Clomid round 3 anyone else?

ADR10- I know what you mean about the progesterone levels. I was a little bummed that mine was only at 16.2 last cycle but after reading a bunch of articles online I came to a conclusion that it really doesn't matter how high or low your levels are unless they are too low to confirm ovulation or too high suggesting that your hormones are out of wack. But definitely check Amazon for hpts. Even if they are a little more spendy it will still probably be cheaper than store bought.

Tundralife- I read the same thing online about the difference between taking Clomid days 3-7 or 5-9. Last 2 cycles I took days 5-9 so this cycle I decided to take it takes 3-7. My doctor didn't care either way. I will be checking for updates this weekend!!!! I'm sending you lots and lots of good vibes and babydust :-)

I should be ovulating any where from Saturday-Tuesday so I am going to start bd'ing tonight. But I'm trying to only bd a few times before ovulation (which won't be hard since mine and dh sex drive is way down after how much we bd last cycle lol) I'm thinking my plan for bd is tonight, twice over the weekend, then one day either Tuesday or Monday. Maybe that will help up my hubbys sperm count?? Who's knows lol I'm willing to give anything and everything a try a this point.
ADR10- I know what you mean about the progesterone levels. I was a little bummed that mine was only at 16.2 last cycle but after reading a bunch of articles online I came to a conclusion that it really doesn't matter how high or low your levels are unless they are too low to confirm ovulation or too high suggesting that your hormones are out of wack. But definitely check Amazon for hpts. Even if they are a little more spendy it will still probably be cheaper than store bought.

Tundralife- I read the same thing online about the difference between taking Clomid days 3-7 or 5-9. Last 2 cycles I took days 5-9 so this cycle I decided to take it takes 3-7. My doctor didn't care either way. I will be checking for updates this weekend!!!! I'm sending you lots and lots of good vibes and babydust :-)

I should be ovulating any where from Saturday-Tuesday so I am going to start bd'ing tonight. But I'm trying to only bd a few times before ovulation (which won't be hard since mine and dh sex drive is way down after how much we bd last cycle lol) I'm thinking my plan for bd is tonight, twice over the weekend, then one day either Tuesday or Monday. Maybe that will help up my hubbys sperm count?? Who's knows lol I'm willing to give anything and everything a try a this point.

Well, I'm about ready to snap my DH's neck LOL. I don't see why we can't get our sex drives in tune with each other. I mean when I tell him its near that time he panics and then we can't do it. When I don't even say anything about ANYTHING then we are Bd'ing at least every other day and sometimes EVERYDAy!! Why can't this be when I am nearing O??? Craziness, huh? I was laughing Noele- when I read that about you and your DH and the sex drive. Honestly, that's what I did my last cycle. I didn't tell DH that I was ovulating or anything. I kept it to myself and of course we BD preovulation for 4 days straight and then the day I got my first positive. FXD are still crossed I don't see AF!!

So question, I was reading another forum about clomid success stories

and saw where someone posted that they got a positive OPK for 4 days. that really confused me because I got one on 3/4 3/5 and 3/6 it finally went negative and then positive on 3/7. I only Bd'd on 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 this time and didn't have the chance after because of my trip. I could swear though I felt myself O'ing on 3/7 or 3/8 just because of the side pains I was feeling. what do you think about that? I wish it was already tomorrow or Friday so I could test :happydance::happydance::happydance:
CD20 today on round 4 of clomid... not sure whether I ovulated at all... my chart looks WAY different (and is up and down) compared to the past 3 months on clomid where I know for certain I ovulated. So frustrating! :(
Tundralife- The tricky thing about OPKs is that they do not accurately pinpoint or confirm ovulation! As far as having positive OPKs for 4 days in a row that just means you had a strong LH surge. It also does not mean that you ovulated on the last day of your positive opk or the day after. I've seen some women who confirm ovulation through with their temps and OPKs and I've seen women's charts that had multiple OPKs (let's just say 4 positive days in a row but their temps confirmed ovulation on the day of.the 3rd positive opk but the fourth was just left over surge that hadn't cleared up yet) It can all be so confusing.... I wish their was an easier way of pinpointing ovulation! But if I were you I wouldn't worry too much. Hahaha this might sound stupid but think about it... Think about all the virgin teenagers who get pregnant their very first time having sex! It cant be a coincidence that they all ovulated the very night they had sex for the first time. I think it has more to do with the fact that sperm can survive for 3-5 days (don't quote me). Sorry if that was a lame example given all of our situation but it makes sense to why I'm telling you not to worry. And yes about the sex drive I totally agree!! The week AFTER ovulation my dh wants it alllllll the time. Lol I don't understand it. Oh and about the ovulation pains look it up online of you get bored but I've read some articles where doctors say that is not an accurate symptom to use to detect ovulation because those O pains can happen before, during, or after ovulation. So the pains you felt could have been after ovulation pains. Anyways I am really praying for you girl and hope AF does not show. I would be going crazy right now if I were you. Of your not testing until this weekend than you have some strong will power. *Babydust*

