Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Good Morning Everyone :hugs:

Tundra-- You only use the preseed during your fertile period. You may also want to try softcups. They're normally used for AF, but are safe to use for TTC purposes also. Keeps the sperm in and close to the cervix. Hopefully you won't need it though FX'ed.

Star-- Good Luck to you on catching that egg :)

AFM-- 5dpo not much going on. I had a little bit of acid reflux but I think it's from the Ranch Hot Wing Doritos I ate. How was everyone's St. Patrick's Day?

cntrygrl- thank you for the information on the preseed and the softcups stuff. I have heard of the softcups but did not really know what they are used for. Those hot wings and doritos sure sound good LOL
They are really good. A little hot, but I put them on a tuna fish sandwich. Weird I know, but I like my tuna with chips or doritos on my sandwich.
They are really good. A little hot, but I put them on a tuna fish sandwich. Weird I know, but I like my tuna with chips or doritos on my sandwich.

well i'm from the south and we always put chips on our bologna sandwiches!! ;-)
Last night I had period type pains...obviously ovulation pain but it was a lot stronger than my usual ov pain.
Anyome else get this?
It wasy first round of clomid this month
123- I have not experienced that myself but have heard a lot of women on Clomid have experienced much stronger ovulation pains. Hopefully that's a good sign and means you have a strong ovulation :-) Good luck!

Good morning ladies! Hope everyone is doing well! I'm still getting hotflashes 3 days after my last pills. Anyone know how long the Clomid stays in your system after you take the last pill? Not that it matters I'm just curious.
I still get hotflashes on and off all the way up til AF arrives.
Oh wow. I didn't realize it stayed in our system so long. But seriously getting sick of these hotflashes! It's 3 degrees here in MN and I keep having to go outside in a t-shirt to cool off!
question in regards to the hot flashes. I don't think I have experienced the hot flashes but i have noticed the past two days maybe 3 that my right cheek is hot and when i look at it in the mirror my face on that side looks red. Kinda rosey looking. I can feel the heat from it. That's weird that it would be isolated. I'm sure it's not related to the clomid but I've never had that before. So I'm waiting on AF by tomorrow.

How are you beautiful ladies doing today??? Anything exciting going on? Cntrygrl- it's only 7:40 am here in Alaska so I just signed onto my work computer and saw our comments about the bologna sandwhiches and now I'm hungry already lol!! Damn it!! ;-)
Hi,I havent really had any hot flashes, I havent actually had any side effects apart from the odd headache, last cycle I had a bad lower back pretty much from about day 12/13 and I can feel it starting now, it stopped when I last got af so must be a hormone thing, I normally get it bad the first day of af not a whole 2 week's!

I didnt bd yesterday so my plans already gone wrong, I really wanted to do day 11 this time, just had a good feeling about it! So now I've done 9,10 and 12 so far,

I'm starting to feel now the Clomid isn't going to work and I just want to get the next 5 cycles out the way so I can move on to the next step, whatever that will be!

Good luck everyone in your cycles! X

I get extreme hot flashes especially at night. One night i even turned the fan on so that i could cool down. My DH was so cold lol but he suffered through it for me :)

So i went and got my day 21 blood test done and my progesterone levels came back as 57.7! YAY. hopefully this month it all finally works out!!!! Im sending out good vibes to everyone. We are all due for some good news.
question in regards to the hot flashes. I don't think I have experienced the hot flashes but i have noticed the past two days maybe 3 that my right cheek is hot and when i look at it in the mirror my face on that side looks red. Kinda rosey looking. I can feel the heat from it. That's weird that it would be isolated. I'm sure it's not related to the clomid but I've never had that before. So I'm waiting on AF by tomorrow.

How are you beautiful ladies doing today??? Anything exciting going on? Cntrygrl- it's only 7:40 am here in Alaska so I just signed onto my work computer and saw our comments about the bologna sandwhiches and now I'm hungry already lol!! Damn it!! ;-)

Lol lately I'm hungry almost as soon as I wake up!
Ooh thats exciting adr, feeling positive for u! X
Hi,I havent really had any hot flashes, I havent actually had any side effects apart from the odd headache, last cycle I had a bad lower back pretty much from about day 12/13 and I can feel it starting now, it stopped when I last got af so must be a hormone thing, I normally get it bad the first day of af not a whole 2 week's!

