Clomid, IUI & Exercise

Sounds like you ladies both had great vacations - minus the BFN which always suck!

Harvest - I have all my fingers and toes crossed that you get more than one follicle this month!!!

We are another month au natural and I should "o" anytime between now and the end of the weekend. I'll be eagerly watching for the little happy faces on the OPK.

Kel - I did pump the other day for the first time in MONTHS and I could hardly walk for 4 days after. It was so painful and its very hard to motivate myself to get back to do it again when I think of the pain that I am in. If it makes you feel any better and more relaxed to try combat again, my best friend is a combat instructor and last year when she was trying to get pregnant she had given up and was waiting for her appointment at the fertility clinic that was to take place in April. So in the month of march she taught probably 4 days a week and was doing all the "high" options and when she went to the clinic in April she found out she was 6 weeks pregnant so combat surely didn't affect her.

What will your options be after the next round of clomid & IUI? I'm getting nervous thinking about the injectables I will have to take in August.

Hi Springy,

Fingers crossed for your smiley face this week! How fab would it be to get a nautral before the injections? Wishing you lots of luck!

Pump is soooo hard when you have had a break ... I find the lunges kill my legs & butt! I am not looking forward to doing it again on Thursday so I totally know where you are at. I find the results good though: thumbup: Thanks for your story about your friend; it sounds promising and proof that when you give up trying it happens! I will see how I feel on Thursday but might do combat before pump... I enjoy the fun factor of it all. I do think that I worry far too much about 'doing the right thing' exercise-wise and that if I could try to relax it would help. This is easier said than done though :wacko:

IVF will be next for me after my final cycle of IUI but I am not sure how quickly this will happen as I have not discussed the waiting list with the FS yet. We are fortunate that we get 3 funded IUI cycles and 1 IVF but it might mean that we have a bit of a wait for treatment. I feel that at 29 I still have time on my side so am not overly worried....would love to have it sooner but this might not be in my control. I am also very scared about having to inject myself :nope:

Have any of you heard of the book or video 'The Secret'? I get a daily teaching though e-mail and found the one I received last night great so thought I would share it:

From The Secret Daily Teachings
There is no past or future for the law of attraction, only the present, so stop referring to your life in the past as very difficult, or full of hardship and pain, or in any other negative way.

Remember that the law only operates in the present, so when you speak of your past life negatively the law is receiving your words and sending those things back to you NOW.

I read this and thought that for the past month I have been feeling sad because of the m/c last year. This got me thinking that I need to stop feeling negative and believing that I am going to get pg.

Harvest: Hope you got more that 1 follie today hun x
CRC: How are you doing?
You are very lucky that you have funding for IVF. In Canada the only way I can get any funding is if both my tubes were blocked. Then my Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) would pay for 3 cycles of IVF. Since I know at least one of my tubes is open, this will be double checked during my lap in July, I will not be funded at all. I do have a generous drug plan through work which covers the cost of fertility medications for 6 cycles in a life time. So DH and I have decided that 2 of those would be used for injectables with IUI and then we would use 4 of them for potential IVF cycles since the drugs for IVF here are $5000 a cycle!!!

I am turning 33 this year so I can't help but feel that time is running out for me, even though all of the doctors tell me I have time on my side, so Kel you DEFINITELY have time on your side being that you are only 29. I have my fingers crossed that you get your BFP during your last IUI in July and can avoid the emotional rollercoaster of IVF!!!

In keeping with your quotes, I found this one and have read it everyday lately and have to trust and believe in the words and know that one day DH and I will be parents ...

“Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good; that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding; and that there is always tomorrow.” – Dorothy Thompson
You are very lucky that you have funding for IVF. In Canada the only way I can get any funding is if both my tubes were blocked. Then my Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) would pay for 3 cycles of IVF. Since I know at least one of my tubes is open, this will be double checked during my lap in July, I will not be funded at all. I do have a generous drug plan through work which covers the cost of fertility medications for 6 cycles in a life time. So DH and I have decided that 2 of those would be used for injectables with IUI and then we would use 4 of them for potential IVF cycles since the drugs for IVF here are $5000 a cycle!!!

I am turning 33 this year so I can't help but feel that time is running out for me, even though all of the doctors tell me I have time on my side, so Kel you DEFINITELY have time on your side being that you are only 29. I have my fingers crossed that you get your BFP during your last IUI in July and can avoid the emotional rollercoaster of IVF!!!

In keeping with your quotes, I found this one and have read it everyday lately and have to trust and believe in the words and know that one day DH and I will be parents ...

“Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good; that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding; and that there is always tomorrow.” – Dorothy Thompson

I suppose having the medication paid for is something hun! I know that here in the UK the medication is the most expensive part of the treatment for IVF. It seems unfair that we don't all get a fair shot of having IVF....even in the UK the protcol for IVF is inconsistent across counties and in some places they have cut it all together. With our recent governent changes I know that I am lucky to have some of the treatment paid for so I really can't complain.

