Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Jillie- Yay for the smiley face opk :-) I get really excited when I see that smiley face too!! Good luck and hope you dtd a bunch!

Star25- Welcome! I hope you scan goes well!

Prayerful- Wishing you the best of luck and hope you get your bfp on the 26th :-)

Tundralife2- I switched to days 5-9 because my doctor was unreachable until cd 4 both times when I called to get another prescription. I'm in the process of switching doctors because I don't think mine is a good fit for me. Also, I use Clearblue digital OPKs and I just started bbt temping but I'm still trying to figure it out. My temps look like they are all over the place so I'm not sure if that will be helpful!

Afm, I am on CD 10 and finished my round of Clomid. I experienced the hotflashes and since CD 7 through today and I have more CM than I can ever remember having (tmi sorry) somedays its creamy/lotion-like and somedays its slippery/Ewcm... This makes me extremely happy because last two cycles on Clomid I was dried up and figured it was because of the Clomid. Hoping to get a positive opk with in the next few days :-)

How is everyone else doing today?

Noell0002 I hope that you get your positive OPK then your BFP!!!! AF showed today so no preggers for me this month. I guess I am glad that at least I did finally start but this time it's very painful and extreme cramping. I know in just a few days all will be fine too. I have noticed more cervical mucous as well and am hoping once I start my 3rd round in a few days that it won't dry me up this time. I will try the OPK's that you are using. I was using the first response ones that my doc recommended but I have trouble reading them and I dont know about anyone else but seemed like I was getting a couple of positives throughout my cycle. That's weird. Has anyone else EVER experienced that with clomid? Anyways, keeping my fxd for all on this thread!!! Good luck everyone!!
Hi star25 thanks for your reply. It feels like one loooong waiting game!

I was monitored at 50mg.. no reaction. Upped to 100mg and they said it had worked so sent me off with enough clomid for 3 more cycles and this is my last. They said I have to go back if no BFP this month. I'm CD 18 (still getting to grips with all the lingo so thing that's cycle day?:) But I have PCOS, 31-35 cycles and OV late so it's all this week for me.

Good you are not get the flushes. Have you had any other side effects? What CD are you on? Finger crossed for you!
Just noticed all my typo's will have to read before I post next time! LOL
My typings normally terrible,especially when on my phone!
I'm on day 13 today, my cycles without Clomid are between 35 and 75 days apart but normally 50, be so strange to hopefully have a short cycle! I'm getting some ovulation pains but not really any other side effects unless constipation is one?!

Talking about the dryness ladies it really helps to drink lots of water, the day I want to bd I drink loads andit really helps my cm!
Tundralife2- Sry to hear AF showed! But good luck for this next cycle of Clomid! I've got my FX'd for you :-) Also, I love the Clearblue digital OPKs before then I don't have to read any lines because I have a hard time reading them too. As far as the multiple positive OPKs go... I did experience that my first round of Clomid. I got a smiley face on CD 14 then another smiley face on CD 19. Everything I've read on the internet suggested that my body geared up to ovulate but did not release the egg and then tried again on CD 19. Everything I read also suggested that you should go off of the second positive opk because your body would not send another LH surge if you had already ovulated. Sorry if that was confusing to you. I tried my best to explain. What CD's did you get positive OPKs?

Star25- I do plan on drinking a ton more water this week. I was thinking about trying the mucinex thing to help thin out cm... Anyone else try this? Did it work?
Tundralife2- Sry to hear AF showed! But good luck for this next cycle of Clomid! I've got my FX'd for you :-) Also, I love the Clearblue digital OPKs before then I don't have to read any lines because I have a hard time reading them too. As far as the multiple positive OPKs go... I did experience that my first round of Clomid. I got a smiley face on CD 14 then another smiley face on CD 19. Everything I've read on the internet suggested that my body geared up to ovulate but did not release the egg and then tried again on CD 19. Everything I read also suggested that you should go off of the second positive opk because your body would not send another LH surge if you had already ovulated. Sorry if that was confusing to you. I tried my best to explain. What CD's did you get positive OPKs?

Star25- I do plan on drinking a ton more water this week. I was thinking about trying the mucinex thing to help thin out cm... Anyone else try this? Did it work?

