other appointments, I try and schedule those after work hours so that I'm not missing anymore time.

I heard one person post about not having pedicures and honestly it is not something I would have thought of and I know a LOT of my friends had pedicures during the time they were trying to conceive and also during their pregnancy.

I honestly think society is taking way to many precautions with respect to ttc and pregnancy ... a friend told me not to eat cilantro ... seriously!?
Hi ladies!

I am back, had a fab time in NYC! Back to reality now!

Springy: Thanks for your thoughts, sorry it was a BFN for you too! Great idea to focus on yourself for a while. I also do body combat Les Mills class but have had a little break from it whilst I had IUI. Hope you were not too sore after pump!

CRC: So pleased that you have found this thread useful :) I sure find it very reassuring! Are you in your 1WW yet? Any symptoms?

Harvest: Hope you had a great vacation. So sorry about your BFN. I know it is so disappointing when you try to do everything right and you still get a negative. I hope it is 3rd time lucky for you hun.

31: Pleased your surgery went well hun! I really hope this does the trick and you get a BFP very soon. Happy Anniversary for last week!

As for me: DH is still out in the states as he is working but he is back on Friday. I am really missing him, I know it has only been a few days but we have not spent time apart for quite some time. I think what makes it worse is that we had such a great time in NYC together. As we are having to have a little break from TTC & IUI this month due to timings, it was nice to just relax and not have to think about appointments etc whilst I was away. It was just what we needed!! I am currently on CD14 so probably only a couple of weeks until I start my final round with clomid & IUI. I am going to get back into running & exercising more over the next 4 weeks which is quite a nice thought.

How is everyone doing?
Hi Everyone,
Glad to hear you had a fun trip too Dizzi! It is so nice to get away from it all and not think about things so much :)
31: hope you had a great anniversary!
I am day 9 today and going for my first scan tomorrow morning. I feel really different this month with the higher dose of clomid, Usually only 1 ovary feels twingy but this time it is both. Hopefully this means that I will finally get more that 1 egg.

This weekend was really nice here, we got out for a run and a hike. So nice to get out and enjoy the weather. So far this month I have been really good at sticking to a really healthy diert with no alcohol or caffeine, so hopefully I can stick to that for the rest of the month. I am holding out for good luck this month, and trying not to have anything to blame myself for :)

FX for everyone!
Hi Everyone,
Glad to hear you had a fun trip too Dizzi! It is so nice to get away from it all and not think about things so much :)
31: hope you had a great anniversary!
I am day 9 today and going for my first scan tomorrow morning. I feel really different this month with the higher dose of clomid, Usually only 1 ovary feels twingy but this time it is both. Hopefully this means that I will finally get more that 1 egg.

This weekend was really nice here, we got out for a run and a hike. So nice to get out and enjoy the weather. So far this month I have been really good at sticking to a really healthy diert with no alcohol or caffeine, so hopefully I can stick to that for the rest of the month. I am holding out for good luck this month, and trying not to have anything to blame myself for :)

FX for everyone!

Thanks Harvest!

You sound really positive which is great hun! :thumbup: Let us know how you get on with your scan tomorrow so I can at least obsesss over your cycle this month lol. Getting out the house and doing some exercise always makes me feel better, I am hoping to go for a run tomorrow if I feel less jet-lagged. You are very good giving up caffeine, not sure I would have the will power for that.

Take care and good luck xx
Hi Everyone,
Glad to hear you had a fun trip too Dizzi! It is so nice to get away from it all and not think about things so much :)
31: hope you had a great anniversary!
I am day 9 today and going for my first scan tomorrow morning. I feel really different this month with the higher dose of clomid, Usually only 1 ovary feels twingy but this time it is both. Hopefully this means that I will finally get more that 1 egg.

This weekend was really nice here, we got out for a run and a hike. So nice to get out and enjoy the weather. So far this month I have been really good at sticking to a really healthy diert with no alcohol or caffeine, so hopefully I can stick to that for the rest of the month. I am holding out for good luck this month, and trying not to have anything to blame myself for :)

FX for everyone!

Thanks Harvest!

You sound really positive which is great hun! :thumbup: Let us know how you get on with your scan tomorrow so I can at least obsesss over your cycle this month lol. Getting out the house and doing some exercise always makes me feel better, I am hoping to go for a run tomorrow if I feel less jet-lagged. You are very good giving up caffeine, not sure I would have the will power for that.