I would love to get a BFP on my last IUI, thanks for your positive vibes! I have made a little pledge to myself to try and be more positive about the outcome next month. Suprisingly, I am loving having a month off from the medication, appointments & treatment though. I didn't realise quite how terrible the clomid makes me feel ... it is nice to feel normal and not have the niggling thought at the back of my mind of when my next scan etc is. As for the age thing, I guess we just look at the statistics and worry. I have to remind myself that many women don't even begin TTC until they are in their mid to late 30s. I have a really good feeling for you hun, I hope you get your BFP real soon.

Love your quote :hugs: This TTC business is a rocky road and whilst it is very easy for some to get pg I know that when we become parents we will appreciate so much and realise just how special it is.

You are very lucky that you have funding for IVF. In Canada the only way I can get any funding is if both my tubes were blocked. Then my Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) would pay for 3 cycles of IVF. Since I know at least one of my tubes is open, this will be double checked during my lap in July, I will not be funded at all. I do have a generous drug plan through work which covers the cost of fertility medications for 6 cycles in a life time. So DH and I have decided that 2 of those would be used for injectables with IUI and then we would use 4 of them for potential IVF cycles since the drugs for IVF here are $5000 a cycle!!!

I am turning 33 this year so I can't help but feel that time is running out for me, even though all of the doctors tell me I have time on my side, so Kel you DEFINITELY have time on your side being that you are only 29. I have my fingers crossed that you get your BFP during your last IUI in July and can avoid the emotional rollercoaster of IVF!!!

In keeping with your quotes, I found this one and have read it everyday lately and have to trust and believe in the words and know that one day DH and I will be parents ...

“Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good; that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding; and that there is always tomorrow.” – Dorothy Thompson

hi springy, Im in ontario too! Im self employed and so will have to pay for IVF if we go that route. you mentioned the meds are $5000, do you know how much roughly the whole thing is? just so I can prepare myself! currently Im doing Clomid

And turning are YOUNG!!! Im 39 in october but I still feel I have time left. my nanna had my mum aged 40 in 1939, if she could do it back then I can do it. good luck :flower:
Whereabouts are you in Ontario? We're in Toronto. What clinic are you with?

I have done a lot of research and from what I can tell IVF is anywhere from 5500 to 7000 for the proceudres and then from what my Dr told me another 5000 in meds so you're looking at around 11 to 13 in total. A LOT when you consider that almost all of it is out of pocket for most women in Ontario.

Quebec is the only province which still funds it .... really wish Ontario would jump on board!!
Morning all!

How are we all doing? It has been pretty quiet on here lately!

I am currently on CD25 already so I should be starting my final cycle of IUI next week. AF should arrive next Tues so I will be back on clomid then IUI in a couple of weeks.

I'm still enjoying my month off and have been trying to get back into my exercise.

Kel x
Hello there! CD2 for me today. We tried on our own last month after the hysteroscopy but no such luck. I will have my day 11 US on the 26th. This will be round 4 for us. I am hoping that having the polyps removed does the trick. We are thinking 2 attempts at IUI now that the polyps have been removed and then look to other options. Me and my checkbook are hoping it doesn't come to that.

I have been running a couple of times per week but not as much as I should be. My husband is getting into it though which will help motivate me. :)
Hello there! CD2 for me today. We tried on our own last month after the hysteroscopy but no such luck. I will have my day 11 US on the 26th. This will be round 4 for us. I am hoping that having the polyps removed does the trick. We are thinking 2 attempts at IUI now that the polyps have been removed and then look to other options. Me and my checkbook are hoping it doesn't come to that.

I have been running a couple of times per week but not as much as I should be. My husband is getting into it though which will help motivate me. :)


Sorry you had no luck last cycle :growlmad:. Let's hope that with a bit of help from IUI it does the trick for you. I will have my fingers crossed x

Nice that DH has started running.... I am sure it will help to motivate you. I am trying to get a bit more in shape before my next lot of IUI, although, having given up all exercise for the last 2 cycles without any success I am thinking of carrying on with everything regardless.

After a crap week at work I am so pleased it is FRIDAY!! Enjoy everyone :hugs:
So nice to hear from you ladies again!!! Well this cycle is completely a bust for me .... its now CD 21 and NO happy face! Horrible cramps yesterday and today so who knows what that means. Trying to not let it get to me as I do have the surgery scheduled now for mid July.

I have been out running a bit more too which is nice and really focusing on me :) While I have enjoyed it, I am getting antsy that I haven't really done anything wrt ttc!!!! The naturopath put me on some herbs which I really have to admit I am VERY nervous of taking. I guess that's the scientist & western medicine side of me .... I just know how rigourously drugs are tested and the stringent conditions they require for manufacture where as natural products are not subjected to these same regulations. Just makes me question what it is I'm putting into my body and how it was made!

Oh - and she also wants me to totally cut out coffee .... that will be harder. I have switched to 1/2 regular 1/2 decaf for my daily cup of java and its not as hard as I was expecting it to be!!!!