Noelle0002---thank you for your reply and concern! All of us seem to experiece somewhat the same things. I first noticed postive opk on cd13 and then again around cd19 maybe cd20. I really don't know when I ovulate. I just know that I do have monthly cycles, they are generally between 29-30 maybe 31 days between each cycle and I can feel my ovaries working working working. I just don't get preggers. I know I have endometriosis because I've had a lap done and they confirmed it. I am going to take my 100 mg of clomid tonight on cycle day 3-7 instead of the 5-9. This cycle though I experienced really bad pains in my ovaries almost cramping like right after finishing my last clomid pill. I can tell it's doing something for sure!! I will start testing next week and will post my OPK's on here so everyone can see. I may just get over it and buy the CB digital ones if that' easier to read. Just wont buy them why hubby is around LOL

I really hope this cycle is it for all of us! These mood swings from the clomid are making me crazy!!! :cry:
Hi, I havent tried anything apartment from drinking more water for cm, I'm too scared to take anything with the Clomid in case it affects it, I know I'm being stupid but I'm a worrier!
I'm on cycle day 16 now, my fs on monday ( day 13) that I should ovulate in a day or 2 so I'm assuming I have now, feeling some ovary twinges and sore boob twinges but otherwise not alot!
How is everyone else? Xx
i dont take clomid but i plan to asks my doctor for it . i have irregular cycles from 29-35 days . & dont know if ive been ovulating i get the pains & stuff . this cycle id didnt get a positive and when i did it was a faint one so idk if i missed it or what i wasnt really caring to much loll but imma test soon to see if im pregnant or not im sure im not since me and my SO been ttc for 8/9mnts with NO LUCK . but hoping clomid is a good fit for me . im thinking about taking the HCG shots too .
Tundralife2- I wish you the best of luck this cycle :-) Keep us posted.

Cutler101- Welcome :-) Your doctor will run a bunch of tests before prescribing you Clomid and since you've been TTC for 8/9 months then I would say it is probably a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor. Good luck and I hope you see your BFP before you even have to make that appointment!

Afm, I am on CD 14 today (took Clomid 50mg days 5-9) Just waiting to get a smiley face on my cb digital opk! I'm guessing I will ovulate sometime this weekend. I am so HAPPY because today I have LOTS of EWCM this is the first time since I started Clomid the past 3 cycles. I guess Clomid didn't dry me up this cycle so maybe that is a great sign :-) who knows though lol we will see!!

I hope all of you ladies are hanging in there :-) Keep us all posted with your cycles and as always good luck and babydust!!!
Tundralife2- I wish you the best of luck this cycle :-) Keep us posted.

Cutler101- Welcome :-) Your doctor will run a bunch of tests before prescribing you Clomid and since you've been TTC for 8/9 months then I would say it is probably a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor. Good luck and I hope you see your BFP before you even have to make that appointment!

Afm, I am on CD 14 today (took Clomid 50mg days 5-9) Just waiting to get a smiley face on my cb digital opk! I'm guessing I will ovulate sometime this weekend. I am so HAPPY because today I have LOTS of EWCM this is the first time since I started Clomid the past 3 cycles. I guess Clomid didn't dry me up this cycle so maybe that is a great sign :-) who knows though lol we will see!!

I hope all of you ladies are hanging in there :-) Keep us all posted with your cycles and as always good luck and babydust!!!

So jealous of you that you are this close to ovulation but I love to live vicariously through others so I am excited as well lol. I am only on CD5 today. Started clomid on Wednesday and after my stupid self double ck'd the mg's on the RX bottle it was only 50mg and not 100mg that my doctor said he put me on! I was like OH NO!! So, I took anyways bc I am not due to go back to the Dr until next Wednesday. I will ask for an increase for my next cycle if this doesn't happen for us this month. You need to get busy this weekend when you get your +OPK. So when do you BD? I mean when you get a positive then when after that? And lastly, what time do you do your OPK testing?
hi all, on CD17 today, had quite a bit of white cm on day 15 and today (might of had it yesterday but didnt notice as spent most of day sleeping after night shift)

I hope I ovulated, FS after scan on CD13 that I should ovulate in the next day or 2, I don't use OPK's so I just hope I did! will know next thurs after geting progesterone blood results.
Todat had 2 really sharp pains in left ovary area. Don't think this was ovulation though as I had this the week before I started the clomid, it lasted for 2/3 days and was on and off but the sharpest pain I have ever felt in my life, it would be so sudden it would make me jump, one evening my husband even jumped coz I did so much! was going to see DR but then it stopped, im assuming this was a cyst so I'm wondering if this is what I have or could be the small follicle I had on my left ovary dying off??