Take care and good luck xx

Thanks dizzi, I will keep you posted, it won't be too tough with the caffeine as I have pretty much been off it since we started TTC (2 years ago) it totally sucks as I love my coffee but I know that caffeine constricts blood flow which is not what you want when you are trying to get PG! I have definatley had some big slip ups on that one though :haha: Hope you have a good run and enjoy the break!
Hi Everyone,
Glad to hear you had a fun trip too Dizzi! It is so nice to get away from it all and not think about things so much :)
31: hope you had a great anniversary!
I am day 9 today and going for my first scan tomorrow morning. I feel really different this month with the higher dose of clomid, Usually only 1 ovary feels twingy but this time it is both. Hopefully this means that I will finally get more that 1 egg.

This weekend was really nice here, we got out for a run and a hike. So nice to get out and enjoy the weather. So far this month I have been really good at sticking to a really healthy diert with no alcohol or caffeine, so hopefully I can stick to that for the rest of the month. I am holding out for good luck this month, and trying not to have anything to blame myself for :)

FX for everyone!

Thanks Harvest!

You sound really positive which is great hun! :thumbup: Let us know how you get on with your scan tomorrow so I can at least obsesss over your cycle this month lol. Getting out the house and doing some exercise always makes me feel better, I am hoping to go for a run tomorrow if I feel less jet-lagged. You are very good giving up caffeine, not sure I would have the will power for that.

Take care and good luck xx

Thanks dizzi, I will keep you posted, it won't be too tough with the caffeine as I have pretty much been off it since we started TTC (2 years ago) it totally sucks as I love my coffee but I know that caffeine constricts blood flow which is not what you want when you are trying to get PG! I have definatley had some big slip ups on that one though :haha: Hope you have a good run and enjoy the break!

Arr great :winkwink: I am a total tea belly but might try cutting down before we do our final cycle of IUI. Stopping exercise is bad enough without giving up :coffee: too!

Are you doing anything nice today?
Hi Everyone,
Glad to hear you had a fun trip too Dizzi! It is so nice to get away from it all and not think about things so much :)
31: hope you had a great anniversary!
I am day 9 today and going for my first scan tomorrow morning. I feel really different this month with the higher dose of clomid, Usually only 1 ovary feels twingy but this time it is both. Hopefully this means that I will finally get more that 1 egg.

This weekend was really nice here, we got out for a run and a hike. So nice to get out and enjoy the weather. So far this month I have been really good at sticking to a really healthy diert with no alcohol or caffeine, so hopefully I can stick to that for the rest of the month. I am holding out for good luck this month, and trying not to have anything to blame myself for :)

FX for everyone!

Thanks Harvest!

You sound really positive which is great hun! :thumbup: Let us know how you get on with your scan tomorrow so I can at least obsesss over your cycle this month lol. Getting out the house and doing some exercise always makes me feel better, I am hoping to go for a run tomorrow if I feel less jet-lagged. You are very good giving up caffeine, not sure I would have the will power for that.

Take care and good luck xx

Thanks dizzi, I will keep you posted, it won't be too tough with the caffeine as I have pretty much been off it since we started TTC (2 years ago) it totally sucks as I love my coffee but I know that caffeine constricts blood flow which is not what you want when you are trying to get PG! I have definatley had some big slip ups on that one though :haha: Hope you have a good run and enjoy the break!

Arr great :winkwink: I am a total tea belly but might try cutting down before we do our final cycle of IUI. Stopping exercise is bad enough without giving up :coffee: too!

Are you doing anything nice today?

working today, looking forward to my scan tomorrow though, hoping for some good news (more than one follie i hope :)). I agree, cutting down is always tough, one day it will pay off for us, I hope. take care!
Sounds like you ladies both had great vacations - minus the BFN which always suck!

Harvest - I have all my fingers and toes crossed that you get more than one follicle this month!!!

We are another month au natural and I should "o" anytime between now and the end of the weekend. I'll be eagerly watching for the little happy faces on the OPK.

Kel - I did pump the other day for the first time in MONTHS and I could hardly walk for 4 days after. It was so painful and its very hard to motivate myself to get back to do it again when I think of the pain that I am in. If it makes you feel any better and more relaxed to try combat again, my best friend is a combat instructor and last year when she was trying to get pregnant she had given up and was waiting for her appointment at the fertility clinic that was to take place in April. So in the month of march she taught probably 4 days a week and was doing all the "high" options and when she went to the clinic in April she found out she was 6 weeks pregnant so combat surely didn't affect her.

What will your options be after the next round of clomid & IUI? I'm getting nervous thinking about the injectables I will have to take in August.
Thanks ladies but not the best news this morning, only one dominant follicle on the right side at 11mm. So wierd b/c I am having pains on the left where there is only a 6mm follie. Oh well, 1 is way better than none! Probably going to have the IUI sometime over the weekend.

FX for your 'au natural' month Springy, you never know. One of my friends just heard she was pregnant after 5 years of trying! They had sperm issues but ended up conceiving 'au natural', it can happen :)

I am guessing the next step for us will be IUI with injectibles if this round is a bust, but we'll see.

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