Jillie- How long are your cycles and when do you normally ovulate? Maybe your just going to O late this cycle?!
Hey Noele- I am kind of sad a little today because I am actually feeling some mild AF like cramps. I haven't really been feeling any as I've said before and I usually do. I am supposed start today or yesterday according to how my cycles have been going. I am usually 29-31 days and today is day 31. I hope I don't start but I don't want to have cramps either if I am BFP!! It is hard not to test but since DH and I ride to work together and we eat lunch together and we drive home together I can't really sneak and buy a test. I sat at my desk yesterday and googled baby names. He just says if we don't ever have a kid he will be okay. I wish men understood just how upsetting it is for a woman who has problems getting pregnant. You know maybe it is because we stress ourselves out and maybe it isn't because of that. I just know that I feel that is part of being a woman to give birth. I really want to be pregnant this time. I want to have a baby with DH and he'd be an awesome dad!! I know we all want that on here and I really hope it happens to all of us ladies on this thread. I will let you all know if AF shows up or I end up testing. I just know if I get a BFN at this point then it's just a BFN. I am too close to AF that it wouldn't show up if i were.

Oh and I do agree with the Ovulation pain theory and what you read on line because I have already read that before too. I wish I only had a +OPK one day though lol. Wouldn't have been so much on mind if DH and I were able to bd again before I left but I did also read to add to what you said that it's better chances days leading up to O than actually the day of O because of time it takes for sperm to mature. Again, I tested positive first on 3/4 and did bd that day and 3 days in a row prior but never after that. So I'm a little worried that I didn't catch that sperm lol. Today I am experiencing really runny, creamy white CM. Weird.... We will tell soon enough!!!!!

Other than that, how are you ladies doing today?
CD20 today on round 4 of clomid... not sure whether I ovulated at all... my chart looks WAY different (and is up and down) compared to the past 3 months on clomid where I know for certain I ovulated. So frustrating! :(

Jillie- I wish I knew how to read your chart so I could help figure it out with you but I've never charted so I don't know how to read it or recognize what's going on. It's crazy how complicated this all is lol. Teenagers make this look so easy.
CD20 today on round 4 of clomid... not sure whether I ovulated at all... my chart looks WAY different (and is up and down) compared to the past 3 months on clomid where I know for certain I ovulated. So frustrating! :(


My charts are always up and down but I do ovulate. My doctor said its really hard for me to predict when im ovulating based on my temp. charts so now iv moved onto using ovulation tests at home. I used a digital this cycle and that helped narrow it down for me.
I am just worried because this months chart is NOTHING like my last 3 cycles where I definitely ovulated CD17 or 18 in them and I had the drip and rise straight after. There was a definite pattern. And my cycles have been 30-32 days when I ovulate.
Well, I said you ladies would be the first to know whether its a BFP or BFN and it's a BFN!! I couldn't stand it, I went on my way out to a meeting just a few ago and bought a cheap off brand HPT and it said BFN!! I've even let it sit here on my desk for a bit too and it's a no, no matter how I try to look at it. I can't even imagine a hint of a second line.
and i'm between 15 and 17DPO so I am pretty confident it would be a BFP if it was going to be. I should see the line by now. Guess I'm out this time ladies. Good luck everyone in their TWW
Hi, sorry to hear that tundralife but has af showed yet? could u ovulated later than u thought?
Im with u on thr anger about timing bd, my plans gone out the window, we couldnt do it yesterday coz I was asleep all morning after working the night and sorry for tmi I've been really sore down there,I think it's hormone related as I had it last cycle and there was no way I could manage it so I thought it's ok, we'll do this morning as we both have the day off - but nope! Dh was tired and not in the mood!! I was so angry I've stormed out to walk the dog and sat down the beach now getting blown away writing this!
I know it won't help getting angry it's just going to delay bd more so I'm going to have to go home now and pretend not to be angry though I'm seething inside!

How are u feeling tundralife? Everyone else ok I hope xxx
Tundralife- I'm so sad to hear that :-( but they always say your not out until AF officially shows up. Any sign of AF yet? Well you mentioned something about being referred to a Fertility Specialist in April... Is that going to be your next step or continue another round of Clomid? Well I'm sending you hugs and lots of support and babydust!! This is my fourth round and I am not expecting to be get a bfp either. I'm in my fertile week and will probably ovulate between tomorrow and Monday and dh is NOT in the mood to bd at all. It's been over a week. I tried Wednesday night and Thursday night but he was too tired... I'm going to get him drunk tonight or at least buzzed so I can take advantage of him and steal his swimmers ;-) lol is that bad? Grrr my plan of bd'ing only a few times before ovulation back fired in my face because now I'm close to not bd'ing at all before ovulation. Anyways, I hope your feeling better today and if AF does show just remember we are all here for you and you can vent away!!! Happy Friday and try to enjoy your weekend.