Happy Friday ladies! Enjoy the weekend. Hopefully the weather holds up for all of us so that we can hit the pavement running ;)
Hi Ladies! 6 DPIUI for me today, this 2ww is driving me crazy! Oh well not much you can do about that. I've been keeping up with the normal 2ww gym routine, light weights, light cardio and biking to work. Hopefully that isn't too much but we will see.

Springy-when I was on herbs from the naturopath I ovulated way later than usual and my cycles were much longer. Which herbs are you on?
I was on vitex, black cohosh, maca, rhodiola and red clover for beginning of cycle and then vitex, wild yam, maca, black cohosh, and dong quai from ovulation until end of cycle. It tasted AWFUL!!!! Hope it works for you :) Can't believe it is almost time for your lap, time flies!
Hi Ladies! 6 DPIUI for me today, this 2ww is driving me crazy! Oh well not much you can do about that. I've been keeping up with the normal 2ww gym routine, light weights, light cardio and biking to work. Hopefully that isn't too much but we will see.

Springy-when I was on herbs from the naturopath I ovulated way later than usual and my cycles were much longer. Which herbs are you on?
I was on vitex, black cohosh, maca, rhodiola and red clover for beginning of cycle and then vitex, wild yam, maca, black cohosh, and dong quai from ovulation until end of cycle. It tasted AWFUL!!!! Hope it works for you :) Can't believe it is almost time for your lap, time flies!

Just for the record - I can't pronounce most of those and the ones I can sound nasty! :)

Harvest - Hope the rest of your TWW goes quickly.

Dizzi - good to see you are still hanging in there :) what # IUI will this be for you?

Springy - Only a few more weeks for the lap. that is crazy! Seemed like it was so far away.

Hubby and I signed up for a half marathon 8/20. It will be his first. I am hoping we will be around the same pace because it would be fantastic to finish it with him :) It will be my 32nd bday so maybe he will let me win by at least a few seconds!
Hey ladies!

AF arrived last Tuesday so I am onto my 3rd & final cycle of IUI next week! I am really looking forward to getting the final one done so I can gear myself up for the IVF process. Here's hoping it is 3rd time lucky though!! :D

I have joined the 'July IUI' thread, I see most of you ladies are on there. I may not be on here quite as much as before as I am going to try and relax but will update with my figures and any symptoms.

Hope you are all well xxxx
Seeing all you ladies posting is making me so antsy to get back into things! August seems SO far away and I feel like I have wasted 1/4 of the year!!!
Seeing all you ladies posting is making me so antsy to get back into things! August seems SO far away and I feel like I have wasted 1/4 of the year!!!

:hugs::kiss: I'm sorry you are feeling like this hun! August will be here before you know it!!
Hi ladies,

This thread started a year ago so I thought it would be nice to have an update of how everyone is doing. I can't believe I started my first IUI a year ago :wacko:

After 3 failed IUIs & 1 unsuccessful IVF attempt we are now waiting for the results of immunology results. Hoping to start IVF #2 in June/July. I'm really hopeful about getting some answers after 5yrs TTC.


Kel xx
Wow this thread is a blast from the past - literally .... it started April 13th 2011 and we're now approaching April 13th 2012!

Well a year has passed and I have done 4 failed IUI, 1 failed time intercourse cycle, had a lap, switched clinics and am now just about to start IVF.

So glad that a year ago I found this thread and all of the phenomenal women on here to help me through this emotional rollercoaster!!!!

Hello! Congratulations and good luck on saturday. Funny thing is I went for an ultrasound yesterday and I a dominant follicle that measures 14.9mm, we are going back tomorrow for another ultrasound. If it measures at least 18mm then we are going to have the trigger shot and have insemmination 36hrs after...

To answer your question. (I am a personal trainer) And yes you can workout when TTC and even when you are expecting. It is good for your mind body and spirit. The major thing to be aware of is over heating. You do not want to get your body temperature too hot, the baby will have a tough time with that. But for sure go ahead and keep working may want to life lighter weights and do more reps....

People that have never worked out and decide to start because they are preggers...that's the problem. Their body is not used to working out and they usually go to the gym and go hard. That shocks the body and can cause a miscarriage...but if your body is already used to working out then continue and enjoy yourself!

Feel free to ask me any questions. If I don't answer right away it is because this is only my second time on the website and I am still trying to get used to it.

All the best, Kristina
Dont get me wrong, people that have never worked out before and want to start....GO AHEAD! But please go easy and light to start...don't over do it right away.
Hi Kristina!

I think back at the time we all were on this thread initially we qew all way to afraid to exercise. When you struggle with infertility the last thing any of us wanted during the dreaded tww is do anything where you may look back and say "I shouldn't have done this ...."

However now that most of us on this thread have "graduated" to IVF you actually cannot work out once you start stimulating. You could go for a light walk and that's about it - your ovaries get so large that you risk twisting your ovaries and having severe complications. I was given specifi instructions from my re not to run, work out etc once I started my stimulation meds. For my other IUI and normal cycles I actually continued as normal and even played sports. As of Saturday though I won't be doing anything but watching sports
Yes I was giving recommendations with IUI in mind...

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