Noele-- Lol you sound like me. I have all mine from testing out the trigger up until it was a definite positive. I have the tests from our MC too. I couldn't bring myself to throw them out.
Cntrygrl- Yeah when I actually get a real bfp there is no way I would be able to throw it away. Lol we wait for sooooo to get those stupid tests to show two REAL lines! It has a lot of sentimental value.
My camera didn't take a great picture because it looks kind of grey in this photo but it is actually purple. I will compare the tests side by side tomorrow Fingers crossed it starts to get darker soon!
Yay you're feeding my POAS (peeing on a stick) addiction. Even though I have a belly and feel him move all the time. I still can't believe I'm actually going to have a baby of my own in a few months.
Cntrygrl- I know I am so excited for you! Not too long now!!
Here is a picture from this mornings test and it doesn't look any lighter than yesterdays test. Actually it looks about the same. The bottom test is yesterdays and the top two are from this morning. I bought a ton of dollar store tests because these were my last two Wondfo cheapies. Gosh I am so praying they get darker in the next few days!!!
Thanks Cntrygrl for cheering me on yes on the instructions sheet it said to come back July 8th exactly 2 weeks after IUI for blood pregnancy test but they also emailed me instructions that said to take a hpt 2 weeks after iui and if positive come in for blood work and if negative then wait until 21 days after iui and if no AF then to come in for blood work. I will be too anxious and will be requesting a blood test 14dpiui
Hey ladies! My test this morning was lighter than yesterdays test... But I'm not totally losing hope yet because it is only 8dpiui. I will post a pic of the test. I didn't compare it with yesterdays test in the picture. Tomorrow I will compare all the tests.
Star-- I am doing pretty well. Trying to stay cool these last few days has been the hardest part. Very excited and nervous. We're going to start painting his room thsi weekend I think.
Good morning ladies! The trigger is almost out of my system! The top test is from 8dpt, the middle one is 9dpt, and the bottom one is from today which is 10dpt & 9dpiui. No signs or symptoms. I've been extremely cranky all week though!
Noele-- I found a picture of my tests the month I got my bfp... Here it is... 1/31 is 10dpt, But remember I originally had twins with a possible third, so if your tests don't start getting darker right away don't lose hope
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