I didnt bd yesterday so my plans already gone wrong, I really wanted to do day 11 this time, just had a good feeling about it! So now I've done 9,10 and 12 so far,

I'm starting to feel now the Clomid isn't going to work and I just want to get the next 5 cycles out the way so I can move on to the next step, whatever that will be!

Good luck everyone in your cycles! X

Star25- Don't get down hun. I think the clomid affects everyone differently and some the exact same. I don't get hot flashes and sweat like some of the ladies but my pains and the feelings of O and AF are stronger than EVER before. I'm sure the clomid is working. I am sending :hugs: your way that this will be your month!!! If you haven't O'd yet I think the BD'ing you have done so far is sufficient. When do you normally O? My doctor told me to BD every other day until I get a positive. I feel bad because we did it 3 days in a row and then the day I got an O but then not after that because I had to go on vacation and DH didn't get to come with. I am due AF by Wednesday or Thurs of this week. Not feeling the strong cramping I usually have both on clomid and off of it. I am wanting to be hopeful about this but haven't tested yet. Decided not to waste money until I'm actually late!! :happydance::happydance: Well, you have a good day & chin up hunny!!
Hi,I havent really had any hot flashes, I havent actually had any side effects apart from the odd headache, last cycle I had a bad lower back pretty much from about day 12/13 and I can feel it starting now, it stopped when I last got af so must be a hormone thing, I normally get it bad the first day of af not a whole 2 week's!

I didnt bd yesterday so my plans already gone wrong, I really wanted to do day 11 this time, just had a good feeling about it! So now I've done 9,10 and 12 so far,

I'm starting to feel now the Clomid isn't going to work and I just want to get the next 5 cycles out the way so I can move on to the next step, whatever that will be!

Good luck everyone in your cycles! X

Star25- Don't get down hun. I think the clomid affects everyone differently and some the exact same. I don't get hot flashes and sweat like some of the ladies but my pains and the feelings of O and AF are stronger than EVER before. I'm sure the clomid is working. I am sending :hugs: your way that this will be your month!!! If you haven't O'd yet I think the BD'ing you have done so far is sufficient. When do you normally O? My doctor told me to BD every other day until I get a positive. I feel bad because we did it 3 days in a row and then the day I got an O but then not after that because I had to go on vacation and DH didn't get to come with. I am due AF by Wednesday or Thurs of this week. Not feeling the strong cramping I usually have both on clomid and off of it. I am wanting to be hopeful about this but haven't tested yet. Decided not to waste money until I'm actually late!! :happydance::happydance: Well, you have a good day & chin up hunny!!

Tundralife - Oh im crossing my fingers for you!!!! The TWW feels so long!!! Im not even a week in and i want to test... but i keep reminding myself on how much money i wasted last month. Im going to try to not test until the end of the two weeks... today is only day 5 after ovulation. I wish the tests were cheaper... i dont even know why they are so expensive.

Anyone have any good recommandations for at home pregnancy tests?!?!?!
Hi, thank you for your kind words tundralife, I think I'll feel better when I'm in the 2ww,last Clomid cycle I think I ovulated day 14 but before Clomid I dont know as my cycles were normally 50 days!
I think your doing really well not testing, I hate testing ,too scary! Its sounding really promising for u this month!

Adr -sorry I cant help with the tests as I never test! Never thought why they are so expensive, so irritating!

It would be so good if we all got our bfps around the same time, u girls are so supportive and deserve it so much xx
ADR-- I've actually been happy with the cheap dollar store brand. I don't like First Response they have a line in them that can look like a faint positive. Clear blue digital is a good one also, but wouldn't use those til you think you see a positive as they're more pricey. I have stopped testing til I'm actually late since I started the Clomid. So I haven't tested in a couple of months.

Tundra-- FXed for you! When will you be testing so I know to check over the weekend?

Star-- I am so sorry. I read a book recently "infertility sucks" and it helped some. There's also a book "every drunk cheerleader why not me" I want to pick that one up as well. I would also talk to the dr. about a higher dosage. I'm not sure why they would've started you so low if you were rarely ovulating. I've had to stay on top of my dr. I know we feel like we're nagging them, but this is important to us. My dr. hurt herself in a skiing accident so I get to see a new dr. the end of this month. Should be interesting.
Tundralife- I am not sure about the rosey cheek thing... But I am praying that AF stays away for you!! Keep us updated whether the witch shows or not.

