Hiya, Miranda! It is a crisp fall day here and staying dark much longer. I kind of like it.
Yep, I am an official bfn. No surprise. I have been feeling a little dark and grumpy so have been avoiding spreading my bleak outlook on everyone else. LOL! to top it all off, my cat is missing. this is the cat that we've had for 16 years and we think he may have passed away. He is an indoor cat so we have been searching every inch of our home. We have about 5500ft so he could be anywhere. UGHHHHHHHH! What a week. The other option is that maybe he got out when I had a cleaning crew here. I just don't know, but he seems to have disappeared...
Anyway, on to brighter things...Miranda, maybe you are preggers now!!! Wouldn't that be crazy?? Crossing my fingers for you!! I am totally going to try this month with opks even though it is most unlikely. Of course, I still haven't started AF. The progesterone injections really throw that off.
We are heading away for a long weekend at my in-laws this weekend. should be nice. They live on 40 wooded acres. All the trees have brightly turned and we will have a bonfire. I need to get away. Anyway, I will have no access to internet until Sunday when we return as they don't have wi-fi.
Girls, have a fantastic weekend!!!