God I hope we all get BFPS this cycle! xx
hi all, on CD17 today, had quite a bit of white cm on day 15 and today (might of had it yesterday but didnt notice as spent most of day sleeping after night shift)

I hope I ovulated, FS after scan on CD13 that I should ovulate in the next day or 2, I don't use OPK's so I just hope I did! will know next thurs after geting progesterone blood results.
Todat had 2 really sharp pains in left ovary area. Don't think this was ovulation though as I had this the week before I started the clomid, it lasted for 2/3 days and was on and off but the sharpest pain I have ever felt in my life, it would be so sudden it would make me jump, one evening my husband even jumped coz I did so much! was going to see DR but then it stopped, im assuming this was a cyst so I'm wondering if this is what I have or could be the small follicle I had on my left ovary dying off??

God I hope we all get BFPS this cycle! xx

Star25- I have experienced that same exact thing before and I did go to my dr and he said it was a cyst. They confirmed it with a US and then i went back a few days later to have another US/Scan to make sure it was going away. He said that the pain is usually when it ruptures. I am always confused with what point in your cycle cysts appear. I think though that they can happen anytime. I'm not sure.I hope you did O though. Maybe if this doesn't happen this time you can get some OPK's and ck. It takes the guess work out of it. I test 2 times per day. :thumbup: I have learned reading through these forums and from other ladies that once you are about to ovulate the surge happens and it goes away after ovulation. I have learned that I can have a +OPK in my morning OPK test and then negative in the afternoon and that's because I've already released by eggie!! Lots and lots of baby dust to us all!!

Yay! I got a positive OPK this morning :-) Today is CD 16. Wish me luck with catching the egg!

Tundralife2- That's weird about your doctor ordering the wrong mg. My doctor kind of did the same thing... She told me that first month I would take 50mg then if that didn't work we would try 100mg the second month. And now I'm on my 3rd cycle of Clomid and still at 50mg. If it doesn't work this month than I am going to bag my doctor to up the dosage. Also to answer your questions... I start using OPKs on CD 10 in the afternoon/evenings then on CD 14 I start using OPKs twice a day until I get a positive and I keep using them until I start to get negatives (once in the morning with second morning urine then again in the evening). We usually BD 2 times between CD 4-8 then start bd'ing every other day from CD 8 for a 12 day stretch or until we get a positive opk then we bd the first day we get the positive and the next two following days as well. So we pretty much follow the sperm meets egg plan. But I feel like we've tried everything... There has been cycles where we switched it up and tried bd'ing every day and we still didn't get a BFN or there has been times we tried to limit the amount of times we bd'd in hopes of building up good sperm count. And this cycle we are going to bd twice a day when we get positive opk (which was today) so we bd'd this morning and will bd again tonight then also bd again tomorrow morning and tomorrow night just to try and catch that damn egg!! Lol sorry that was a lot of info...

I hope we all get our BFP's this cycle!!
Star25- I really hope you don't have a cyst!! Looks like we will be in our two week wait together :-) I am on CD 16 today and also think its Oday tonight or tomorrow :-)

I'm really really really hoping we all get our deserved BFPs this cycle
Yay! I got a positive OPK this morning :-) Today is CD 16. Wish me luck with catching the egg!