Star25- I wouldn't worry about missing day 11. If you ovulate on or around cd 14 again than the important days would be 12,13,& 14. What OPKs are you using this cycle?

ADR10- Yay on the progesterone levels being so high :-) I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you. What day is AF due for you? Also, about your question on home pregnancy tests... I would recommend ordering from the internet. I just ordered the Wondfo pregnancy test strips (50 count) for 13$ on Amazon. I know that sounds crazy but I've developed an addiction to test early since starting Clomid... The whole 1 1/2 years TTC prior to Clomid I never tested until I was late but I think since I have my hopes higher on Clomid I have become obsessed during the TWW and like to test early. So during the first 3 rounds of Clomid I spent around 60$ on home pregnancy tests and was really upset with myself for wasting money like that. That's why I ordered from Amazon because it was so cheap and now I won't feel guilty for testing early because each testing strip was only like .30 cents. Plus I've read a lot of women use them and swear they are just as good as store bought.
Tundralife- I am not sure about the rosey cheek thing... But I am praying that AF stays away for you!! Keep us updated whether the witch shows or not.

Star25- I wouldn't worry about missing day 11. If you ovulate on or around cd 14 again than the important days would be 12,13,& 14. What OPKs are you using this cycle?

ADR10- Yay on the progesterone levels being so high :-) I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you. What day is AF due for you? Also, about your question on home pregnancy tests... I would recommend ordering from the internet. I just ordered the Wondfo pregnancy test strips (50 count) for 13$ on Amazon. I know that sounds crazy but I've developed an addiction to test early since starting Clomid... The whole 1 1/2 years TTC prior to Clomid I never tested until I was late but I think since I have my hopes higher on Clomid I have become obsessed during the TWW and like to test early. So during the first 3 rounds of Clomid I spent around 60$ on home pregnancy tests and was really upset with myself for wasting money like that. That's why I ordered from Amazon because it was so cheap and now I won't feel guilty for testing early because each testing strip was only like .30 cents. Plus I've read a lot of women use them and swear they are just as good as store bought.


Noele - I did the same thing! i spent so much money on home pregnancy tests. I could have definetly used that money in other places! I will definetly check that out on Amazon. I think it might be a little bit more expensive for me because I live in Canada.

I hate getting too excited about my progesterone level because if i dont get pregnant again i become so sad. im trying really hard not to think about it and just relax and hopefully my body will take care of the rest :thumbup:
hey ladies---I won't test until Fri night or maybe Saturday. I'm feeling crampy off and on. I am not sure if my cycle will change this time because I did something a little different. My dr prescribed me clomid @ 100 mg for CD5-9 I took that 2 months like that and then started reading that CD3-7 is supposed to produce "more" follies. I don't really know because it seems the controversy is still out there but supposedly CD5-9 produces mature eggs and 3-7 produces more period. So on my 3rd round that i took Feb 20th it was the 3rd day of my cycle instead of taking it 5-9 like i had the past 2 cycles. This one seems to be the less painful for me. I felt ovulation or what I thought would be ovulation and was confirmed by the +OPK but I haven't had the severe mood swings or severe menstral like cramps. The last 2 cycles it started immediately around O and didn't stop until AF arrived. I'm not saying I'm not going to start AF but it's more mild this time and that makes me happier. I have one more RX left for Clomid and not sure if I will take it if this cycle isn't it for us. May just try natural and see if I can get that referal to see a dr off base. We shall see. You ladies will be the first to know if it's a BFN or a BFP!!

Oh and I agree with the obsessive thing about testing etc. I have been communicating with someone I went to high school with who has 2 older children and now at 39 1/2 she is pregnant again! She said she tried for 4 years since having her tubal reversal and finally she is pregnant. She didn't take clomid but did seek the helpf of a fertility clinic. I am anxious to see what she tried etc and I will pass the news along to you ladies of course!

Hope everyone is having a great day. I am excited for those in the TWW or those approaching.

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