Star25- I know exactly how you feel! My plan went straight out the window too! Dh and I haven't bd'd in a week and I should be ovulating SOON. He has been too tired and not in the mood. Yikes everything about TTC can be soooooo frustrating! Anyways hope you have a good weekend.
Ladies thank you both for the vote of confidence but I am more than 100% sure AF will show this weekend. You know I decided to go to the tanning bed after work. I had DH take me on the way home. It was the only few minutes I knew I would have alone to sit and sulk. (because we ride to work together etc) Anyways, I didn't tell DH I took a test but he could tell something was wrong with me and kept pestering me for an answer. Ijust told him not being able to get pregnant is a very sensitive issue for me and it seems to not be as important to him and it makes me sad and angry at the same time because I'm doing this all for him!! He replied by saying I need to stop being crazy and obessing about it and that we can't make it happen. If it's going to it will when it's time and if not, then that's okay too and he will still be fine. I stormed up to the tanning bed and cried. Anyways, I decided not to take the clomid this cycle. I am going to take a break from that. I can't promise I won't ck my OPK's to see when that time is here. I just really want to know if I am ovulating and I think that would ease my mind some. I am making one more appt to ask my Dr for lab work or something to see before I decide when I want to take my last RX for clomid. Who knows, maybe I won't need it next cycle!!

I'm still going to check in on you ladies because I'm already obsessed with each of your stories and want the best outcome for you all. I am anxiously awaiting who will get the bFP first!! ;-) Thank you ladies for listening to me vent.

@ Star25--i completely understand about what you DH did and not wanting to BD. I seem to go through that every month we have been trying. When it comes down to that time and I have to let DH know that we need to BD he gets mad because I'm forcing him and then we don't. I was excited this cycle because I kept it all ot myself and things happened naturally. Just no BFP....

Hope your day gets better and maybe you and DH can bd later today. What cycle day are you on Star25? Noele--how are you this morning? Where are you at in your cycle day??
Noele---I just read your plot to get DH drunk LOL LOL LOL...if my hubby drank, I believe I would do that to but then I fear he would pass out and it wouldn't work! haha

I hope he Bd's with you soon and alot!!
Noele-- Lol @ taking advantage of DH.

Tundra-- I'm thinking about taking a break from Clomid as well. We'll see what the dr's plans are next week.

Star-- Sorry DH isn't in the same state of mind as you.

I can't say understand the not wanting to BD. My DH is like a mad man if we go a couple of days without BDing. I did have an ex though where it felt like I was pulling teeth with him just to have sex no TTC involved. Makes it that much harder on you ladies and stressful.
It is stressful! Oh and I'd like to add that AF did show this morning. Just went to potty and there she was!! Hate her! lol

anyways, I did also just call my base doctor to make an appt. I am going to beg him to refer me out some place. Even if I wasn't ttc, I need to address my endometriosis issues. It's been 14-15 years since I had my last laporscopic procedure to clean it out. I am in pain every month because of that. I am def skipping the clomid this month just because it gives me the pregnancy symptoms and I honestly think it is making my periods more painful or stronger or something. I hurt usually but the last 3 months on clomid have been pretty bad. Maybe its just not the medicine for me.
Just want to see what happens at my appt on Monday afternoon. And maybe DH is right, I should let it "just" happen but it's so darn hard.

Cntry girl- good luck next week at your appt. Can't wait to here what's next for you & Noele- hope you get to BD like crazy this weekend!!
Cntrygrl- my dh is normally the same, going mad after not having it for 2 days, typical this isn't the case when I need it!

Tundralife - we havent bd yet but will before this evening, I'll be making sure of that!

Noele - it's not bad to get him drunk, or a bit tipsy lol, if I done that though my dh would just fall asleep!

I'm on CD 15 and we have bd days 9,10,12,13 and soon to be 15 ,hoping this is enought

I'm not using opks as they would confuse me and with us working different shifts we can only do certain times anyway, it would just make me more crazy! Really hope af stays away, stick with us whatever u decide your next step will be, were behind u all the way tundralife! Xx
Tundra-- I would definitely talk to your dr. about the endometriosis. Maybe you could be prescribed Femara or a different medicine if you decide to keep trying that way. I'm thinking of maybe asking about metaformin along with the clomid. I would like them to do some blood tests though like FSH and such.

Star-- The OPK's can definitely be confusing especially if you get a + for multiple days.
Tundralife- Sorry about AF! I'm doing pretty good today just bummed about not bd'ing at all yet. I have lots of Ewcm today but negative OPKs so far. So I just know I will be ovulating this weekend... Praying my egg will stick around long enough for the swimmers to find it. And my dh performs well/better after he is a little tipsy so I am not worried about him passing out lol. This is crazy because I'm usually allows hoping to get a positive opk sooner than later and this time around I'm praying to get negatives for the next couple of days to buy me some time. Urgh. Oh and I am on CD 13. Last cycle I ovulated on CD 16 but that cycle I took the Clomid days 5-9. This cycle I took it days 3-7 so I am worried about ovulating a day or two early because my first Clomid cycle I took it days 3-7 and got a positive opk on CD 14. So I will just have to wait and see and try to get as much bd'ing in as possible this weekend. Well I hope you have a good weekend and keep us posted how your doctor appt goes on Monday.
To all you other ladies- Happy Friday and I hope you all have a good weekend!!

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