Sorry, after one cycle and hours and hours of googling, I am a regular expert on ivf terminology!! LOL!! Stimming just means the period in which you are getting the injections that stimulate your ovaries to produce more eggs. So, here is what happened with me:
BCPs for several weeks to make sure no cyst lingers
4 days after BCP, start nightly stims (aka injections). You may use a variety of injectables based on what your doctor prescribes. Popular ones seem to be lupron, gonal f, repronex.
Generally, you will "stim" or take injections for 9-12 days. During that time, your FS will have you come in every few days for an ultrasound to monitor your follicles. What they want to see is at least 6 follicles (preferably 8 or more). They want to see that those follicles are growing every few days at a rate of 1-2mm per day. So, for example, on your first ultrasound, you'll have a bunch of follicles around 8mm. On your second, they should be 10-12mm and increase each ultrasound from there.
They will generally trigger ovulation when they see that several follicles have reached 18mm. You will then quit taking your stims and do a trigger shot. 36 hours after that is egg retrieval. 3-5 days after is egg transfer back to you depending on whether they do a 3 day or 5 day (ideal) transfer).
Shortly after your egg retrieval, they will have you start progesterone (shots or suppositories) and possibly and estradiol patch.
So, that's it in a nutshell.