Tundralife2- That's weird about your doctor ordering the wrong mg. My doctor kind of did the same thing... She told me that first month I would take 50mg then if that didn't work we would try 100mg the second month. And now I'm on my 3rd cycle of Clomid and still at 50mg. If it doesn't work this month than I am going to bag my doctor to up the dosage. Also to answer your questions... I start using OPKs on CD 10 in the afternoon/evenings then on CD 14 I start using OPKs twice a day until I get a positive and I keep using them until I start to get negatives (once in the morning with second morning urine then again in the evening). We usually BD 2 times between CD 4-8 then start bd'ing every other day from CD 8 for a 12 day stretch or until we get a positive opk then we bd the first day we get the positive and the next two following days as well. So we pretty much follow the sperm meets egg plan. But I feel like we've tried everything... There has been cycles where we switched it up and tried bd'ing every day and we still didn't get a BFN or there has been times we tried to limit the amount of times we bd'd in hopes of building up good sperm count. And this cycle we are going to bd twice a day when we get positive opk (which was today) so we bd'd this morning and will bd again tonight then also bd again tomorrow morning and tomorrow night just to try and catch that damn egg!! Lol sorry that was a lot of info...

I hope we all get our BFP's this cycle!!

Noele0002---My fx'd are crossed for you!! Yay, exciting you are in you TWW. I am so jealous. I will be there soon enough. I had to break down and buy some cbd opk's today and hubby was there. He didn't say anything. I just said if we are going to have a baby, then we gotta do this. Still not telling him when I'm o'ing because he can't seem to get into it when he thinks we HAVE to do it!! I know, I say you are not a typical man LOL. I feel sorry for him but it's what we have to do. I am feeling positive this will be our month!! I just wish I knew for sure if I really do O with this clomid. I haven't had any monitoring but I do have a DR appt very soon and I will ask about when we can be sent to a RE. I am thinking they are going to want to test DH semen count but I don't know how that will go over with him. :nope:

Well, keep posted if you test!!!

Noele - YAY on your positive opk! sending you tons and tons of luck in catching the egg, this better had be our month!

Im pretty sure im 6dpo today and its killing me! Im really trying not to SS but not doing very well, yesterday felt like I was having v v mild period pain and this morning lower back ache and more white cm, I just have to keep reminding myself these are signs of hormones, its too early to be S spotting!

the pain is very rare now but felt like a cyst im glad it was on the left as FS said I would ovulate from the right so dont want anything interfering with that

Tundralife - I know what you mean about not telling DH its tine, I didn't want to for the same reasons but I bhad to plan it as we both work different shifts everyday and its hard to fit it in! Glad to hear you're feeling positive, i'm feeling more positive now than what I was a week ago, I hope you do get some monitoring, it helped me feel better as last year I had 3 unmointored cycles but didn't ovulate so wasn't on the right dose, good idea to talk to your dr about it. Are you on CD8 today?

Well im at my doctors office looking into clomid . Kind of sad a little cause i didnt think i would ever be looking into something like this to get pregnant since i got pregnant naturally twice . Kind of sucks a little .
Tundralife- I know how you feel about dh and not telling him when ovulation is. I go back and forth every month on my tactics lol one month I will.just seduce him the old fashioned way around ovulation and the next month I will tell him that we are bd'ing because I am ovulating and I don't want to hear no if's, and's, or but's about it! ;-) Also, I would just call your doctor and ask if you can go in for your 21 day progesterone test to confirm ovulation. It's a lab-only appointment and just a blood test and I'm almost positive your doctor would say yes. I've never had it done but will be getting it done this Friday for the first time on CD 21. I had to call and ask my doctor if we could do it and she said yes. I'm so curious to see what my levels will be at. I'm nervous though... Last night I had a dream that I got my progesterone results back and they were 0.00 and I was so sad. Obviously just a cruel dream but I am keeping my fingers crossed for good levels. Seriously just call your doctor and ask... Anyways good luck to you :-) I'm curious what cycle day you are on as well?!

Star25- I'm super glad you are feeling more positive about it now!! I have my fingers crossed for all of us and hopefully we all see BFPS this cycle. When is AF due for you? Will you be testing early or waiting? I'm sending you lots and lots of babydust!!!
Cutler101- Good luck at your doctors appointment and let us know how it goes!
What kind of health insurance do you ladies have that covers your fertility/infertility ?? My insurance didn't cover it beside the blood work so im thinking about changing insurances but don't know any good ones .

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